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看板 kulinomi
作者 kulinomi(貓眼兔)
標題 [轉錄] Re: [閒聊] Jeremy JJ Field 外出用餐被球迷包圍
時間 2012年03月15日 Thu. AM 12:35:00

※ 本文轉錄自 kulinomi 信箱

看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 huibear0104 (搖滾熊)
標題 Re: [閒聊] Jeremy JJ Field 外出用餐被球迷包圍
時間 Wed Mar 14 17:05:43 2012

New York Knicks basketball player Jeremy Lin eats with his teammate Jared
Jeffries and some friends at Bar Pitti restaurant in Greenwich Village in New
York City.
Newspusher Celebrity
New York Knicks basketball player Jeremy Lin eats with his teammate Jared Jeffries and some friends at Bar Pitti...


Jeremy Lin : Linsanity In NYC!

Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks was swarmed by fans as he leaves Bar Pitti in New York City. For those of you who dont know, Jeremy ... ...

看看那記者陣仗 是在拍電影嗎lol

Jeremy Lin @ Bar Pitti http://t.co/KuDCQVEx
jerelblades's photo on Instagram ...

ok蹦為什麼一直沒貼好呢? >.^
Jeremy Lin Thumbnails - Zimbio
Browse thumbnails of Jeremy Lin. Quickly find the best pictures of Jeremy Lin. ...


Jeremy Lin Style, Fashion & Looks - StyleBistro

See pictures and shop the latest fashion and style trends of Jeremy Lin, including Jeremy Lin wearing Clothes, and more... ...


Today was the day I saw Jeremy Lin at bar pitti and 100 kids screaming like
he was justin Bieber. #NYC "early summer sheeet"

哈哈哈 這該死的人氣呀...

Today was the day I saw Jeremy Lin at bar pitti and 100 kids screaming like he was justin Bieber. #NYC "early summer sheeet"

※ 引述《whirlwindd ()》之銘言:
: http://bbs.hoopchina.com/3383328.html
: 轉貼自Hoop體育論壇
: 與公牛賽後
: Jeremy跟JJ、Field一起外出用餐
: 被許多球迷包圍索取簽名
: 看來之前JJ選邊站的說法根本胡扯
: 由衷希望一切不好的乳摸都是空穴來風
: 尼克加油~甜瓜加油 !!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
PTT0000:說到screaming,我有注意到他去參加全明星週時,一現身,1F 03/14 17:08
counterpunch:JJ看起來有點被這陣仗嚇到 XD3F 03/14 17:12
beauteen:林每次看到粉絲大陣仗時,都會下意識低頭..害羞嗎XDDD4F 03/14 17:20
ccg:林有穿球鞋欸~~~很怕他穿拖鞋上餐廳 (又不是左博克...)5F 03/14 17:23
HidakaShu:樓上XDDDD6F 03/14 17:24
oidioi11:明星週都穿拖鞋拍照了,那麼穿拖鞋上餐廳應該更可能發生7F 03/14 17:28
asadfish:穿拖鞋也很居家啊XD…8F 03/14 17:28
yamacha:看到像Justinbieber讓我笑了XDDDD9F 03/14 17:28
valsechopin:穿喬丹褲跟公牛致敬嗎?10F 03/14 17:29
huibear0104:ny餐廳拖鞋不一定進的去呀 其實他很想穿XD11F 03/14 17:29
cow1231ya:ccg~哈哈哈哈哈~我笑了XDD12F 03/14 17:30
ccg:左博克至少穿長褲不明顯,林每次都短褲、短襪、拖鞋...= =a13F 03/14 17:32
jin61916:哈哈真的 我剛看照片以為他又穿拖鞋14F 03/14 17:33
zembrata:傻笑害羞的模樣好可愛~15F 03/14 17:36
ccg:林真的很常一臉羞澀... 好喜歡他哦16F 03/14 17:40
jaykinki:屋我錯了 是穿球鞋.....XD17F 03/14 17:45
turbomons:真有趣18F 03/14 17:46
rutenac:推這三隻啦XDD 好可愛19F 03/14 17:47
MrHeat:#34 Lin:再吃T便不准再吃酒!! 魯智深:洒家知錯啦!20F 03/14 17:52
lesley2836:看到這種表情真的很開心阿 心情都變好了^^~~so cute!!!21F 03/14 17:52
guestfunfun:啾咪笑容無敵>/////<22F 03/14 17:59
allurew:如果眼神可以殺人,第2~4張Landry己經殺死不少人23F 03/14 18:00
cathyb:真的好久沒看Lin笑了 圖片裡他笑的很開心 希望球隊間相處的24F 03/14 18:09
cathyb:風風雨雨能快點過去 ><
HUANnn:Landry.........哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈26F 03/14 18:25
victoria214:like he was justin bieber 哈哈哈!27F 03/14 18:40
y603amy3:Justin Bieber XDDDDDDDDDDDDD28F 03/14 18:47
shadowydark:小賈斯汀在美國到底多紅呀 經常看到29F 03/14 18:48
jessica7744:like he was justin bieber XDDDDDDDDD30F 03/14 19:03
KIMBEOM:林來瘋最紅的時候 YOUTUBE衝到搜尋第二名31F 03/14 19:04
KIMBEOM:第一名就是 小賈斯汀
sabrina2597:小賈斯汀很紅但是評價兩極啊 XDDDDDDD33F 03/14 19:06
KIMBEOM:現在 在水管搜尋打J 下面會自動出現搜尋熱門關鍵字34F 03/14 19:09
sabrina2597:好奇中英名字的搜尋是分開統計還是合併統計?36F 03/14 19:10
soffi:哇 真的很大的陣仗呢!(看到照片下意識地想看有沒拖鞋..XD)37F 03/14 19:14
KIMBEOM:分開 他不是看名子38F 03/14 19:22
fairy0413:看到Lin笑得開心的表情。。。真的很喜歡!!!39F 03/14 19:36
olivelee:推!好像有點被這大陣仗嚇到了!40F 03/14 19:39
DialUp:手上拿哈佛筆記本XDD 林的形象比JB好太多啦!!不過好開心41F 03/14 19:48
huibear0104:JB平日做很多善事呀 所以給予尊重比較好:)44F 03/14 19:50
yun0215:這次是球鞋拉...看到不是拖鞋鬆了口氣(欸45F 03/14 19:51
DialUp:有人注意Landry Field衣服上的字society是反的嗎?反社會?46F 03/14 19:51
DavidJam:推把他當作賈斯丁的那一百個小孩~哈哈哈47F 03/14 20:25
mamimi:以東方人來說,LIN的鼻子好挺48F 03/14 20:28
kerotamama:啾咪在小孩界人氣真高~@w@!!49F 03/14 20:30
ii9:justin Bieber XDDDD 以為穿拖鞋+1  LIN也懂紅水黑大班~~~~~~~50F 03/14 20:34
qazxswptt:其實台灣人的鼻子本來就沒這麼塌 不要跟歐美比的話51F 03/14 20:34
ii9:http://tinyurl.com/7zz4voc  被罰伏地挺身 哭哭      XDDDDDD52F 03/14 20:54
Jeremy Lin Photos - Cleveland Cavaliers v New York Knicks - Zimbio
Jeremy Lin #17 of the New York Knicks picks himself up against the Cleveland Cavaliers at Madison Square Garden on February 29, 2012 in New York City. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and/or using this Photograph, user is consenting to the terms and condition ...
ii9:http://tinyurl.com/7jvmf9b  可愛HIGH FIVE~~~53F 03/14 20:56
Jeremy Lin Photos - Cleveland Cavaliers v New York Knicks - Zimbio
Tyson Chandler #6 of the New York Knicks and Jeremy Lin #17 of the New York Knicks high five during the fourth quarter against the Cleveland Cavaliers at Madison Square Garden on February 29, 2012 in New York City. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and/or usin ...
JoshuaS2:= =老實說 第一張真的有點像郭子乾~難怪最大黨會模仿他54F 03/14 21:00
ii9:http://tinyurl.com/79tgjdl  賈伯斯?55F 03/14 21:00
Jeremy Lin Photos - BBVA Rising Stars Challenge - Zimbio
Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks and Team Shaq answers questions from the media during a press conference prior to the BBVA Rising Stars Challenge part of the 2012 NBA All-Star Weekend at Amway Center on February 24, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees tha ...
ii9:http://tinyurl.com/8xtf9c9  這...太無限想像了...........囧56F 03/14 21:08
Jeremy Lin Photos - New York Knicks v Washington Wizards - Zimbio
Landry Fields #2 of the New York Knicks and Jeremy Lin #17 celebrate after the Knicks defeated the Washington Wizards at Verizon Center on February 8, 2012 in Washington, DC. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this photograph, User is consenting to ...
faseno:我只能說能拍到那張照片的攝影師真的太強XDDDDD59F 03/14 22:34
justfool:有圖有推~對比場內球迷 場外球迷對Lin還是蠻友善的XD60F 03/14 22:36
reneeviolet:唉唉九最後那張照片的FIELDS跟LIN的表情太謎了吧 XD61F 03/14 22:52
inkbox:那張很謎的照片 是要跳探戈嗎?一個準備摟腰,一個要搭肩XD62F 03/14 22:57
mamimi:為什麼餐廳外面大部分都是小孩子阿~感覺LIN好受小朋友歡迎63F 03/14 23:17
amorur:ii9大的第四張感覺有惺惺相惜情不自禁的fu(就快親下去了XD65F 03/14 23:26
mamimi:耶...腐文要克制喔...不然....66F 03/14 23:30

※ 作者: kulinomi  時間: 2012-03-15 00:35:00  來自: 220-132-134-22.HINET-IP.hinet.net
※ 編輯: kulinomi 時間: 2012-03-15 01:11:37
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 907 
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