隱藏 ✕
看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2012年 9月 牡羊座
時間 2012年09月02日 Sun. AM 01:54:31

2012-09-01 18:04:19 來自: 米奈特(寧宿哀愁 不眷喜樂)




Aries Horoscope for September 2012
By Susan Miller

You begin September thinking that you could use a little rest - that is right! August may have been vacation time for your friends, but it seems not so for you. (Even if you were off, with Mars AND Saturn opposed to your Sun, few people in your life were being cooperative, so you probably felt that relationships were as much work as your work projects.)

九月伊始白羊開始思考小憩一下了 —— 沒錯!八月份對於你的朋友們來說是度假時光,但是白羊可未得其樂(即使在休息日,因為火星和土星與太陽位置相沖,你身邊少有與你積極配合的人,所以你可能覺得需要處理的人際關係跟工作項目一樣繁多)。

Rest assured, most of September will be a welcome breath of fresh air. Mars, your ruler, has left its thorny place in Libra, and Saturn is about to make his exit of Libra, too, on October 5, after having spent three years testing your mettle. In every way, life is about to get better.


Having said that, there will be one weekend this month that will leave one additional knockout punch - September 29, due to be a very difficult full moon in Aries - but after that, you are done. The good thing about any full moon is that it tends to deliver its news quickly and then bolt out the door. In other words, whatever news it brings is soon over.


I have been warning my followers on Twitter (@AstrologyZone) and Facebook (Susan Miller's Astrology Zone) for some time about this full moon of September 29, to have an operative area of influence of plus or minus four days. Since many readers have questions about it, I will start your report with the topic of September 29, and then backtrack to earlier in the month, where all the golden days lie. Indeed, the balance of this month will be quite wonderful, with this one exception of September 29, a time that will be quite volatile.

我已經提醒在twitter和facebook(還有這兒啊 珊媽~)上的關注者們要留意9月29日的滿月了,以在那正面或負面的四天獲得積極的影響。因為很多人對此有疑問,我會從9月29日的滿月開始說起,之後再說本月運勢,有好日子在的本月運勢!事實上,本月的制衡將會非常奇妙,除了9月29日(珊媽表抑揚起伏太大。。。心肝兒顫~),因為這一天將會非常不穩定。

This full moon will appear at 7 degrees Aries on September 29, so something dear to you will reach a culmination or end point. Watch your health, as the first house, which is where this full moon will fall, will be touched at this time and also rules your strength and vitality. Your nerves will be jangled and it may be hard to sleep. This full moon will conjoin Uranus exactly, which is enough to rattle us all, no matter what our signs happen to be.

本次新月將會在9月29日出現在白羊座7° 的位置,所以你珍視的一些事情屆時將會到達一個頂峰或者結束。留意你的健康!因為主導你的力量和活力的第一宮會在滿月降臨白羊座時受到影響。你的焦慮會變得厲害,甚至導致失眠。不管本月預示將會變成何樣,這次滿月將與天王星相合,足以擾亂我們。

As said, this full moon happens to be in Aries, so you do have to pay attention to all that comes up. Both Uranus and the moon will be within one tiny degree of each other (so they will be together in a conjunction, making this full moon extra powerful), and both will oppose the Sun precisely, ruling your romantic relationship as well as current creative projects. It will be a rocky time for those matters. too (one or the other), and none of what comes up will be anticipated.

如上述所說,這次滿月將會落於白羊座,所以你需要留意所有發生的事情。 天王星和月亮將形成極小的夾角(所以二者相合會讓此次滿月力量無比),正好與太陽形成對立之勢,支配著你的浪漫關係和近來創造性的項目。這些事項(不是這個就是那個 P.S.抹淚~貌似一定會中槍。。。)將面臨一個動盪時期,將要發生的事情沒一個是令人期待的。

If you have a child, keep your eye on that child too, and take no risks. The same fifth house being highlighted by that full moon covers conception and pregnancy. Save the family bungee jumping experiment for another weekend.


Meanwhile, Pluto, in your career house, will precisely challenge the other players just mentioned, namely, the Sun, new moon, and Uranus (from a "square" or difficult 90-degree position) on September 29, too. Your need for freedom will be very strong, and a partner or collaborator may do something to give you pause. This "partner" many be someone you know in love or business, but whoever it is, you are not likely to be one bit pleased with this individual's actions. Pluto's involvement might threaten your reputation, so you will need to craft a careful, diplomatic response, or no response at all, choosing to be silent while you think. (No harm in that!)

與此同時,掌管你事業宮的冥王星將會在9月29日對以上提到的太陽君、新月君、土星君形成挑戰(形成個正方形或者是不和的90° 夾角位)。你會強烈渴求自由,而你的夥伴或者合作者可能做些阻止你的事情。這個夥伴可能是你在愛情或事業方面認識的人,但無論此人是誰,你不太可能會對此人的行動感覺愉快。冥王星的參與可能會威脅到你的名聲,所以白羊們需要謹慎靈活回應,或者在思考的時候選擇沉默不回應 (至少這樣無害)。

Mars is the ruler of Aries, and this is a full moon in Aries. Transiting Mars will be in hard angle to Neptune, so you need to guard against a miscommunication or lack of information, especially in regard to money that is jointly held. Be sure you are being given the whole story.


If your birthday falls on March 27, plus or minus five days, double what I just said - you may be ready to walk out of a situation if you find it intolerable.


With Pluto acting up at this full moon, too, a boss or client may be quite demanding, or else may dictate orders to you that you find upsetting or unfair. Aries generally does not take treatment like this sitting down, but this time, you will need to play this chess game more quietly, thinking out your response without losing your head.


What makes this full moon so difficult is that Uranus will make the situation AND the outcome unpredictable. That's why you can't be as passionate as you might like to be. No matter how strategic you are at this time, you will still have to allow for things to take an unpredictable course.


In anticipation of what is coming, it's best to lie low, open the window, and watch to see what flies in. You want to be in observer mode, not active mode. Treat events at the full moon as if wrapped in nitroglycerine - gingerly!


Check to see if you have any planet at or near 7 degrees Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn. Of all the planets, pay special attention to Mars, your ruler, as you will feel this full moon more if you see that Mars, your Sun, rising sign, or moon is touched. Any planet plus or minus five degrees of those signs listed will be pressured by this full moon. As I wrote on Twitter, just hide under a banana leaf - don't schedule anything of importance for the four days plus or minus around this date. Now let's turn to the happy days of the month, and there will be many, I promise.

看看自己有沒有行星落在白羊座、天枰座、巨蟹座、摩羯座或者它們附近7° 。所有行星都與你的主導星火星關係甚大,如果你發現自己的火星、太陽星座、上升星座或者月亮星座與此相關,那你會受這次滿月的更多影響。落於這些星座5° 附近的行星也會受此次滿月影響。就像我在Twitter上所寫的那樣,大隱隱於市吧——不要在滿月前後四天計劃特別重要的事情。現在讓我們看下這個月的好日子吧,我保證好日子有許多~ 許多~

In the United States, Labor Day weekend falls on September 1-3, and on Sunday and Monday, the moon will be in Aries, a signal you will likely enjoy your time off. Mars will signal Pluto on Monday, September 3, so if you are not traveling, you may do work on a career campaign for a new position on Monday and be quite productive. Mars is now in Scorpio, giving you the motivation to think about how to find more money. If you have to write a letter or report, or look over a contract that involves money, you should do well.


Fashion's Night Out, a worldwide evening of retail shopping, takes place Thursday, September 6, and on the very same day, Venus will move into your favorite sign, Leo. What a divine place for Venus to be on a night of browsing, shopping, and fun! Leo is the sign of luxury, elegant design, color, and materials to promote beauty and good looks. Leo is a fire sign like yours, so Venus will support your efforts to look great - you may find some wonderful items for the coming season this month, so men and women Aries may want to venture out on this fun night to see the events the shops have planned.

【9月6日】週四,世界購物狂歡夜「摩登不夜城」將舉辦;同天,金星將移至你的愛好宮——獅子座。在一個逛街、購物和娛樂的夜晚,這個位置對於金星來說是極佳的。獅子座宮位代表奢華、優雅設計、顏色、提升美的材料和美好外表。獅子座跟白羊座一樣同屬火向,因此金星會幫助你看起來更好 —— 你可能會在本月發現適合下個季節穿戴的好看物件兒,所以男女白羊們可能想要在此歡愉之夜外出參加商舖所辦活動。

From September 6 to October 3, you will have Venus in an ideal place to help you not only look your very best, but also to enjoy love to the fullest. This will be a big plus for you, as Venus will be IN your romantic house for the first time in twelve months. Last year you had Saturn in a difficult place, detracting from Venus, but Saturn is leaving next month - times have changed and opportunities to enjoy love are opening up. Be optimistic, dear Aries.

從【9月6日到10月3日】,金星將位於一個理想位置幫助白羊不僅讓自己身材出眾,而且充分享受愛。這是個極大的利好方面,因為金星將會在未來12個月停留在你的浪漫宮位。去年土星讓白羊們處於艱難境地,削弱了金星,但是土星下個月就要遠離了 —— 時光如梭,現在享受愛的機會來了。親愛的白羊們,要樂觀哦!

An exceptional time for love this month will be September 12-13, when Venus in Leo will contact Uranus in Aries, setting off all the right sparks! Be sure to be out on those nights!


Here's another time to be out and about: September 20, when Venus and Jupiter will be in conversation.


Next, let's think about your work, money, and career status, because all are about to show a big up-tick. That will come at the new moon in Virgo, September 15. If you work for others, your boss may single you out for a very special new assignment, one with many bits and pieces that will need to be organized masterfully into a whole. It may lean on your skills at writing or in other areas of communication. If you are self-employed, that new moon will help you generate new business.


Mars is finally orbiting very rapidly now (Mars has been a little turtle all year, so if you feel you've been walking through heavy snow since last January, in a way, you have, but that chapter of life is soon to close, thank goodness. The pace will pick up, and you will have more opportunities to find or be assigned interesting work, whether or not you are currently working.


This same new moon will re-spark your interest in getting fit and healthy, too, and also will assist you in deleting bad habits that do nothing for your looks or your constitution. This new moon falls in Virgo, the most health-conscious sign of the zodiac, in your sixth house of preventive health. This is your only new moon of the year in this area of your chart, and it will be in perfect "sextile" to the new moon - sixty degrees away - indicating "opportunity." This is not destiny, but a chance to harness the energy and make it work for you. If you start a health program now, say of more exercise, chances are, you will like it and continue it - that is what supportive new moons can do.

這輪新月也會重新激發你在健身和保健方面的興趣,並能幫助你改掉那些無益於外表和體質的壞習慣。新月落於十二宮中最重視健康的處女座,也是你的主導健康預防的第六宮。這是本年唯一一次落於此宮位的新月,而且會呈完美的60° ,預示著機遇。這不是宿命,而是一個機會讓你充滿能量並從中受益。如果現在開始一個健康項目,例如更多的健身,你會享受其中並堅持下去——這就是新月帶給白羊的支持。

It would be a shame to let it go and not do something to make the brilliant new moon work for you. Get your flu shot (it takes a month to start working) or have a checkup that you've been meaning to do. Sign up for a class you like at the gym, or start to power walk every morning. Whatever your goal for health or work, start AFTER the new moon appears September 15, in the days that closely follow this date.


One development that will help you rise in your industry will be the turn of Pluto to direct orbit on September 18. Pluto is now in your tenth house of career fame, honors, and achievement until November 2024. The trouble is, Pluto has lately been retrograde and weak, as far back as last April 10. Since then, you may have felt that no matter how hard you tried, you could not make progress. The turn of Pluto to direct orbit on September 18 should help quite a lot. In fact, watch all the days circling closely to September 18 for a clue that what I am saying is true - watch what comes up, and investigate!

【9月18日】冥王星開始順行,能幫助你在產業方面有所進步。冥王星現在位於你的第十宮,一直到2024年11月都將掌管你的事業聲望、榮譽和成就。問題是冥王星此前逆行而且影響虛弱,直到本年4月10日。自那之後,你可能會感覺不管自己多麼努力都未取得進展。9月18日冥王星的順行應該會很有幫助。實際上,留心這個日期前後的事情吧,來看看珊媽所言對否 —— 留心出現的事情,然後調查一番。

Having said that, Uranus and Pluto will meet in dispute September 19-20, depending on your time zone. Later in the month, Pluto will again be difficult, and this time it will be on that emotional full moon September 29 that I discussed earlier. All that not withstanding, once you get a bit beyond those dates, Pluto can, and will, help you get ahead in your career.


September will be about gathering up interesting assignments. Your key moment to shoot for a big prestigious new career position that will bring you higher up the ladder than you have been will come at the new moon January 11, 2013. Be ready, for it will arrive in no time flat. To be honest, no one can write an excellent resume quickly. A superb resume takes a lot of time to shape and more than one pair of eyes to look at it for comment. Start soon, dear Aries. The phone will begin to ring soon.


This month, a good day for a quick and very short business trip (to a town nearby) will be Wednesday, September 26, when Mercury and Jupiter will collaborate beautifully for you. Hurry home, however, straight after your meeting. You need to hunker down before the full moon of September 29 draws near.



As September opens, the full moon that appeared on the last day of August still will exert an influence and will find you craving a rest. The first few days of September bring the Labor Day weekend in the United States, so chances are you will be off. Even if you are not based in the US, or have to work, take time to think about your next career move in the time you do have to relax. Also, recall the influential people you know, and muse about which one can help you. With a full moon in your behind-the-scenes sector, a VIP will be willing to take you under his wing, or at the very least, be willing to give you an impressive reference.


Financial questions will need sorting out too, all month. September 3 brings a breakthrough, thanks to Mars and Pluto in sync. The following day, September 4, will be positive too, due to Mercury's friendly attitude to Pluto.


After September 15, you'll be very busy at work, with many projects that require a detailed eye. Mars, your ruler, will be friendly, so let your clients or boss know you'll be available for all the plum projects that you notice coming in the door. Once Pluto turns direct on September 17, at long last your career will take off like a rocket. Watch the days surrounding this date for clues that your time in the sun is coming, dear Aries.


Later in the month, near September 17-20, a client or boss may pressure you in ways you find unacceptable, and in so doing, push your buttons - you may be tempted to become quite rebellious. Count to ten, and do your best to be diplomatic.


Your romantic life will improve the moment Venus enters Leo and your fifth house of love on September 6 for a full four weeks. Your triple star days will be September 12-13 when Venus will signal Uranus and bubble up plenty of fun. More good fortune will arrive on September 21, when Venus will reach out to Jupiter - by then you'll be unstoppable. Be sure to plan a special romantic date night with your one and only on these dates, or be circulating if you have not met the "one" for you quite yet.

【9月6日】金星進駐獅子座和你的愛情第五宮的時候,你的浪漫生活會在整個四周內編號。【9月12日到9月13日】好運加倍了,此時金星影響天王星,引發諸多樂趣。【9月21日】會有更多財富出現,此時金星靠近木星 —— 這時你就無人可擋啦。記得計劃些浪漫約會在這些特別的日子與另一半共度哦;如果你還沒有遇到自己的那個他/她,就多走走看啦。

The month closes with a very erratic, volatile full moon in Aries, September 29. If anyone thought they could predict your every move, they will be in for an awaking. You may be adversely surprised by the moves of a partner or collaborator at this time, and what you do in response will be equally surprising. Uranus will oppose the moon - you may walk out if sufficient evidence comes out that you've been wronged. This trend will be more pronounced if you are a March-born Aries or have planets in Aries or Libra near 7 degrees (within five degrees).

這個月將以【9月29日】落在白羊座的怪異而不穩定的滿月結束。如果有人認為他們能預測你的每一步行動,他們便會那麼做。那時你可能相當驚訝於你的夥伴或者合作者的行動,而你的回應將會是同等的令人驚訝。天王星會與月亮相刑 —— 如果足夠證據證明你是被冤枉的,你也許會停罷某事。如果你是初生在三月的白羊,或者有行星落在白羊座或天枰座附近7° 內,這個影響將會更加明顯。

As I mentioned, a split may not pertain to a love relationship but instead involve someone close in business or friendship. Sometimes, when a relationship is not what we assumed it to be, it is best to leave it. You can see how you feel, but because this full moon comes like a keg of old-fashioned gunpowder out of the Old West, you might be best to listen and not respond just yet. Keep your schedule clear to allow you to focus on what comes up, and don't plan for any key initiations near this date. If you have something on your calendar already, circle the wagons so that you have people you can call on if things go off in the wrong direction. Above all, keep your health strong, as this full moon may be a bit draining.


Better days are on the way, dear Aries. Next month, on October 5, Saturn leaves your opposite sign of Libra - hooray! After three years of testing, you will be free at last. Give this aspect several weeks to calm down, but all in all, you are done with Saturn's tests.

親愛的白羊們,更好的日子已經在路上了!下個月【10月5日】,土星離開你的刑星位天枰座 —— 歡呼吧!三年的考驗結束了,你重獲自由了。花幾週時間從中恢復,總之你已經通過了土星的考驗。


9.7 / 9.8 / 9.12(黃金日) / 9.13(特別日子) / 9.21(本月最佳日子) / 9.25(特別適合旅行和交流)












The End。
翻譯不當處請大家指正,尤其是令人抓狂滴術語啊術語~ >,<

翻完之後感覺這月已經開始否極泰來啦~ 只要防範月底的滿月就可以了。

另 感謝跟樓支持和指正的大家~

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2012-09-02 01:54:31
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翻譯的人是 米奈特 唷,這邊只是繁體化以及轉貼而已,至於會選擇哪個人翻譯的版本,如果沒有人推薦的話,也是很隨意挑選的,通常是誰先將完整版翻譯出來就先貼誰的翻譯版本。既然有人推,那下次會先留意米特奈的翻譯版本 :)
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