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看板 MaRoon
作者 KTR150Fi (yandi)
標題 [Tex] TeX Frequently Asked Questions
時間 2015年01月07日 Wed. AM 06:34:32


This is a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for English-speaking users of TeX.

The questions answered here cover a wide range of topics, but typesetting issues are mostly covered from the viewpoint of a LaTeX user. Some of the questions answered have little relevance to today’s users; this is inevitable — it’s easier to add information than it is to decide that information is no longer needed. The set of answered questions is therefore in a state of slow flux: new questions are answered, while old questions are deleted … but the whole process depends on the time available for FAQ maintenance.

You may use the FAQ

by reading a printed document,
by viewing a PDF file, with hyperlinks to assist browsing: copies are available formatted so that they could be printed on A4 paper or on North American “letter” paper, or
via Scott Pakin’s Visual FAQ, which shows LaTeX constructions with links to FAQ explanations of how they may be created.

※ 作者: KTR150Fi 時間: 2015-01-07 06:34:32
※ 看板: MaRoon 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 115 
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