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※ 本文為 vivianhsu319 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-20 23:07:47
作者 vivianhsu319 (DuDu)
標題 [美照] Girls' Generation skin Winter Gift
時間 Tue Dec 20 22:42:12 2011

Girls' Generation skin Winter Gift


App Store - [SSKIN] Girls' Generation_skin_Winter Gift
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about [SSKIN] Girls' Generation_skin_Winter Gift on the App Store. Download [SSKIN] Girls' Generation_skin_Winter Gift and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.



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http://goo.gl/1SdOA 2011 Golden Disk Awards http://goo.gl/6CfhD 教學
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: vivianhsu319    來自:       (12/20 22:46)
flamedevil:小鹿最高~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1F 12/20 22:44
fatfatgigi:讚!2F 12/20 22:44
fgd5555:好美阿TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3F 12/20 22:45
Mavis1120:徐玄特別有女人味呀~~~~~:D4F 12/20 22:52
ss456985:我手機是安卓系統 嗚嗚5F 12/20 23:01
fst1985:SUNNY比較小張QQ6F 12/20 23:01
感謝提醒已補較大張 新增好讀版
ekin325:這個土大約 60元 XDD7F 12/20 23:02
※ 編輯: vivianhsu319    來自:       (12/20 23:06)
flywing19:什麼時候才能有Android的....T.T..8F 12/20 23:04
d61131:小鹿好美!!!!!!9F 12/20 23:05
badseedct:好想跳槽到蘋果系統....Orz10F 12/20 23:08
flamedevil:可惡 沒錢~11F 12/20 23:09
cap:又是哀開頭的...安卓組...囧12F 12/20 23:10
EdenX:想在live看到孝淵的這個造型耶13F 12/20 23:48
jbbewhng:太妍好像愈來愈年輕、更顯清純了...14F 12/21 00:21
mike1990:Android都還要等阿 囧15F 12/21 00:21
bightw05152:             (|\16F 12/21 00:26
maiandjacky:我的安卓才剛換成The Boy主題說 免費阿~~~17F 12/21 00:50
maplestory:安卓有也要等到台灣開放付費...18F 12/21 01:29
cap:我在Samsungapp中有看到AAGG的APP耶~~安卓的耶.但要付費19F 12/21 01:40
maplestory:可以買嗎0.0?20F 12/21 01:47
bboyallcome:為了APP買APPLE的話就要吃土了XD21F 12/21 02:02
cap:它叫我刷卡...應該是可以買22F 12/21 02:21
yafx4200p:samsung app裡有一個免費的android SSKIN~不過是英韓文23F 12/21 16:22
yafx4200p:http://0rz.tw/wjKFE 免費 The boys SSKIN Theme
Samsung Apps
Samsung Apps is a marketplace designed to provide a variety of mobile applications especially developed and carefully selected for Samsung Mobile Phones. It's a new Samsung mobile world, and we provide you a brand-new mobile experience.
yafx4200p:其於還有付費的 要100元台幣25F 12/21 16:28
Samsung Apps
Samsung Apps is a marketplace designed to provide a variety of mobile applications especially developed and carefully selected for Samsung Mobile Phones. It's a new Samsung mobile world, and we provide you a brand-new mobile experience.
angel3632005:請問鎖定螢幕也可以用嗎@@怎麼設定不起來27F 12/21 19:42

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