※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-25 02:59:15
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 Fw: [閒聊] 取回了十年前被盜的帳號
時間 Fri Apr 18 15:29:27 2014
※ [本文轉錄自 Steam 看板 #1JKCtUiP ]
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [閒聊] 取回了十年前被盜的帳號
時間 Fri Apr 18 15:01:47 2014
Wow... Steam account hacked 10 Years ago. Retrieved it 10 years later.
Wow... Steam account hacked 10 Years ago. Retrieved it 10 years later. - Steam Users' Forums Wow... Steam account hacked 10 Years ago. Retrieved it 10 years later. Off Topic ...
I hope you all can take the time to read this beautiful message.
My original Steam Account is over 10 years old maybe 11 years… I’m 22 now
so back then I was about 11 or 12. My dad bought me the few games every so
often on that account. Which to be fair was very few because we didn’t have
much money… But none the less it was my first Steam Account and I had hours
of gaming on it…
我原本的Steam帳號已經10,11歲... 今年我22歲,所以當年我約11或12。我爸偶爾會用那
帳號買些遊戲給我... 不多,畢竟我們不怎麼富有... 總之這是我第一個Steam帳號,我
帳號買些遊戲給我... 不多,畢竟我們不怎麼富有... 總之這是我第一個Steam帳號,我
Just one night, [still remember the feeling from it all haha] I went to login
into Steam and I got a error. It said my password was incorrect… Well… I
just felt sick… As stated above we hardly had any money so the few games I
did have for that account was actually a lot of games in terms of being able
to have games bought for me if that makes sense… That said, back then it was
very difficult to get your Steam Account back. [I didn’t even had the CD-KEY
from the actual HALF-LIFE DISK] So there was no way I could have got the
account back… So in the end I had to create a new account and over the time
buy the games all over again…
有一晚,[那感覺仍記憶猶新哈哈]我登入Steam帳號跳出錯誤。說我密碼不正確... 呃
.. 我頓時天旋地轉... 如同前述我家不怎麼有錢,那帳號的少少遊戲對我來說就是一切
.. 更糟的是,當年要取回Steam帳號可是難如登天。[我甚至沒有戰慄時空實體片的
CD-KEY]所以我完全找不到辦法取回帳號... 結果我只好創新帳號,並慢慢把遊戲重買回
Throughout the years I have tried just out of curiosity and hope to get the
account back… But always had no luck… Mainly due to the contact email being
changed, the password being changed on the account, it not being verified etc
etc. So in the end I lost the energy to attempt to try and get it back. But
of course over these 10-11 years the Steam Support System has improved so
這幾年來,出於好奇我仍嘗試取回帳號... 但完全失敗... 主因是信箱改了,密碼變了,
Today for some strange reason I decided to try and see if I can get my
account back. I could always remember the account name for it you see. From
here, I changed users from Steam and put in the account name. For some
reason, Steam said it recognized the username and then let me have the option
to reset the password. [Never let me do this before through the years] So
this gave me hope. Literally 2 hours from now I made a Steam Support Ticket
explaining that my account was hacked over 10-11 years ago lol, I thought
maybe they won’t believe it or maybe it’s to late… Because 10 years later
asking something like this does seem like a long shot!
年前被盜的事lol,我以為他們才不會信這些鬼話,也許已經太遲... 畢竟都過10年了。
年前被盜的事lol,我以為他們才不會信這些鬼話,也許已經太遲... 畢竟都過10年了。
Anyway, I literally told support everything I could remember, from the secret
question to the password to the last game I bought on it just everything.
About 1 hour later I got a reply from support. They CHANGED the password for
me and reset all my details ALLOWING me to go back on my account… My heart
stopped and I had a huge cheesy grin on my face… 10 long, LONG LONG years
being apart from my first ever Steam Account because of some cold-blooded
hacker… So you can imagine this felt good… I put in all the details into
Steam…. And finally…FINALLY! I was able to log back into my account 10-11
years later!
一小時後客服回信了。他們為我*變更*了密碼,並重設資料*允許*我取回帳號... 我心臟
差點停了,露齒大笑... 多長的10年,*多麼多麼長*啊!只因某個冷血的駭客使我和這帳
號離別... 所以你可以想像那滋味多好... 我輸入了所有資料到Steam去... 於是終於
差點停了,露齒大笑... 多長的10年,*多麼多麼長*啊!只因某個冷血的駭客使我和這帳
號離別... 所以你可以想像那滋味多好... 我輸入了所有資料到Steam去... 於是終於
.. *終於*!經過了這10-11年,我終於登回了我的帳號!
I just can’t believe support actually did this for me… To say how fast they
responded too.. Within at least an hour they replied to the ticket….
我還是不敢相信客服真的為我做了這一切... 他們快速的回應也值得稱讚... 僅僅一小時
The best part is guys… The account has over 100 games in it! Half of those I
don’t even have!
最棒的是... 這帳號有超過100個遊戲!有一半我當年根本沒買過!
So, the message is what comes around goes around… To the MR HACKER who took
my account 10 years ago – KARMA IS A BI....
所以,這故事教導了我們,因果報應... 10年前偷了我帳號*親愛的駭客先生* - 惡有惡
Thank you support, I will cherish this moment forever.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1397804510.A.B19.html
※ 編輯: dbfox (, 04/18/2014 15:03:31
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: dbfox (, 04/18/2014 15:29:27
苦主看著這女頗標致,腦中閃過一個念頭 -
推 :我的帳號也因為板上的建議去投單,最後拿了回來!1F 04/18 15:04
推 :太溫馨了吧!2F 04/18 15:05
推 :倒數第三段lol3F 04/18 15:08
推 :10年賺50個遊戲4F 04/18 15:10
推 :最棒的是...這帳號有超過100個遊戲!有一半我當年根本沒買5F 04/18 15:12
→ :xD
→ :xD
推 :我也有一個10年前被盜的帳號耶,但我連帳號email當忘了..7F 04/18 15:16
→ :帳號可能是被賣給另一個可憐人8F 04/18 15:17
→ :遊戲也只有cs1.6,序號也早弄丟了9F 04/18 15:17
※ 編輯: dbfox (, 04/18/2014 15:19:18推 :之前也拿回過10年前的遊戲橘子,還好當時是填正確個資10F 04/18 15:28
→ :最後是傳身分證影本解鎖
→ :最後是傳身分證影本解鎖
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: dbfox (, 04/18/2014 15:29:27
推 :那有辦法取回我十年前被偷走的青春嗎?1F 04/18 15:31
推 :溫馨(?2F 04/18 15:31
推 :wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww3F 04/18 15:33
推 :wwwwwwww4F 04/18 15:34
推 :[勵志]為了向駭客復仇 苦主經過十年的訓練成為超級駭客5F 04/18 15:38
推 :結果駭到當年那個駭客的女兒 說了一句:為什麼你要代替你爹6F 04/18 15:39
苦主看著這女頗標致,腦中閃過一個念頭 -
推 :wwwwwwww7F 04/18 15:40
※ 編輯: dbfox (, 04/18/2014 15:44:46推 :帳號拿回來遊戲還變多了,溫馨8F 04/18 15:44
推 :我一個月之前STEAM也被盜了,該來個十年養成計畫了9F 04/18 15:47
推 :溫馨10F 04/18 15:57
推 :為何會多出遊戲XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD11F 04/18 16:00
推 :超級溫馨wwww12F 04/18 16:07
→ :這我相信啊我的steam帳號也爆了六七年才去取回13F 04/18 16:11
→ :一切順利,只是附了其中一個遊戲的CDKEY拍照就回來了XD
→ :但裡面完全沒有多出遊戲O_Q
→ :一切順利,只是附了其中一個遊戲的CDKEY拍照就回來了XD
→ :但裡面完全沒有多出遊戲O_Q
推 :看來我該拍幾張我的CD-KEY照片了XD16F 04/18 16:14
推 :這也太有趣wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww17F 04/18 16:15
→ :等等,假如駭客駭了以後賣人呢,多的遊戲都是買家買的18F 04/18 16:36
推 :想到以前被盜的帳號QQ19F 04/18 16:42
推 :那就誰叫你買來路不明的帳號...贓物是很危險的20F 04/18 16:44
推 :溫馨 XD21F 04/18 17:05
推 :感謝駭客wwwwww22F 04/18 17:08
推 :溫馨個屁啊wwwwwwwwwwwwwww23F 04/18 17:20
→ :推文的小故事wwww24F 04/18 17:22
推 :其實我很好奇 如果帳號一直被盜可以申請改帳號嗎25F 04/18 18:35
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1181