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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-26 22:06:21
看板 Gossiping
作者 decorum (Festina Lente)
標題 [爆卦] Google地圖推出海底街景
時間 Wed Sep 26 12:52:48 2012

蘋果IOS6地圖大凸槌時,Google Maps又出招了



Explore the ocean with Google Maps - YouTube
Google Maps strives to provide people around the globe with the most comprehensive, accurate and usable map of the world - including the underwater world. Th...


Google Maps strives to provide people around the globe with the most
comprehensive, accurate and usable map of the world - including the
underwater world. This ocean collection includes six of the world's most
incredible underwater spots, including coral reefs (and their inhabitants) in
Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii. This imagery is available to millions
of people through the Street View feature of Google Maps and in our Street
View Gallery at: maps.google.com/ocean.

There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love.

                                                    --- Chuck Palahniuk

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◆ From:
tyrande:比奇堡1F 09/26 12:53
twpunkboy:蠻2F 09/26 12:53
love34567:什麼時候要出紅燈區指南3F 09/26 12:53
Pumama:反觀apple map 連陸上都處理不好4F 09/26 12:53
LFD:蘋果還沒出招完全被打趴了5F 09/26 12:53
yjkuo:...實用性好高6F 09/26 12:53
Terrill:有蟹堡王的街景可以看嘛?7F 09/26 12:53
p910520670:是誰住在深海的大鳳梨裡8F 09/26 12:53
minri:  有沒有太陽系街景9F 09/26 12:53
link5566:去年就說要出了...10F 09/26 12:54
jokem:比奇堡11F 09/26 12:54
Dick1500:蘋果的地圖落後越來越大了12F 09/26 12:54
waterjk:孤狗:呵呵,一切都如計劃進行...13F 09/26 12:54
bluesapphire:jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz14F 09/26 12:55
yankeehater:   海綿寶寶表示;15F 09/26 12:55
Ruka:過幾年就可以有月球街景了16F 09/26 12:55
DALUGI:什麼時候要開放馬里亞納海溝地圖??17F 09/26 12:55
SULAjardin:以後去魚人島觀光不怕迷路惹...18F 09/26 12:55
BSpowerx:蘋果不快點推出個火星街景要怎麼贏人阿19F 09/26 12:55
johnny3:超級無敵海景佛跳牆20F 09/26 12:55
gca00631:有海底鬼岩城街景嗎?21F 09/26 12:56
johnny3:想看月球的http://www.google.com/moon/22F 09/26 12:56
waterjk:等蘋果解決問題後,推出馬里雅那海溝街景再打一次巴掌23F 09/26 12:56
AsakuraKeita:拍台灣的應該是一堆垃圾...24F 09/26 12:57
h45279802:太猛了!! 珊迪我們來做朋友吧!!25F 09/26 12:57
wasitora:Google很久以前就有宇宙街景了,在GoogleEarth的SKY裡26F 09/26 12:58
chungyiju:海綿寶寶~~27F 09/26 12:58
GOLxDxROGER:紅燈區指南+128F 09/26 12:58
grimma04743:google:(廣告) 超實用全宇宙地圖 (廣告)29F 09/26 12:59
bismarcp:蘋果連台南市出現一個"高雄國際機場"都還解決不了30F 09/26 13:00
conanhide:海底鬼岩城!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!31F 09/26 13:00
bismarcp:都被發現幾天了....32F 09/26 13:00
tiuseensii:大甲王: 消波塊適用33F 09/26 13:00
rosana0612:Google可以看到月球跟火星表面...34F 09/26 13:01
JUMPTONE:不知道有沒有堅持用apple map而不用google map的果迷35F 09/26 13:03
chivalry70:辜狗表示:快可以收網了36F 09/26 13:04
isotropic:有說完全沒在用地圖的果粉37F 09/26 13:04
walter0914:馬里亞納海溝街景嗎....就一片黑阿38F 09/26 13:04
asamiakio:01的人都用ilost的39F 09/26 13:05
dingcross:XDDDDD Google Go Go Go40F 09/26 13:05
ooyy:有沒有拍到美味蟹堡?41F 09/26 13:08
chien533:我終於可以知道是誰住在深海的大鳳梨裡了42F 09/26 13:11
force5566:蘋果連車尾燈都看不到了43F 09/26 13:12
ken1325:不塊是Google,進攻海底囉44F 09/26 13:16
yellowboy:亞特蘭提斯45F 09/26 13:17
wljimkk:酷! google終於又推出一個 會讓人喊酷 的功能46F 09/26 13:23
anedo:這是天上天下為我獨尊嗎....47F 09/26 13:23
sinfe:蠻有梗的 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD48F 09/26 13:27
flux:想看太陽街景49F 09/26 13:28
wowowo60:我只想看正妹家中房景50F 09/26 13:36
cychi:影片評論的第一則XD can google map the insideof my anus?51F 09/26 13:39
aQaZoe:yes, it's called acolonoscopy.  XDDDD52F 09/26 14:00
FSGuitar:APPLE還是認命吧53F 09/26 14:08
Kongya:如果賈伯斯在 蘋果怎可能發展人家很完善的東西54F 09/26 14:20
QUIBECK:有拍到大鳳梨嗎?55F 09/26 14:20
chiky:外國鄉民的推文也是很白癡 XD56F 09/26 14:39
mrchica:海龜:你拍三小 有打馬賽克嗎?57F 09/26 15:17
freshego:月球火星都有了好嗎58F 09/26 20:23
Avril1975:好棒喔59F 09/26 20:52

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2樓 時間: 2012-09-26 16:31:52 (台灣)
  09-26 16:31 TW
google 大神啊
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