※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-10 07:21:11
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作者 標題 [閒聊] 這遊戲的物理引擎真是...
時間 Tue Dec 10 03:06:00 2013
Skate 3 funny stuff compilation part 1 - YouTube
The first 50 videos, in case you don't want to watch them one by one. I'm seeing a lot of people criticizing this game, saying it wasn't tested properly, etc...
The first 50 videos, in case you don't want to watch them one by one. I'm seeing a lot of people criticizing this game, saying it wasn't tested properly, etc...

Skate 3 funny stuff compilation part 4 - YouTube
I shortened a few of the clips at the beginning so that the video won't start out so slow. If you want to see the full versions check the source videos (you ...
I shortened a few of the clips at the beginning so that the video won't start out so slow. If you want to see the full versions check the source videos (you ...

同場加映一些很詭異的遊戲glitch (好像以前西洽還是Joke有人發過)
「如果昨天到了明天會變成兩天前,試問後天應該是今天或是昨天?」 ◥████◤
~時間操縱緒論期末考 陶拉里亞大學院 ◥◤
Time is a marvelous plaything ◢◣
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :這超有名的wwwww1F 12/10 03:17
※ 編輯: shadowblade 來自: (12/10 03:26)推 :其滑板那片 下面的說明說2F 12/10 03:27
→ :These glitches mostly have to be done on purpose,
→ : and glitchy areas are mostly out of the way.
→ :These glitches mostly have to be done on purpose,
→ : and glitchy areas are mostly out of the way.
推 :...所以簽名檔問題的答案是明天嗎?5F 12/10 03:36
→ :印象中好像都不是6F 12/10 03:39
→ :文字敘述的邏輯上來看,後天就是後天,按照故事背景的話7F 12/10 03:41
→ :你沒把後天變過來就準備被當了~
→ :你沒把後天變過來就準備被當了~
推 :有點恐怖片的味道XDD9F 12/10 04:49
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1945