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※ 本文為 lovefordidi.bbs 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-26 19:18:45
看板 Gossiping
作者 medusan ( )
標題 Re: [爆卦] 穿雨衣的馬英九
時間 Fri Oct 26 19:01:01 2012

※ 引述《lockchan (給我一分鐘的快樂吧)》之銘言:
: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elventw/3265833559/in/photostream/


以下是wiki的圖片 和 說明:

Zentai (from the Japanese ゼンタイ) is a term for skin-tight garments that
cover the entire body.[1] The word is a portmanteau of zenshin taitsu (全身タ
イツ) ("full-body tights"). Zentai is most commonly made using nylon/spandex
blends, but other materials such as cotton and wool are used as
well.[citation needed]

There are several variations based on the Zentai suit including mummy bag
(similar to a sleepsack) and hybrid suits consisting of either a single leg
and arms, or separate legs and no arms.[citation needed]

Contents [hide]
1 Mainstream use
2 See also
3 Notes
4 Further reading
5 External links

[edit] Mainstream useSome companies have tried to create mainstream brands of
the suits, by dropping the traditional name; in particular, examples include
RootSuit or Superfan Suit in the United States and Bodysocks[2] or Morphsuits
in the United Kingdom and Jyhmiskin in Finland. The latter brand, in
particular, has achieved relative commercial success internationally. Between
January and late-October 2010, the company shipped 10,000 alone to Canada.[3]
Morphsuits brand has actively tried to disassociate themselves from the
existing zentai community, occasionally being listed as the product's
co-inventor.[4] Superfan Suits acknowledges that the outfits have existed
previously in interviews.[5] Their term has become somewhat generic in the
process; one New Zealand-based newspaper refers to competing brand, Jaskins,
as a "one of the main online morphsuit brands." Jaskins company founder Josh
Gaskin says their origins are unclear, pegging the first usage with It's
Always Sunny in Philadelphia.[6]

This mainstream push has made them relatively common apparel at major
sporting events, and created internationally recognized personalities out of
The Green Men, two fans of the Vancouver Canucks NHL team.[7] Some sports
leagues, such as Major League Baseball, ban the use of the costume hoods.[8]
Various professional street dance/hip hop dance groups use the outfits, such
as The Body Poets in the United States,[5][9] and Remix Monkeys in the United

Other applications of the bodysuits have included music videos (Black Eyed
Peas' song "Boom Boom Pow", including the live performance at the Super
Bowl), breast cancer awareness,[11][12] fashion modeling on an episode of
America's Next Top Model, social anxiety workshops,[13] a participant in
public art project "One & Other",[14] and social experiments.[15] A British
theme park offered free admission for those in zentai in the colours of their
park logo.[16]


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◆ From:
sxoao:所以是這樣用啊1F 10/26 19:01
siban:阿鬼~~你還是說中文吧2F 10/26 19:02
pipiball:原來馬這樣穿才是對的3F 10/26 19:03
srwu:推文就有了,你還... 尊重人家的性娛樂,好嗎4F 10/26 19:03
shadow0326:第一個字母打錯了吧 應該是b5F 10/26 19:03
tonyselina:就窒息式性愛阿6F 10/26 19:03
Janius:我看是一種bentai吧7F 10/26 19:03
lawrence99:bBq的最愛 帥翻惹8F 10/26 19:03
jgfu:逢馬必反9F 10/26 19:04
hu6111:準備要跟洨刁大戰嗎?10F 10/26 19:05
Terrill:一定是常常玩這套...所以穿雨衣時很順手地這樣穿了....11F 10/26 19:06
otld:小刀可能已經去美國了 馬囧有點想念12F 10/26 19:07
halusai:小刀: >//////////< 我也要玩13F 10/26 19:07
lostom:轉wiki也能一篇?14F 10/26 19:11
tonyselina:噓的兩個剛好是PTT各版發政治新聞的ID,很像黨工15F 10/26 19:15

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