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看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [問題] 可以推薦跑步用的音樂嗎?
時間 Thu Jun 12 22:28:06 2014
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1402583290.A.5A4.html
推 :我都聽健全機鬥士的OP1F 06/12 22:29
推 :JAM2F 06/12 22:29
→ :victory
→ :未来への咆哮
→ :victory
→ :未来への咆哮
→ : 關鍵字:澤野弘之5F 06/12 22:29
→ :GONG6F 06/12 22:30
→ :skill
→ :skill
推 :[]マクロスF-虛空歌姬(ユニバーサル・バニー)8F 06/12 22:30
→ :5d`s 的clear mind XD? OP4/5我也有配過9F 06/12 22:30
推 :gogo power rangar10F 06/12 22:30
→ :這節奏很好跑步、我都是聽這首跑11F 06/12 22:30
推 :男子漢12F 06/12 22:30
推 :這篇我要留起來XD13F 06/12 22:30
推 :小蘋果(拖)14F 06/12 22:31
→ :44拍、很好對腳步15F 06/12 22:31
Hajime no Ippo's 2nd OP song, Inner Light (Shocking Lemon) - YouTube Hajime no Ippo's 2nd opening song, Inner Light by Shocking Lemon. Enjoy ^^

推 :YATTA!17F 06/12 22:32
→ :打不倒的空氣人19F 06/12 22:32
→ :ROCKY20F 06/12 22:32
推 :把『SUPERNAL LIBERTY』整張放進去21F 06/12 22:32
→ :億千萬22F 06/12 22:32
→ :創聖のアクエリオン
→ :創聖のアクエリオン
→ :uverworld的chance25F 06/12 22:33
→ :sm926F 06/12 22:33
→ :アンインストール29F 06/12 22:33
→ :魔法使之夜 FIVE30F 06/12 22:33
推 :洛基31F 06/12 22:33
→ :跑步機的話 要不要來個無間道?33F 06/12 22:34
→ :這首節奏應該很適合跑步34F 06/12 22:35
推 :洛基35F 06/12 22:35
Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua OST - Mighty Wind - YouTube
From the Official Soundtrack to the Playstation 2 port of Visual Novel, Fate/Stay Night. I do not claim ownership of the contents on this video. Art is by iz...
From the Official Soundtrack to the Playstation 2 port of Visual Novel, Fate/Stay Night. I do not claim ownership of the contents on this video. Art is by iz...

eXceed3rd-JADE PENETRATE-BLACK PACKAGE OST ~ White Beelzebub - YouTube eXceed3rd-JADE PENETRATE-BLACK PACKAGE Stage 1 Boss - Lugh Ciel Track 03 White Beelzebub-Remix

→ :Fate/Stay Night Mighty Wind38F 06/12 22:36
→ :當作自己在開車(?)40F 06/12 22:36
8tracks radio | Hitting the treadmill like a freak (18 songs) | free workout and running music playlist 8tracks is Radio, rediscovered - Hitting the treadmill like a freak (1hr 1min) by rebpop| music tags: workout, running, motivation, exercise, and cardio | stupid, annoying, loud songs that for some reason make me wanna workout . ...
John Cafferty - Hearts On Fire (Rocky IV) - YouTube
John Cafferty song, "Hearts On Fire", from the Movie, from "Rocky IV".
John Cafferty song, "Hearts On Fire", from the Movie, from "Rocky IV".

[閒聊] 請推薦一聽到就想到處跑到處爬的音樂! - 看板 C_Chat - 批踢踢實業坊
最近迷上了跑步,明天又正好有一場六公里長征…… 平常最多只能撐兩公里,所以這次想配上音樂來激勵自己的意志力。
最近迷上了跑步,明天又正好有一場六公里長征…… 平常最多只能撐兩公里,所以這次想配上音樂來激勵自己的意志力。
→ :億千萬,聽一聽會想哭QQ44F 06/12 22:49
Survivor - Burning Heart (Rocky IV) - YouTube
Survivor song, "Burning Heart", from the Movie, "Rocky IV".
Survivor song, "Burning Heart", from the Movie, "Rocky IV".

Vince Dicola - Training Montage (Rocky IV) - YouTube
Vince DiCola song, "Training Montage", from the Movie, "Rocky IV".
Vince DiCola song, "Training Montage", from the Movie, "Rocky IV".

→ :進擊巨人的 OST 全!!47F 06/12 22:54
Grooveshark - Free Music Streaming, Online Music
Grooveshark is free music, online radio, and so much more. Enjoy unlimited free music streaming with a worldwide community of artists and music lovers. ...
→ :推一下我的歌單 ㄎㄎ49F 06/12 22:56
【E3 14】陽光、慢跑、殭屍?!《死亡之島 2》曝光 - 巴哈姆特
當初《死亡之島》的宣傳影片讓人印象深刻,如今在 PlayStation E3 媒體發表會上, Deep Silver 公開了續作《死亡之島 2》最新宣傳影片。 這次《死亡之島 2》將帶領玩家來到金州,官方強調將會帶領玩家體 ...
推 :bad apple, 節奏很強,拍子也不會太快,很好用52F 06/12 23:00
推 :跑跑跑 向前跑 經過小巷和大道53F 06/12 23:17
Pigeon John - "The Bomb" [Official Video] - YouTube
Pigeon John - The Bomb Taken From: Dragon Slayer : iTunes: Check out the latest single "Boomerang" Feat. 20Syl !! iTunes :
Pigeon John - The Bomb Taken From: Dragon Slayer : iTunes: Check out the latest single "Boomerang" Feat. 20Syl !! iTunes :

Dead Island 2- Official E3 Announce Trailer | PS4 - YouTube
The one and only Dead Island is heading to the Golden State, and we're bringing the zombie apocalypse to a whole new level! Experience the true new-generatio...
The one and only Dead Island is heading to the Golden State, and we're bringing the zombie apocalypse to a whole new level! Experience the true new-generatio...

【作業用BGM】アニソン・ゲーソン集①『私的なカッコイイ系』《Final Edition》 - YouTube <②『私的なテンション上がる系』→ <③『私的な癒し系+感動系』→ <④『系統ランダムⅠ』→

【作業用BGM】アニソン・ゲーソン集②『私的なテンション上がる系』《Final Edition》 - YouTube <①『私的なカッコイイ系』→ <③『私的な癒し系+感動系』→ <④『系統ランダムⅠ』→

→ :跑步應該不會只聽一兩首吧 這個丟下去都可以跑馬拉松了...58F 06/12 23:20
推 :作業用wwwwwww跑步被歸類在作業了wwwww59F 06/12 23:44
推 :閃電霹靂車,你會不自覺的加速60F 06/12 23:53
推 :頭文字d的歌 可以邊聽邊甩尾61F 06/13 00:04
Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito - YouTube
Music video by Hechizeros Band performing El Sonidito. (C) 2009 Universal Music Mexico S.A. de C.V.
Music video by Hechizeros Band performing El Sonidito. (C) 2009 Universal Music Mexico S.A. de C.V.

GTA V -EAST LOS FM: Jessy Bulbo-Maldito - YouTube
Jessy Bulbo-Maldito. From the new GTA 5 ost. out SEP 17. MEXICO D.F.(2007)
Jessy Bulbo-Maldito. From the new GTA 5 ost. out SEP 17. MEXICO D.F.(2007)

Rhapsody (of Fire) - Dawn of Victory - YouTube
Lyrics: Fire is raging on the battlefield while Arwald is fighting the war of kings The army of Dargor, the thunder, the storm... so people are calling the b...
Lyrics: Fire is raging on the battlefield while Arwald is fighting the war of kings The army of Dargor, the thunder, the storm... so people are calling the b...

Maaya Sakamoto - mameshiba 「マメシバ」 (sub Español, karaoke) - YouTube karaoke w/ Japanese lyrics + romaji + Spanish translation 坂本 真綾 「マメシバ 」 地球少女アルジュナ 作詞:坂本真綾 作曲/編曲:菅野よう子 Esta canción fué usada en el anime "Arjuna, la chica de...

→ :知道非常適合跑步的啦 其實我都聽倒退嚕跟我難過66F 06/13 00:44
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第3部OP、STAND PROUD。説明欄に歌詞あり - YouTube 歌詞 そして、集いしスターダスト 100年目の目醒めに 呼ばれて 男たちは向かう 時の砂を越えるJourney 鎖のよう連なる 絡み合う宿命(カルマ) 白金(ひかり)で断つ運命(さだめ) Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! 打ち込むのは All right now All right no...

鬼神童子ZENKI_Kishin Dōji Zenki_OST主題曲OP_鬼神童子ZENKI MV - YouTube 這首鬼神童子的主題曲是以前看這部卡通的動力所在阿~~ 每當上學上課放學回家很累後 看到這部卡通 就精神都來了 整個熱血沸騰 可說是超經典卡通 真慶幸自己活在這麼熱血的年代裡 影片有日文和羅馬歌詞 想學唱這首歌的可以參考看看 也有提供中文歌詞在說明這裡 不過中文翻譯的部分翻得不太好 有技術不足之處 還請各位大大多多...

WILD WIND - YYH Super Dance Mix version - YouTube
Title: Wild Wind ~Yasei no Kaze no You ni~ Sung by: Kurama and Hiei (Ogata Megumi and Hiyama Nobuyuki) Album: Yuu Yuu Hakusho Super Dance Mix Track #: 6
Title: Wild Wind ~Yasei no Kaze no You ni~ Sung by: Kurama and Hiei (Ogata Megumi and Hiyama Nobuyuki) Album: Yuu Yuu Hakusho Super Dance Mix Track #: 6

Hans Zimmer - Batman Begins - The Chase - YouTube
Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard Batman Begins The Chase Check out also Dark Knight Rises Soundtracks here:
Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard Batman Begins The Chase Check out also Dark Knight Rises Soundtracks here:

推 :飆速宅男OP 保證停不下來78F 06/13 01:27
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust OST Track 23 The Ring - YouTube
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is Property of Madhouse/Urban Vision Entertainment Inc. All elements remain the intellectual property of the original property hol...
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is Property of Madhouse/Urban Vision Entertainment Inc. All elements remain the intellectual property of the original property hol...

→ :吸血鬼獵人D BLOODLUST OST80F 06/13 01:34
Dead Island 2- Official E3 Announce Trailer | PS4 - YouTube
The one and only Dead Island is heading to the Golden State, and we're bringing the zombie apocalypse to a whole new level! Experience the true new-generatio...
The one and only Dead Island is heading to the Golden State, and we're bringing the zombie apocalypse to a whole new level! Experience the true new-generatio...

推 :福山芳樹 的 真赤な誓い82F 06/13 10:29
→ :(請用最高速 + 跟著 I CAN FLY ...84F 06/13 11:03
推 :Ripple Runner 的原聲帶還不錯85F 06/13 17:59
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1075
作者 forsakesheep 的最新發文:
- 21F 11推
- 22F 10推
- 26F 8推 1噓
- 其實我覺得30的嘗試事好的 至於割裂感很重這個就是跟自由度衝突的東西 你要劇情無割裂,那就是舊版的分路線,大事件就是選一邊一路跑到底 你要自由度,那就是會宇宙人都來侵略了還在地球打雜魚 而且再怎麼說 …51F 22推
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2014-06-14 13:20:56 (台灣)
06-14 13:20 TW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQiygIlJK64 不推薦太high的歌 這首的感覺就是拳擊手平常的訓練漫長辛苦 但是絕對要撐下去!!
2樓 時間: 2014-06-15 00:50:44 (台灣)
06-15 00:50 TW
3樓 時間: 2014-06-15 00:52:10 (台灣)
06-15 00:52 TW
4樓 時間: 2014-06-15 00:52:50 (台灣)
06-15 00:52 TW
5樓 時間: 2014-06-15 00:55:19 (台灣)
06-15 00:55 TW
6樓 時間: 2014-06-15 00:58:24 (台灣)
06-15 00:58 TW