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作者 標題 [問題] 請推薦有很多兄貴的動畫(重口味也行)
時間 Wed May 8 23:53:27 2013
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: cooltony0826 來自: (05/08 23:54)
推 :B...1F 05/08 23:54
推 :鋼鍊2F 05/08 23:54
→ :火星異種3F 05/08 23:54
→ :肛戀4F 05/08 23:54
→ :沖繩奴隸島5F 05/08 23:55
→ :鋼鍊6F 05/08 23:55
推 :港漫啊7F 05/08 23:55
有不錯的能推薦的嗎?→ :和QB來場男人與男人肉體間的碰♂觸吧8F 05/08 23:55
→ :你可能要問真冬...9F 05/08 23:55
Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie - Battle - YouTube
Click here for the trailer Witness the battle unfold in this clip from the CGI animated feature length film version of Ultramarines. Su...
Click here for the trailer Witness the battle unfold in this clip from the CGI animated feature length film version of Ultramarines. Su...

→ :你需要40K11F 05/08 23:56
推 :只能推沖繩奴隸島了12F 05/08 23:56
濃濃的體毛.....可接受推 :基遊部13F 05/08 23:56
→ :地院家算不算?14F 05/08 23:57
推 :兼一算嗎?15F 05/08 23:58
推 :這種請求好稀有wwww16F 05/08 23:58
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - YouTube
Join the Imperium of Man group on Facebook and link up with other W40K Fans. The intro of the game Warhammer...
Join the Imperium of Man group on Facebook and link up with other W40K Fans. The intro of the game Warhammer...

→ :地院家看過總覺的像紅頂藝人18F 05/08 23:59
For The Emperor! For The Imperium Of Man! - YouTube
In tribute to the Imperium of Man! Audio is "For Glory" by Two Steps From Hell Credit to all the artists who made these great pictures! The Imperium of Man O...
In tribute to the Imperium of Man! Audio is "For Glory" by Two Steps From Hell Credit to all the artists who made these great pictures! The Imperium of Man O...

→ :40K是影片嗎?還是遊戲?還滿像GOW熱血系,不錯的樣子22F 05/09 00:02
→ :是戰旗 後來也有出遊戲23F 05/09 00:02
推 :主要是戰棋(模型),後來有出遊戲和一部動畫電影24F 05/09 00:04
推 :魔法學園MA?25F 05/09 00:05
這調調我喜歡,搞笑風→ :主要賣點就是大肌肉兄貴和長的要命的背景設定26F 05/09 00:05
→ :魔法少女厚志27F 05/09 00:06
推 :如果是遊戲的話 原po想玩嗎28F 05/09 00:06
ok的,雖說時間沒很多,但有心的話還是能擠出來※ 編輯: cooltony0826 來自: (05/09 00:07)
推 :很難得這一篇居然沒人推進擊?29F 05/09 00:07
→ :爽爽砍怪31F 05/09 00:08
推 :米卡(ry32F 05/09 00:13
這個超讚,正好手邊有主機Dawn of War 2 - Tyranids Confirmed! (New Ending) - YouTube
--- --- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Intro with Tryanids at the end! Made by Plastic Wax,
--- --- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Intro with Tryanids at the end! Made by Plastic Wax,

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Developer: Relic Entertainment Release: TBD Genre: 3rd person RPG Platform: PS3, Xbox360 Publisher: THQ Space Marine is the upcoming sequel to the popular RT...
Developer: Relic Entertainment Release: TBD Genre: 3rd person RPG Platform: PS3, Xbox360 Publisher: THQ Space Marine is the upcoming sequel to the popular RT...

→ :They want to steal this world...let them try!37F 05/09 00:16
推 :美時列人38F 05/09 00:17
→ :美食獵人
→ :美食獵人
推 :忘了還有魔法少女prettybell...絕對符合你對健身的要求 XD40F 05/09 00:27
→ :(不過是漫畫)
→ :(不過是漫畫)
推 :要看兄貴不就看港漫嗎43F 05/09 00:30
請問有哪些值得推薦的,本身還沒碰但想碰推 :最強弟子兼一啊!!!!44F 05/09 00:37
※ 編輯: cooltony0826 來自: (05/09 00:46)推 :巨人滿滿45F 05/09 01:03
推 :美食獵人,絕對符合你的需求~~~~46F 05/09 01:06
推 :魔法少女美鈴47F 05/09 03:11
推 :炎多留48F 05/09 06:32
→ :沒人推筋肉人嗎....49F 05/09 08:02
推 :刃牙50F 05/09 09:13
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1062