※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-12 00:46:22
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作者 標題 Fw: [情報] 全球十大YouTube傑出動畫短片(台灣No.4)
時間 Sun Aug 11 23:37:17 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 AnimMovie 看板 #1I1w-PCS ]
8月4日到10日是YouTube舉辦的「御宅週」(Geek Week)。
YouTube頻道Alltime10s邀請知名演員Warwick Davis擔任主持人,
YouTube御宅週:全球十大傑出動畫短片(中文字幕) - YouTube
本週是YouTube舉辦的「御宅週」(Geek Week),Alltime10s頻道邀請Warwick Davis擔任主持人,介紹YouTube前十大傑出動畫短片,重點是台灣人也上榜啦!大家一定要好好支持一下啦! 歡迎前往「卡勒的歡笑譯籮筐」 或是加入...
本週是YouTube舉辦的「御宅週」(Geek Week),Alltime10s頻道邀請Warwick Davis擔任主持人,介紹YouTube前十大傑出動畫短片,重點是台灣人也上榜啦!大家一定要好好支持一下啦! 歡迎前往「卡勒的歡笑譯籮筐」 或是加入...

台灣作品也上榜 榮獲 No.4
第十名:Fresh Guacamole by PES
Fresh Guacamole by PES - YouTube
The 2013 Academy Award® Nominated film by PES. Fresh Guacamole is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar®. Fresh Guacamole was originally commisioned ...
The 2013 Academy Award® Nominated film by PES. Fresh Guacamole is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar®. Fresh Guacamole was originally commisioned ...

第九名:Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die - YouTube
Get the new free iPhone / iPad game! Now the lives of those adorably dumb characters are in your hands:
Get the new free iPhone / iPad game! Now the lives of those adorably dumb characters are in your hands:

第八名:Le Cafe by Oldelaf
Le Cafe - Oldelaf - YouTube
Dir. Stephanie Marguerite & Emilie Tarascou / music Oldelaf & Mr D / France / 2007 Too much coffee can be dangerous! Produced by Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma ...
Dir. Stephanie Marguerite & Emilie Tarascou / music Oldelaf & Mr D / France / 2007 Too much coffee can be dangerous! Produced by Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma ...

第七名:Alarm - HD Short Animation
ALARM / HD Short Animation - YouTube
I' m Moo-hyun Jang, a director of independent Animation team, MESAI. Let me introduce the second short animation film, ALARM. Thanks. :) More info & Download...
I' m Moo-hyun Jang, a director of independent Animation team, MESAI. Let me introduce the second short animation film, ALARM. Thanks. :) More info & Download...

第六名:An Alien Claymation
第五名:Big Buck Bunny animation
Big Buck Bunny animation (1080p HD) - YouTube
An animated short film about a Big Buck Bunny in HD (c) copyright Blender Foundation | www.bigbuckbunny.org
An animated short film about a Big Buck Bunny in HD (c) copyright Blender Foundation | www.bigbuckbunny.org

第四名:Cell’s return - Dragon Ball Z Stop Motion 七龍珠動畫 – 賽魯回歸
Dragon Ball Z Stop Motion - Cell's return 七龍珠動畫-賽魯回歸 - YouTube Follow me on Facebook : Counter656 Dragon Ball episode 2! Z warriors against one of the most badass...

第三名:Welcome to Kitty City
Welcome to Kitty City - YouTube
Please drive carefully Music is available here: And some gifs from the video can be found here:
Please drive carefully Music is available here: And some gifs from the video can be found here:

第二名:Pigeon: Impossible
Pigeon: Impossible - YouTube
A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dolla...
A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dolla...

asdfmovie4 - YouTube
ass-duff-moo-vee-for Download the asdfmovie song! Official asdfmovie shirts available here: Ben Smallman...
ass-duff-moo-vee-for Download the asdfmovie song! Official asdfmovie shirts available here: Ben Smallman...

※ 編輯: filmwalker 來自: (08/11 23:37)
推 :好帥啊!!!1F 08/11 23:42
推 :太屌了......2F 08/11 23:46
推 :不得不說佈景超棒 XDDDD3F 08/11 23:50
推 :第十名有入選奧斯卡最佳短片耶 那台灣贏了(?4F 08/11 23:58
→ :這樣我要推PAPREMAN!!!
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAI4B_2Mfc
→ :這樣我要推PAPREMAN!!!
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAI4B_2Mfc
推 :第三名看完有種今晚會做惡夢的感覺orz7F 08/12 00:06
推 :第三名可怕+18F 08/12 00:10
推 :精神獵奇...9F 08/12 00:13
推 :第三名根本噩夢具現化...第一名我不懂得獎點在哪...10F 08/12 00:16
推 :第三的很好笑啊.一路歡樂到底www 兼用卡用太兇了 wwwww11F 08/12 00:18
推 :都很棒^^12F 08/12 00:21
推 :第三名根本就是nico上的超級者向影片 XD13F 08/12 00:37
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1088
作者 filmwalker 的最新發文:
- 16F 8推
- 2024年Q4 台灣在地 隨選影音類網站 全球造訪數 動畫瘋 以平均每月破千萬造訪, 遙遙領先拿下第一! 1. 巴哈姆特動畫瘋 4341萬|台 91.79%, 港 6.05% (桌機 69.83%, …258F 206推 1噓
- 38F 18推 1噓