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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-20 13:39:42
看板 C_Chat
作者 outsmart33 (戲言見習生)
標題 [閒聊] 求英文動漫歌曲
時間 Thu Jun 19 17:58:02 2014






1. .hack OP   Obsession

2. .hack ED   The key of twilight

3. RWBY OP    This Will Be The Day

4. 舞Hime 間曲    It is only the fairy tale



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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1403171887.A.FD6.html
icypyh:RISE/origa 半英半俄1F 06/19 17:59
jack19931993:槍彈辯駁OP2F 06/19 17:59
adk147852:God only knows - Secrets of the Goddess3F 06/19 17:59
KawasumiMai:幫我生孩子吧  OP4F 06/19 17:59
icypyh:銀魂ED2 MR.RAINDROP5F 06/19 18:00
KawasumiMai:印象中犬夜叉有一首歌有英文版6F 06/19 18:00
swallowcc:gravity / 坂本真綾7F 06/19 18:00
kininan:吊帶襪天使 ED  聖魔之血 ED8F 06/19 18:01
yeu594271:東之伊甸 falling down9F 06/19 18:01
KawasumiMai:聖魔之血ED讚!!   可是中間口白有日文XD10F 06/19 18:01
jack19931993:絕園的暴風雨 OP111F 06/19 18:01
swallowcc:蟲師兩部的OP也都英文的,都蠻好唱12F 06/19 18:01
wohtp:http://youtu.be/L7qTg36iGbA               阿姨洗鐵路~~13F 06/19 18:04
Genesis of Aquarion Accapella+English version - Akino - YouTube iLuvPancakiez Productions Presents this time; The famous Opening song Genesis of Aquarion!! I disown anything from the song to the lyrics, and I got the lyri...

scarbywind:euphoric field (ef14F 06/19 18:04
KawasumiMai:話說回來,雖然是題外話,有這個需求的話還是當作藉口15F 06/19 18:05
Sougetu:PSYCHO-PASS的OP2:out of control17F 06/19 18:06
NealeDolphin:黑執事 ED1 I'm Alive!18F 06/19 18:07
wow999:let it go19F 06/19 18:07
migumigu:巖窟王OP20F 06/19 18:07
tlasidoen:MAGIC 0083ed21F 06/19 18:09
jason6025:本來想推Calc. 結果注意到是動漫曲Orz22F 06/19 18:10
benjamin230:Pay money To my Pain - Weight of my pride23F 06/19 18:10
raven13:狼與辛香料 ED リンゴ日和24F 06/19 18:13
oread168:鋼彈UC有不少首25F 06/19 18:13
ganbaru:persona4 OP,動畫和遊戲都是26F 06/19 18:13
belmontc:BIG-O片尾 and forever27F 06/19 18:13
SCLPAL:鋼彈0083是不是有幾首英文歌?28F 06/19 18:15
Ommm5566:第一神拳 8AM - Coldrain29F 06/19 18:15
hinofox:怎麼可以少了這首 http://youtu.be/XRgAzd3LfTU30F 06/19 18:15
Why, Or Why Not ~Higurashi Ending Full~With Lyrics~ - YouTube This song is just ... beautiful .. i love it ..

hinofox:アニソンの歌詞が全て英語なの... http://goo.gl/PMBWfJ31F 06/19 18:17
アニソンの歌詞が全て英語なのを教えてください! - Yahoo!知恵袋
できれば初めから終わりまで全部英語の歌詞でお願いしますm(_ _)m
←なるべく深夜アニメによ... ...

rochiou28:新科學小飛俠的OP!!!!!!!!好聽又夠燃32F 06/19 18:19
Pegasus99:鋼鍊 兄弟  (麥鬧)33F 06/19 18:19
usio:Ana CLANNAD34F 06/19 18:22
kininan:妖精旋律OP                         不過是拉丁文的樣子35F 06/19 18:23
holymoon99:http://youtu.be/5e62xvxsdzk  It's only the fairly36F 06/19 18:24
舞hime - It's only the fairly tale - YouTube
最喜欢的MV之一,宮村優子的声音把这首歌诠释得很好,不一定是欧美歌手才能把英文歌唱得好听!悲It''s only the fairy tale 歌词: Who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁? just trapped in castle of dark sid...

holymoon99:tale37F 06/19 18:24
holymoon99:http://youtu.be/ZYrBF9CmI-k  Somewhere In The World
The Slayers Try - Somewhere In The World (English) - YouTube
Anime - The Slayers Try Song - Somewhere In The World Artist - Houko Kuwashima All rights and credits go to their respective owners.

belmontc:http://youtu.be/EKc6a0dPSPM  And forever 超棒的39F 06/19 18:26
Big O - And forever - YouTube
I own nothing copyrighted to this video and was made for the entertainment of others. Music - Robbie Danzie with Takao Naoki - And Forever Anime - Big O

shintz:sao op2 overfly有英文板40F 06/19 18:26
holymoon99:http://youtu.be/W8-kPbsqMNY TheGardenOfEverything41F 06/19 18:27
The Garden Of Everything - YouTube
The Garden of Everything by Maaya Sakamoto and Steve Conte. From RahXephon (also in Wolf's Rain anime). It's been brought to my attention that I might have m...

Ommm5566:柯南 tonight i feel close to you 倉木麻衣&孫燕姿42F 06/19 18:28
ivan609:狼辛ED超讚的!!!!44F 06/19 18:29
filiaslayers:居然沒人推片霧烈火的why or why not!!!!45F 06/19 18:30
hinofox:                                           囧46F 06/19 18:31
hinofox:GunxSword - A rising Tide http://youtu.be/I8TXRdXYH2s
GunxSword - A rising Tide (ending theme) - YouTube
This is my second slideshow for GunxSword with the ending theme to the series "A Rising Tide" Enjoy Please rate and comment

hinofox:這首男聲應該比較少人想到XD48F 06/19 18:34
Boa - Duvet [Serial Experiments Lain] - YouTube
"And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Will turn to whisper in your ear And you know what they...

holymoon99:http://youtu.be/foY5Ht-JE00 Heaven's Not Enough50F 06/19 18:34
Wolf's Rain - Heaven's Not Enough - YouTube
Song: Heaven's Not Enough - Steve Conte/Yoko Kanno (Wolfs Rain OST #2) "-and if I could cry, And if I could live what truth I did Then take me there; Heaven....

kimokimocom:要就唱日文 不然乾脆唱聽海 安靜之類的還附日文注音51F 06/19 18:37
holymoon99:http://youtu.be/nPbBhvv6GI8        Call me Call me52F 06/19 18:37
Cowboy Bebop - Call me Call me - YouTube
Cowboy Bebop OST Song: Call me, call me by Steve Conte (BANDAI_Co_Ltd BANDAI_Co_Ltd)

leho:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOmNWL5nzE4 Red fraction53F 06/19 18:38
Opening Black Lagoon -- Red Fraction (full version) - YouTube This is my other channel, where I will upload videos of gameplays. I hope you like :) Este es mi otro canal, donde subiré vídeos de gameplays de comedia. Esp...

seanyallow:神知系列(?)54F 06/19 18:40
holymoon99:Cowboy Bebop 有不少 慢慢爬55F 06/19 18:40
belmontc:http://youtu.be/EIVgSuuUTwQ  攻殼56F 06/19 18:43
Inner Universe (full song) - YouTube
Listen, I've allowed you guys to comment once again. PLEASE do not let your remarks get out of hand. If you have a disagreement, take it to private messages,...

Leeng:澤野寫很多58F 06/19 18:43
Seudo: Over night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xUIPScdegU59F 06/19 18:45
雙面騎士(Chevalier)片尾曲 - AYA - Over Night 【中英字幕】 - YouTube 由亞矢演唱的Over Night,雙面騎士的片尾曲。 當初被這首歌吸引只是因為它的旋律,但在很久之後看到它的歌詞才真正愛上這首歌。 有些歌很美,但是在了解它歌詞所表達的意義之後,它會帶出完全不同的感覺。

Shingeki No Kyojin OST - Track 15 - Call Your Name - YouTube
Vocals - MPI & CASG All Rights Reserved Audio Visualizer by Mocarg

RideBack Op by Mell (FULL) - YouTube
*I do not own the song or the pictures All copyrighted materials belong to their respective owner* an amazing song by mell! Lyrics : Squeez'n step on it hard...

ezaki:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4R5OlJeRvk 城市獵人62F 06/19 18:52
City Hunter - Forever in My Heart - YouTube
City Hunter Forever in My Heart By: Kirsten Steinhauer I can't pretend Not to love the things you do or say I didn't wanna fall again I didn't wanna let you ...

ezaki:太傷心了,孩提時代催淚的歌曲沒人推63F 06/19 18:53
belmontc:或者你可以考慮敵視尼全部...反正都是ACG曲(無誤64F 06/19 18:53
belmontc:王菲的用眼上我 http://youtu.be/1-_Did76LXQ
Final Fantasy VIII - Eyes On Me - YouTube
Final ending of FFVIII My last night here for you Same old songs, just once more My last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no I kind of liked it your way...

Valter:GC插入曲——Release My Soul66F 06/19 19:00
iamnotgm:創聖的OP有英文版的67F 06/19 19:05
oversky0:You raise me up68F 06/19 19:12
【PV】Vacancy【Kylee】【亡念のザムド】【Xam'd Lost Memories】 - YouTube 【Vacancy】 亡念のザムドのED曲です。 ジブリやらエウレカやら色々と影響を受けた作品が分かるので、パクリとか二番煎じとか批判される事も多かったアニメです...が、アニメーションとしてのクオリティは間違いなく一級でした。 最初から最後までシリアスなストーリーも、見応えがあって好きでした。 OP曲にブンブンサ...

LoliComplex:fly me to the moon70F 06/19 19:22
outsmart33:原來有這麼多,感謝大家71F 06/19 19:24
D122:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toiNdSt0vXY 未來日記OP272F 06/19 19:30
未来日記 Mirai Nikki - Dead End - YouTube
Sing By Faylan, Opening 2 Mirai Nikki Lyrics : The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh I met you at your story Behind the hatred there lies a murderous lo...

D122:當初覺得好聽 去查後才發現都英文><73F 06/19 19:30
star123:槍彈op比一般日文歌還難了吧XD74F 06/19 19:37
star123:Crowds的歌詞比較像是把單字拼湊起來, 某種程度上反而更難
IMGOODYES:怎麼能不提那首Magic76F 06/19 19:41
dderfken:0083的?77F 06/19 19:43
Nobunagun OP Respect For The Dead Man - YouTube
Band: Pay Money to My Pain Theme: Respect For The Dead Man Download

roea68roea68:這個難度好像太高..XD80F 06/19 19:45
sounan:死囚樂園op https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl5NMctvZ6g81F 06/19 20:01
Deadman Wonderland - Opening (HD with official lyrics) - YouTube The opening for the anime Deadman Wonderland, One Reason by DWB feat. fade. Animation production by Manglobe. Deadman Wonderland is available for streaming o...

yhong:狼雨的stray82F 06/19 20:04
kibou:絕園的暴風雨OP1 +183F 06/19 20:39
suncat71:亡念之扎姆德ED84F 06/19 21:38
cicadascry:蟬叫ed why or why not85F 06/19 22:21
cinnabardust:ryvius op, 銀英傳op, gunslinggirls op86F 06/19 23:04
cinnabardust:cowboy bebop一票英文歌xd
islandant:坂本真綾 Gravity 其實那邊也不少英文歌 也可點來唱唱88F 06/20 05:44
Project A-ko - Dance Away & Follow your Dream - YouTube
Music Video for "Dance Away" & "Follow your dream", two of the theme songs from the anime movie "Project A-ko"

hoyunxian:直接唱Let it go吧90F 06/20 10:54
nbook:why or why not!!!91F 06/20 13:06
fruitbasket:東之伊甸OP XD92F 06/20 13:21

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