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作者 標題 [閒聊] Fate/Zero BD-BOX II OST2
時間 Fri Sep 21 18:48:43 2012
01 Fate to Zero
Fate/Zero OST Volume 2 - 01 Fate to Zero - YouTube
Track 1 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. (Th...
Track 1 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. (Th...
06 Sword of the Promised Victory ~Fate/Zero ver.~
Fate/Zero OST Volume 2 - 06 Sword of the Promised Victory ~Fate/Zero ver.~ - YouTube Track 6 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. dow...
29 This Day, And Never Again
Fate/Zero OST Volume 2 - 29 This Day, And Never Again - YouTube Track 29 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. do...
http://i.imgur.com/zDhUR.jpg 先生你哪位wwwww
http://i.imgur.com/ez4LM.jpg 愉♂悅
http://i.imgur.com/o9eyZ.jpg B哥眼中的歐吉桑wwwwwwww
http://i.imgur.com/ppXsg.jpg 愉♂悅
http://i.imgur.com/yKZu6.jpg Fate/Zero文庫版全六冊,好評發售中
Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] for PS Vita PV (Saber route ver.)
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推 :正想發文 好多首都超好聽1F 09/21 18:50
→ :on the battlefield怎麼沒提到呢~
→ :on the battlefield怎麼沒提到呢~
推 :Saber在21集用盔甲包覆機車並開風王結界加速那段配樂是?3F 09/21 18:51
推 :小說什麼時候代理阿 Orz4F 09/21 18:59
You are my king - Fate Zero 2 Ost - YouTube
It has been released yesterday and... Woah I'm impressed by this amazing work from Yuki Kajiura. Amazing ost ! 1:42 JIZZZZZ *I am using these media clips und...
It has been released yesterday and... Woah I'm impressed by this amazing work from Yuki Kajiura. Amazing ost ! 1:42 JIZZZZZ *I am using these media clips und...
Fate/Zero OST Volume 2 - 08 On The Battlefield - YouTube
Track 8 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. dow...
Track 8 of 32 from the season 2 soundtrack. All rights and ownership to this track belongs to the composers for Fate/Zero and their respectable creators. dow...
推 :感謝解答8F 09/21 19:03
推 :水管的音樂是不是卡卡的阿~感覺有少許的雜音9F 09/21 19:05
推 :(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"
"*-.,_☆,.-*`'*-.,_,.10F 09/21 19:09推 :自載無煩惱11F 09/21 19:36
推 :這次好像沒有那首征服王最後招喚王軍的那首滿天BGM??12F 09/21 21:30
→ :明明那首演奏超棒
→ :明明那首演奏超棒
推 :真的沒收到那一首的樣子orz14F 09/21 22:07
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