※ 本文為 kent8071.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-26 23:13:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 駁冷血殺人 鄉民:國際特赦組織霸凌台灣
時間 Mon Dec 24 22:16:55 2012
Thanks for your advice for government of Taiwan execution death penalty,I
come from Taiwan. Indeed more than 80% of the public support for the death
penalty in Taiwan,but have you ever think about why cause this?
Because a large amount of news about homicides in Taiwan even the social
order almost more than half of the Taiwan's newspaper,had the daily news
reported almost a large number of homicides in Western nations such as BBC or
CNN ? If Taiwan do not execution the death penalty,how can stability Taiwanese
?Although natural human rights,however, when the murderer deprive other
people's lives
and show no remorse,why nation can't deprive their of human rights?
Compared with other countries whose execution the death penalty,Taiwan
considered more humanely such injecting anesthetic to the condemned criminal
before executing by shooting.
Some states in the U.S.use the electric chair electrocution those condemned
criminal and others using toxic drugs ,why not your condemn such nation
because of their aircraft carrier?And when the executed by hanging such as
Japan, you also have no dare condemned because of your need the product in
Japan?In fact
of the Chinese Communist Party,you afraid for condemning their execution of
death penalty because of their powerful arms and the development fleet?
If your claimed the human rights based on benefit and force,then it only been
the excuse that human rights to interfere of Taiwan's internal affairs.From
the killings event by Norway,even nearly of 40% population from European
Union countries calling for restoration of the death penalty.Recent shootings
event in the U.S. caught the world by surprise,U.S fearful of abolish the
death penalty,so I that the public security in Taiwan much corrupted so why
we must abolishing death penalty ,for Taiwan haven't
nuclear weapons and the aircraft carrier?
As far as I know, in some countries of the European Union were forced to
participate in the abolition of the death penalty rather than voluntary, so
the abolition of the death penalty is not the mainstream of the world. I have
curious if the abolition of the death penalty not an really international
trend, why Amnesty International and the European Union repeatedly
intervention Taiwan executed and not dare to intervention of the United
States and Japan?
People have rights from avoidance murderer killing and causing fear in which
the value of existing for death penalty. Many reports in the Chinese website
that these countries people requirement restoration of the death penalty ,
since the Norway killings event.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi had been said, when force equal
to the two countries,the Foreign Affairs is powerful, but when the two force
be great disparity,the force is a diplomatic means. In my views, you think
Taiwan easy bullying so braving in condemn?
We sincerely hope that you will understand the current situation of public
order, rather than take the excuse of human rights to intimidate the
Taiwanese government rather than just listen the wrong information by the
Taiwan's abolition of the death penalty alliances.Thank you.
The European Union and Amnesty International condemned Taiwan's Government
Ministry of Justice executing by shooting condemned criminals,many Taiwanese
protest against these organizations to interfere in Taiwan's internal
affairs.The Taiwanese disgusted with the abolition of the death penalty
alliance (ADPA)for the following factors:
1.Forced the families of the victims to forgiveness criminals:
the Taiwanese ADPA often purposely created a public opinion and using an
excuse by resorting to morality threatening and pressured the victims (or
their relatives) forgave the perpetrators , otherwise they would criticized
severely for victims's intolerance and uncharitable. In fact, reject to
forgive the perpetrators does not mean reject to accept the concept of the
abolition of the death penalty.But ADPA forced the families of the victims to
forgive the perpetrators increased the resistance of the abolition of the
death penalty.
The conception that unconditionally to forgive perpetrators were also out of
tune with the Taiwanese culture, especially by the relatives of the victims
appeared personally to replace the victim forgiving the perpetrators (for
example, the parents who forgave the teacher and the relatives abuse child
induce loss the children's rights ).And victims's kind-hearted made the
reduce perpetrators's punishments but causing more victims in the future
situation (especially significantly for rapist ).
2.Serious imbalance for ratio of concerned about both sides :
when ADPA implementation their ideas often usually over-emphasized the human
right of abuser and perpetrators but intentionally ignored the human rights
of the victims . While enforced to forgive perpetrators but denounced some
objector ,even aced legal lawsuits. Thus let the Taiwan social negative
feeling that support ADPA's ideas simply to protect the villains and
devastated kind people.
3.Outdated For example:
ADPA often illustrated a few decades ago to imply the possibility of
miscarriage of justice, but deliberately ignore the fact that advancement for
criminal investigation mechanism . Today those facing the death penalty
judgement process and proof of offenses were much smaller than in the past
At the same time, ADPA also deliberately ignored or demoted those unfavorable
change the attitude for the abolition of the death penalty by some countries
that abolished the death penalty in recent years or really abolition of the
death penalty (such Turkey, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, the
Philippines and other countries abolished the death penalty or really
abolition of the death penalty, the public opinion on the majority support
they need restoration of the death penalty).
4.Refused to suggest concrete the practicable alternative act:
if ADPA were willing to suggest the alternative of imprisonment for life
without parole and turn it into law, may can reduction of social resentment
and get the support of the death penalty whose support, and not only let the
judges could according the laws to isolating criminals without using of the
death penalty but also reducing resistance to abolition of the death penalty.
But ADEA actually require abolition for life imprisonment without parole, it
result improbable reason and trigger a wide intensive resentment in Taiwan.
5.Often by using foreign pressure requirements to abolition of the death
ADPA often polemical at basis of European countries 、International Universal
Declaration of Human Rights、or UN resolutions and other foreign documents in
order to turn the screws and condemned Taiwan's government ,but ignored
divergence cultural and social divide with Taiwan and the whole East Asia
even with European countries . The European countries fueled abolition of the
death penalty by historical, religious factors but also spent nearly a
century of time to gradually abolition of death penalty (especially act until
the end of the twentieth century of France ) .
It shows the abolition of the death penalty can't to achieved overnight and
arbitrarily implementation. By using of foreign forces may easy to arouse
nationalist to against and raise doubts and difficult questions for
discussion to ADPA and induce resentment that "interference in Taiwan's
internal affairs"
有文法錯誤還請見諒 懶的再翻回中文了 抱歉!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :I'M FINE.1F 12/24 22:17
→ :嗯嗯 看不懂2F 12/24 22:17
推 :頭推3F 12/24 22:17
噓 :幫那些英文差的鄉民噓你4F 12/24 22:17
推 :End...5F 12/24 22:17
推 :推6F 12/24 22:18
→ :This is a book.7F 12/24 22:18
推 :........為什麼要翻譯? 大家都112又是多益850UP8F 12/24 22:18
推 :看來推文一堆說多益900分都是吹的9F 12/24 22:18
推 :快推!不然人家以為我們看不懂10F 12/24 22:19
推 :看不懂啦11F 12/24 22:19
推 :原po很用心阿, 推文在酸個屁阿~~12F 12/24 22:20
推 :13F 12/24 22:20
推 :ADPA?14F 12/24 22:21
推 :你的文化 形態錯蠻多的15F 12/24 22:21
→ :法
→ :法
推 :快推!!部然別人會以為我看不懂17F 12/24 22:21
推 :18F 12/24 22:21
推 :19F 12/24 22:22
噓 :我在某外國討論區用台式英語講話 老外都罵我WTF爛英文?20F 12/24 22:23
推 :第1句 用兩個for不太好21F 12/24 22:23
推 :看下去感覺像是用翻譯機拼湊出來的文章22F 12/24 22:23
推 :寫中文去就好了 幹嘛配合洋人??23F 12/24 22:23
→ :你常常參與英文的討論區就知道 老外一看就知道你英文是本地24F 12/24 22:24
推 :Need more work on grammar25F 12/24 22:24
→ :看不懂中文逆? 喔 那我也聽不懂洋人在抗議三小26F 12/24 22:24
→ :人寫的還是外國人學得爛英文.....中間差距不小27F 12/24 22:24
indeed用法详解 ...
indeed用法详解 ...
→ :寫那麼多槓麻 就FXCK YOU 國際特赦組織 kiss my xss就夠了29F 12/24 22:24
推 :有點台式英文...30F 12/24 22:24
推 :第一句就很怪了 用兩個for 你以為在寫迴圈喔31F 12/24 22:25
→ :英文可以再念好一點 推你有勇氣32F 12/24 22:26
推 :死刑 我記得是capital punishment33F 12/24 22:26
→ :快推!!不然別人以為我們看不懂34F 12/24 22:27
→ :死刑是death penalty . capital punishment"似乎"是斬首35F 12/24 22:27
推 :看得懂就好 寫篇文章還要查文法也太累了吧36F 12/24 22:28
推 :鼓勵! 不過原PO你的語法和詞法都有待加強37F 12/24 22:28
推 :你是不是先用中文寫好再丟翻譯機或是google翻譯?38F 12/24 22:28
推 :爽39F 12/24 22:28
推 :capital punishment是斬首沒錯 第一句兩個for也對40F 12/24 22:28
→ :只看了第一段 發現好多錯誤41F 12/24 22:28
推 :都寫這麼簡單了 看不懂的鄉民 高中英文肯定很爛42F 12/24 22:28
→ :寫英文文章要用英文句子思考 你這樣太...43F 12/24 22:29
→ :不過其他的 錯不少 但相信他們會腦補44F 12/24 22:29
推 :支持!我們政府沒種 硬不起來 還好台灣還有你!!!!!!45F 12/24 22:29
※ 編輯: Yoshikia 來自: (12/24 22:40)推 :舉個例子:execution是名詞 怎麼能用在這里?46F 12/24 22:30
噓 :名詞動詞之類的至少分一下好嗎?看了差點吐血...47F 12/24 22:31
推 :指考0分 大概看得懂80%48F 12/24 22:31
→ :同意樓上,看得我好累49F 12/24 22:31
→ :我說同意chinagogoya
→ :我說同意chinagogoya
推 :bobobola英文這麼好 希望您能幫我們台灣人補一篇上CNN51F 12/24 22:32
→ :很不錯 不過若強調他們自己不贊成台灣入會入聯更好52F 12/24 22:32
推 :你英檢聯考寫作拿幾分...53F 12/24 22:32
→ :解釋這麼多幹嘛,寫"去你媽的人權團體"就好了54F 12/24 22:32
噓 :紅的明顯 請那些看得吐血的回文修改 不要只在那嘴砲無敵55F 12/24 22:32
推 :快推不然人家說我看不懂英文56F 12/24 22:32
→ :How are you?57F 12/24 22:33
噓 :我怎麼覺得這等級的英文只有台灣人或中國人看得懂?58F 12/24 22:33
→ :我自認英文寫作退步太多 所以投稿根本想都沒想過59F 12/24 22:33
推 :感覺是翻譯軟體翻的...60F 12/24 22:35
推 :這篇英文寫的很差,我推bobo大,不過我太久沒寫了61F 12/24 22:35
→ :就把這個機會讓給你們去寫吧
→ :就把這個機會讓給你們去寫吧
推 :推原po的古道熱腸 不用理會酸民63F 12/24 22:35
→ :嚴重懷疑你是邊用翻譯機邊寫的64F 12/24 22:35
推 :好險奇摩首頁新聞剛看完...否則還真沒一段看得懂的="=65F 12/24 22:36
推 :have you ever thought才對吧...66F 12/24 22:36
推 :看的懂就好了,又不是在寫文學鉅作67F 12/24 22:36
推 :人家有勇氣寫已經不錯了 不然你發一篇去看看68F 12/24 22:36
→ :你英文不錯 可以讓一堆鄉民自以為是地噹文法69F 12/24 22:36
→ :唯一的敗筆是你不是白人 不然你寫什麼都是神
→ :唯一的敗筆是你不是白人 不然你寫什麼都是神
→ :if 後面配how 老外大概會吐血71F 12/24 22:37
推 :覺得不好的 幫忙修改 一 下72F 12/24 22:37
推 :taiwan does not execute 助動詞後面接動詞73F 12/24 22:38
推 :噓的人自己寫一篇"更好的" You can do it! Thanks!!74F 12/24 22:40
推 :應該有人在改了75F 12/24 22:42
→ :說酸民的根本就沒看內文吧76F 12/24 22:43
噓 :我以為看完一篇文章才評論是最基本的 有多少人看完本篇77F 12/24 22:43
→ :一堆XX看到台灣人寫英文就要噹人文法 媽的文法標準78F 12/24 22:44
→ :一點都不潮 老外根本懶的鳥你 乾燥斃了
→ :一點都不潮 老外根本懶的鳥你 乾燥斃了
噓 :噓樓上,我沒批評文法,我批評句型...80F 12/24 22:44
噓 :寫篇文章也要被你們挑文法,幹81F 12/24 22:45
推 :不快推別人會以為我看不懂82F 12/24 22:45
→ :只是透露出中學時英文文法錯誤被老師打手心的悲慘過去83F 12/24 22:45
→ :而已
→ :而已
推 :85F 12/24 22:46
推 :我相信你會讓媒體注意到這個觀點86F 12/24 22:49
推 :嫌人家英文不好的自己請寫一篇去投 寫不出沒立場批評人87F 12/24 22:50
→ :未看先猜有一堆人挑文法錯誤88F 12/24 22:51
→ :這就像人家做善事分便當給遊民 旁邊看的人卻嫌菜爛89F 12/24 22:52
推 :推90F 12/24 22:53
推 :推!!91F 12/24 22:53
→ :卻沒想到自己甚麼都沒貢獻 只出隻嘴批評92F 12/24 22:53
→ :久了善心人士還會想提供便當嗎? 希望批評的人自己想一下
→ :久了善心人士還會想提供便當嗎? 希望批評的人自己想一下
→ :加油...不要被一些只會在這裡嘴砲的打擊94F 12/24 22:53
推 :推這篇
推 :推這篇
推 :推一個 比馬央丸勇於表達你的理念96F 12/24 22:57
推 :推97F 12/24 22:57
推 :98F 12/24 22:59
推 :幹嘛翻譯 我多益100分好不好99F 12/24 23:02
推 :多益滿分990 你100? (拍拍)100F 12/24 23:03
推 :我以為有勇氣願意做這樣的事比文法跟句型重要101F 12/24 23:03
推 :老外看得懂就好~本國人最愛挑毛病惹102F 12/24 23:04
推 :敢寫就比那些龜蛋好多了103F 12/24 23:05
推 :噓的人聯絡簿給媽媽簽了沒?104F 12/24 23:07
推 :廢死不可105F 12/24 23:08
推 :推!!!!!好文不推嗎?106F 12/24 23:09
推 :推107F 12/24 23:09
推 :總之就是 fuck you 外國人108F 12/24 23:10
推 :台灣人要怎麼跟她ㄧ樣去抗議109F 12/24 23:10
推 :推110F 12/24 23:11
→ :太長了 可以當周刊的社論了 報紙還沒資格放這種英文篇幅111F 12/24 23:13
推 :推~~~112F 12/24 23:14
推 :台灣人最愛挑文法阿 = = 這麼會挑的人自己來寫一篇阿113F 12/24 23:16
推 :我支持廢死的幹嘛寫114F 12/24 23:18
推 :看不懂英文 但是中文翻譯講的很好阿115F 12/24 23:19
噓 :別人有在關心的事情被寫成沒在關心 誰想理無知的賣弄呢116F 12/24 23:20
→ :真的是取暖取給自己爽 丟臉丟的好開心 好歹作點功課啊
→ :真的是取暖取給自己爽 丟臉丟的好開心 好歹作點功課啊
→ :看來這篇釣出很多英文白吃 在怎麼不挑文法也不能這樣寫= =118F 12/24 23:24
推 :老外溝通都不注重文法了,語言是工具,不是專業119F 12/24 23:24
→ :你會笑老外中文文法不對嗎?
→ :你會笑老外中文文法不對嗎?
推 :你要達成你的目的是刊登的話 連本國人都看不下去何況外國121F 12/24 23:25
→ :的雜誌 就算要登還要修修砍砍句子
→ :溝通是一回事 寫作是一回事 寫作就要講求嚴謹了
→ :的雜誌 就算要登還要修修砍砍句子
→ :溝通是一回事 寫作是一回事 寫作就要講求嚴謹了
推 :好強大! 送你一個推124F 12/24 23:27
推 :文法對不對沒關係,我想他們會自己拼湊出意思的…125F 12/24 23:27
推 :文法錯又怎樣 又不是在考作文 外國人母語他們自己會腦補126F 12/24 23:32
推 :推!!好利害~你應該多投稿國外媒體,尤其是歐洲國家~!!127F 12/24 23:37
推 :修辭滿多地方有錯,不過老外應該看得懂,再來就是論理的邏輯128F 12/24 23:39
推 :讚!!!!129F 12/24 23:39
推 :一堆鍵盤英文老師130F 12/24 23:40
推 :利害厲害 但我剛一直看英文 XD131F 12/24 23:45
推 :推!132F 12/24 23:45
推 :推一下 有翻譯早點說嘛(誤133F 12/24 23:45
推 :讚!134F 12/24 23:46
推 :推原PO 台灣人就是內鬥在行 原PO有寫總比龜著好135F 12/24 23:47
→ :望請鍵盤英文老師寫一篇來瞧瞧? 人家有實踐的勇氣 你有?
→ :望請鍵盤英文老師寫一篇來瞧瞧? 人家有實踐的勇氣 你有?
推 :137F 12/24 23:48
→ :難怪歪國會說台灣英文很爛 真的是其來有自這些推文不意外138F 12/24 23:49
推 :噓的寫一篇來笑笑阿139F 12/24 23:49
推 :推行動140F 12/24 23:50
推 :加油~別理那些嘴砲鄉民141F 12/24 23:51
推 :英文好的酸酸寫一篇文詞華美的來看看阿142F 12/24 23:53
推 :先推再說... 上報導就猛了!!!143F 12/24 23:56
推 :推144F 12/25 00:00
推 :大家英文都好強!又只能在那嘴砲有何意義,推原PO145F 12/25 00:04
噓 :光看標點符號就很不舒服了 有的全形有的半形是怎樣146F 12/25 00:06
推 :補推 還有標點後面要空一格不是常識嗎
推 :補推 還有標點後面要空一格不是常識嗎
推 :推148F 12/25 00:08
推 :推149F 12/25 00:09
推 :有些人為什麼一直執著小事 就跟在意有沒有禮貌是差不多的!150F 12/25 00:11
推 : 有些地方不道地的用法 但洋人應該很奈廝 不會介意151F 12/25 00:15
推 :推用心!152F 12/25 00:18
推 :153F 12/25 00:19
噓 :我不酸英文,有的空格在標點符號前面,有點空格後面154F 12/25 00:30
→ :光是這個錯誤就夠扯的...
→ :光是這個錯誤就夠扯的...
推 :好多人只在抓錯誤 卻不知道這篇的內容是什麼156F 12/25 00:42
→ :還笑呵呵的說哈哈哈你寫文章好遜
→ :還笑呵呵的說哈哈哈你寫文章好遜
推 :i am fine..158F 12/25 00:46
噓 :酸民寫不出又怪說別人寫不好ㄎㄎ159F 12/25 00:53
推 :推160F 12/25 00:56
推 :不懂為什麼要寫英文給BBC,寫中文他們自己翻不是很好嗎?161F 12/25 00:59
→ :英文是國際語言不是用在這種地方...搞清楚狀況
→ :英文是國際語言不是用在這種地方...搞清楚狀況
→ :很多人根本看不懂英文 就酸鄉民只挑文法毛病163F 12/25 01:05
推 :要是寫中文沒照文法句型早就被鞭死了164F 12/25 01:11
→ :文法這種會讓看到老外瘋掉 滿厲害的BBC看懂165F 12/25 01:20
推 :先推!166F 12/25 01:20
→ :這樣有人在這裡發文用中文這種這裡 鞭死一定167F 12/25 01:22
推 :推 ~ 其實可以中文英文都寄去吧 而且不要硬翻168F 12/25 01:23
推 :推推~~169F 12/25 01:29
推 :推!!170F 12/25 01:31
推 :掉到好多鍵盤英文高手囉 顆顆171F 12/25 01:35
推 :中文目前正強勢 人家絕對有人能看中文 英文其實寫一行就好172F 12/25 01:46
→ :寫個什麼我從台灣人的角度很嚴肅地表達真實意見...(以下中文)
→ :寫個什麼我從台灣人的角度很嚴肅地表達真實意見...(以下中文)
推 :推174F 12/25 01:56
推 :先推!!!!有空再看...XD175F 12/25 01:57
推 :推176F 12/25 02:02
推 :寫得不錯 (汗..177F 12/25 02:24
推 :那中文也寄好了178F 12/25 03:19
推 :推爆啊179F 12/25 03:25
推 :再推
推 :再推
推 :推181F 12/25 04:51
推 :寫得很不錯啊182F 12/25 07:03
→ :這文法又不是說看不懂.bbc怎麼可能看不懂lol
→ :又不是在寫論文什麼的.寫這樣就很清楚明白了好嗎
→ :這文法又不是說看不懂.bbc怎麼可能看不懂lol
→ :又不是在寫論文什麼的.寫這樣就很清楚明白了好嗎
推 :推!!!!!!!!!!!!185F 12/25 07:16
推 :以他們的臉皮來看 被無視的機率蠻大的~186F 12/25 07:23
→ :GJ.187F 12/25 07:53
推 :幫推,別理那些毫無建樹,只會嘴炮的酸民188F 12/25 08:04
推 :推189F 12/25 08:29
推 :勇氣勝過嘴炮......大推190F 12/25 08:37
推 :台灣超多英文小老師191F 12/25 08:51
噓 :人家根本不會在意的 看看美國死刑 歐盟那些組織敢說甚麼嗎?192F 12/25 09:04
→ :想要不被人霸凌 就要富國強兵 可惜台灣人 視野太小了
→ :想要不被人霸凌 就要富國強兵 可惜台灣人 視野太小了
推 :194F 12/25 09:13
推 :This is a pen.195F 12/25 09:26
推 :為什麼要酸他的英文? 板上有誰真的實際行動去抗議了?196F 12/25 09:32
推 :一堆嘴砲的不幫忙改還在那邊該ZZZ197F 12/25 09:38
推 :po這就錯了 百分百會被酸民酸文法 科科198F 12/25 09:42
→ :台灣人英文就是自己講不出來 但理論文法一流
→ :台灣人英文就是自己講不出來 但理論文法一流
推 :Goooooooooooooooooooooooood Job200F 12/25 09:51
推 :推!!!201F 12/25 09:54
推 :為什麼要一直強調文法?有毛病嗎?看得懂可以溝通就好了202F 12/25 09:55
推 :推感謝你願意花時間 不過看噓的就知道臺灣人悲哀的地方203F 12/25 10:19
推 :噓的人是怎樣?多益900以上是吧?204F 12/25 10:27
推 :幫推205F 12/25 11:00
推 :優文 值得M起來大家參考206F 12/25 11:10
→ :說鄉民酸他文法的真的有把原文看完嗎 看到英文就下跪了207F 12/25 12:22
噓 :英文很爛208F 12/25 12:41
→ :kop看到英文就下跪是因為你英文更爛吧?
→ :kop看到英文就下跪是因為你英文更爛吧?
推 :錯誤雖然多 但是肯幫我們發聲給推 總比在螢幕後面玩210F 12/25 13:12
→ :改錯 建立團體霸凌自我取暖的人好多了
→ :改錯 建立團體霸凌自我取暖的人好多了
推 :推212F 12/25 13:19
推 :推213F 12/25 13:22
推 :推214F 12/25 13:24
推 : 上面噓的自己寫一篇啊,只敢噓 學學原PO身體力行好嗎?215F 12/25 13:36
推 :辛苦你了,感謝你的努力216F 12/25 14:28
推 :推你有勇氣發表自己的想法 遠遠勝過那些只會靠邀的嘴砲人217F 12/25 14:48
推 :大推218F 12/25 15:27
推 :我沒有850up可是我有820 我覺得原po很強很有心 閉嘴吧酸酸219F 12/25 16:02
推 :推一個~220F 12/25 22:01
→ :給BBC的好像論文喔...221F 12/25 22:34
推 :推你~我也討厭歐盟那些自以為是的人222F 12/25 22:43
推 :你很有心 比嘴砲的人強大太多了 大推!!!223F 12/25 23:19
推 :讚喔224F 12/26 00:20
推 :先推 賢英文爛的 你怎麼不敢站出來為台灣發聲?225F 12/26 00:46
推 :水啦!!!! 比多益991分的嘴砲們強多了226F 12/26 00:56
推 :227F 12/26 11:08
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1108
※ 本文也出現在 1 個隱藏看板
※ 本文也出現在 1 個隱藏看板
作者 Yoshikia 的最新發文:
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2樓 時間: 2012-12-26 23:47:08 (台灣)
12-26 23:47 TW
歐盟口頭上的嘴砲就算對美國對中國 也不至於會招來核武跟航母攻擊 還有歐盟是美國罩的