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時間 Sun Sep 28 00:11:16 2014
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推 : 梶浦大神1F 09/28 00:11
→ : 澤野大神
剛剛隨便聽了幾首,整個雞皮疙瘩掉滿地,太好聽了 感謝你→ : 澤野大神
→ : Unicorn3F 09/28 00:12
推 : 薩爾達傳說4F 09/28 00:12
推 : UC5F 09/28 00:12
推 : 聖戟神嘆(錯棚)6F 09/28 00:12
→ : Xenoblade Zelda7F 09/28 00:12
推 : 伊蘇始源8F 09/28 00:13
推 : MACROSS Frontier9F 09/28 00:13
→ : 三國志510F 09/28 00:13
→ : 從作曲家下手可能會快點11F 09/28 00:13
推 : 進擊的巨人不知道算嗎?12F 09/28 00:14
→ : 我覺得遊戲比較多(?14F 09/28 00:14
→ : 罪惡王冠? 進擊的巨人?15F 09/28 00:14
→ : FATE?16F 09/28 00:14
→ : UC I>II III17F 09/28 00:15
推 : 黒石ひとみ、志方あきこ18F 09/28 00:15
→ : 天元突破?19F 09/28 00:16
→ : F/Z20F 09/28 00:16
【CCM】Sword Art Online Parody - Coffee Soda Toffee Pasta - YouTube ☆RANDOM☆ PLEASE READ: I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-m...

推 : 魔法少女小圓 麻美主題曲22F 09/28 00:17
推 : 大河劇也不少’也可從三國志姜維傳配樂找’作者挑23F 09/28 00:18
→ : 的眼光都很不錯
→ : 的眼光都很不錯
推 : 次元艦隊25F 09/28 00:19
推 : 境界線上的地平線26F 09/28 00:20
推 : 神秘的世界ova27F 09/28 00:21
推 : 歷代三國志的配樂都可以找找,五代與六代的OP都很不錯28F 09/28 00:21
推 : 菅野大神 個人推トルキア29F 09/28 00:21
→ : 攻殼每首都很好聽
→ : 攻殼每首都很好聽
推 : FF11以前的FF系列......31F 09/28 00:22
推 : elder scrolls morrowind oblivion skyrim32F 09/28 00:22
Ghost in the Shell OST - Torukia - YouTube
Torukia - Gabriela Robin Dunno why but i rly like this song ;)
Torukia - Gabriela Robin Dunno why but i rly like this song ;)

推 : epic這一類的音樂應該很多符合34F 09/28 00:22
上面板友們推薦的我會慢慢找來聽~謝謝各位※ 編輯: qize1428 (, 09/28/2014 00:27:15
推 : 上古卷軸 激戰235F 09/28 00:28
→ : 如果咖啡汽水還只算接近,我真的不知道有什麼曲子符合標準36F 09/28 00:28
→ : 是原po沒聽完整首曲子嗎?去youtube找一找swordland
→ : 是原po沒聽完整首曲子嗎?去youtube找一找swordland
推 : 烙印勇士劇場版,Aria38F 09/28 00:30
英雄伝説 零の軌跡 スーパーアレンジバージョン 11.to be continued - YouTube 在破了零碧後 決定將當中一部份bgm上傳分享 首先是零軌的super arragne version中的預兆 也就是碧軌中紅色星座襲擊crossbell時的bgm 英雄伝説_零の軌跡_スーパーアレンジバージョン 11. to be continued Falcom Sound Team j.d.k.

Two Steps From Hell - Dragon Rider - YouTube
Rate, comment, favorite and subscribe if you want. For more videos check out my channel. 1st picture : Music used...
Rate, comment, favorite and subscribe if you want. For more videos check out my channel. 1st picture : Music used...

→ : Two Steps From Hell 有很多音樂都是,他們也有做電43F 09/28 00:35
→ : 影配樂~
→ : 影配樂~
Immediate Music & Globus - Electric Romeo & Europa (REMIX by Kiko10061980) - YouTube Immediate Music - Electric Romeo & Globus - Europa, Remixed to one Epic Song by Kiko10061980 !! Enjoy, Rate and Subscribe!!! :)

Char's Counterattack/逆襲のシャア (吹奏楽) - YouTube
作曲: 三枝成彰 演奏: 航空自衛隊 航空中央音楽隊 Composed by: Shigeaki Saegusa Performed by: JASDF Central Band
作曲: 三枝成彰 演奏: 航空自衛隊 航空中央音楽隊 Composed by: Shigeaki Saegusa Performed by: JASDF Central Band

推 : 川井憲次48F 09/28 00:51
Fate/Stay Night OST's - Unlimited Blade Works(Archer's Theme) - YouTube I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood I have created over a thousand blades Unknown to death, nor known to life Have withstood pai...

Star Wars - John Williams - Duel Of The Fates - YouTube
Star Wars - John Williams - Duel Of The Fates - I The Phantom Menace
Star Wars - John Williams - Duel Of The Fates - I The Phantom Menace

→ : 個人最愛的BGM51F 09/28 00:54
推 : 汪達與巨像~52F 09/28 00:54
Battlefield 4 - OFFICIAL MAIN THEME (Extended) - YouTube
The actual clean, official theme song of Battlefield 4. Downloaded straight from the official site. The non-extended version of the song lasts only 'till aro...
The actual clean, official theme song of Battlefield 4. Downloaded straight from the official site. The non-extended version of the song lasts only 'till aro...

→ : BF456F 09/28 01:08
推 : 魔獸世界幾乎符合你要的~~57F 09/28 01:15
Bleach OST [Stand Up Be Strong] Full Version - YouTube
YOU KNOW HOW TO READ DESCRIPTIONS, RIGHT??? Song: Stand Up, Be Strong Anime: Bleach Comment please! Just... do it! This is NOT a new AMV. But don't worry. Th...
YOU KNOW HOW TO READ DESCRIPTIONS, RIGHT??? Song: Stand Up, Be Strong Anime: Bleach Comment please! Just... do it! This is NOT a new AMV. But don't worry. Th...

推 : halo 原聲帶59F 09/28 01:17
World of Warcraft Epic Music Compilation (New) - YouTube
WoW music was created by 11 amazing composers: Jason Hayes, Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Matt Uelmen, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, David Arkenstone, Sam Cardon...
WoW music was created by 11 amazing composers: Jason Hayes, Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Matt Uelmen, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, David Arkenstone, Sam Cardon...

→ : t462F 09/28 01:28
推 : Okami63F 09/28 01:41
推 : RWBY64F 09/28 01:41
推 : 蒼鋼有幾首不錯65F 09/28 03:44
推 : 一樓已經把我要回答的答案說完了 -.-66F 09/28 04:30
推 : 光田康典!67F 09/28 07:23
Two Steps From Hell - Skyworld - YouTube
New track from their upcoming public album Skyworld which is recording in Prague (Czech Republic) and L.A. during this month. TSFH getting only better and be...
New track from their upcoming public album Skyworld which is recording in Prague (Czech Republic) and L.A. during this month. TSFH getting only better and be...

Two Steps From Hell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall (Archangel) - YouTube Buy this album on iTunes: Follow Thomas on Facebook: Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook:

→ : 我覺得.hack系列的很多都很棒72F 09/28 12:26
推 : 推薦蒼藍鋼鐵戰艦73F 09/28 13:52
推 : 遊戲王(武藤)的都不錯74F 09/28 14:05
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1664
作者 qize1428 的最新發文:
- 如題啦 母雞卡後面CP亂湊 我現在很怒 能不能一人一部百合神作幫洗一下眼睛 輕中重皆可 最好是「終將成為妳」等級的 這樣要求會太高嗎?84F 49推 1噓
- 25F 11推
- 如題啦 BanG Dream! 本身動畫已經出了好幾部 但一直到MyGO 才出現存在感非常強烈的梗圖幫、台詞幫 我承認就是被梗圖騙進坑的(去年8月才看) 在MyGO前頂多看到一些零星的樂團圖 不像現 …106F 50推 1噓
- 如題 先講一下我喜歡的作品 T0:校園迷糊大王、冰菓 T1:躍動青春、輝夜大小姐想讓人告白(前~中期)、 果然我的青春戀愛喜劇搞錯了(前期)、魔法零蛋、銀之匙 不錯的作品但沒有打到我的點的:龍與虎、 …120F 91推
- 《當雪花飄落》 當雪花開始紛紛飄落 我心裡輕輕的唱著歌 終於等到了這一天 生命裡的雪季沒錯過 這趟旅程走來辛苦顛簸 且喜也有各種精彩唱和 經過了山路的崎嶇不平 挨過了水路的駭浪風波 留下了…留下了… …252F 170推
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