※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-09-30 11:25:50
看板 SuperJunior
作者 標題 [照片] 金希澈之新兵日記最終回
時間 Fri Sep 30 09:00:02 2011
Q.What your impression about your completion of four weeks of training?
First of all, I'm glad. I feel really good. Honestly, I was worried a lot
about having training at KATC because of my injured knee. I'm sure I caught
many other recruits' attention, so that I can't be look sick or having an
issue while having training. My thoughts have been changed in a positive way
after I got to have conversations with recruits. I will be fully responsible
for my 2 years of service as a public service worker, and I won't let two
years just fly by. I will make those two years of service counted for my
life. Lastly, I want to be shown up to my fans as a grown person
Q.What have been changed at Korea Army Training Center?
Before I joined the army training, I did not eat any of chocolates, candies,
snacks and fast foods, because I had to manage my appearance, and I didn't
like them much. So, when I got a box of choco-pie on the first week, I gave
it to other recruits. I said, "you eat it,' because I'm the oldest, "You eat,
I don't like sweet stuff. I'm fine." However, a box of choco-pie meant
different to me after few days. I got a box of choco-pie on the third week,
and leave it in my cabinet. Then, other recruits asked, "do you have
choco-pies?" Then, I really thought whether I should give it to them or not.
It's not that I love sweet stuff, but just that because I'm here at KATC.
Q.How were foods at KATC?
At KATC, foods aren't horrible like what people normally expect outside of
training center. Rather, KATC offers variety of healthy meals, so that
recruits don't get unbalanced diet. I think I gained about 3kg. Outside of
KATC, I had not eat three times a day, but here, I eat regularly and sleep a
lot at night.
Many fans sent me letters. I read them, and most of them said, "oppa, you
seem like you are enjoying training," "oppa, I like seeing you looking
healthier," and "oppa, was shooting training fun?" Many of letters talk about
me being looking healthier or about my skin looking better. Well, I don't
understand what kind of photos they are seeing...(subtitle : I really had a
hard time...)
Q.Who is the most memorable fellow recruit?
I'm number 101 recruit. Number 102 recruit, Jeong Woo-Suk, is the most
memorable fellow recruit. I have a trouble with my knee, but he has an issue
with his back, so he can't even sit to take a rest. Because he and I are
partners, we gave a lot of help to each other.
Q.How difficult was it for you to fit in Korea Army Training Center?
Fortunately, although I'm very sensitive, I'm very flexible to new
environment. My platoon and company leaders worried about me taking a shower
with a group of other recruits, because although I'm the same recruit as
others, I'm also a public figure. At first, it was awkward to see other
recruits starring at me with weird looks, but I thought 'being introverted
isn't really me. It damages my title, the world star. Let's be myself, Kim
Hee-Chul. Let's be cool!" Then, I took my clothes off, took a shower, and
said, "oh, good!" I wasn't embarrassed to show myself being naked. I was
being a 'real man'! It was pretty memorable and interesting moment
Q.When you think of yourself after joined the army, how changed are you,
compare to before you came here?
In fact, whether a person joins the army to be a public service worker or a
soldier, he is drafted, not by his own choice. It's something all Korean men
must do. But, I'm sure most of Korean men including myself would think that,
"what can I do there? Joining the army is such a wasting time." So, I was
worried. I worried about me returning back to where I originally belong. I
thought, 'ah, can I do that again?' However, my mind changed since I came
here. I think people really should experience any situations to make their
minds. Thinking that joining the army is wasting time was totally unnecessary
and immature. I did not waste time, and I rather had an opportunity to
assemble my broken thoughts and mind to think of the past and future. Also, I
wasn't so thankful to many people who supported and loved me. But, now, I
realized that I was too proud of myself to ignore their support and love.
>From KATC, I learned to give words of comfort to others, learned to be
cheered, learned to be thankful to those who love me so much and learned that
I'm not the best, but not the worst, either. I'm still learning a lot of
things. Although I thought that joining the army would stop me from what I do
and where I belong, but now I positively think that joining the army gave me
an opportunity to jump higher to reach my goal.
Last words for fans..
Hello, my fans! I will have a training completion ceremony, tomorrow, then I
will work as a public service worker for 23 months. Meanwhile, thanks to all
who visited 'Hoon-Nam Story' blog, and thanks to all who gave me attention
and love while training at KATC. Honestly, I thought of myself as 'the world
star' and 'the best.' Moreover, I even think of myself greater and the best
of best, after I trained with other recruits and completed the march in full
gear. Ha Ha... My voice was actually louder than others! You guys didn't have
to worry too much! I got along well with other recruits, too. Well, it's
little hard to keep speaking by myself. I should get going to get ready for
the completion ceremony. Please, take care of you guys! Cheung-Seong!

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