※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-05-21 19:30:02
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [討論] 請推薦或認為是神剪接的遊戲OP
時間 Wed May 20 17:24:48 2015
Samurai Warriors 4: Opening - YouTube
Sengoku Musou 4/Samurai Warriors 4 Opening Intro. 戰國無雙4 (戦国無双4 Sengoku Musō 4?) is an upcoming hack and slash game by Tecmo Koei, and sequel to Samurai Warri...
Sengoku Musou 4/Samurai Warriors 4 Opening Intro. 戰國無雙4 (戦国無双4 Sengoku Musō 4?) is an upcoming hack and slash game by Tecmo Koei, and sequel to Samurai Warri...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LN5BYed (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1432113890.A.A27.html
※ 編輯: elvesa (, 05/20/2015 17:26:34
→ : Rage Racer 4 (R4) 跟 夢幻模擬戰III1F 05/20 17:33
Intro video to R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 - YouTube
Excellent intro featuring the lovely Reiko Nagase. Ripped straight from the original game disc video files.
Excellent intro featuring the lovely Reiko Nagase. Ripped straight from the original game disc video files.

推 : 同樣是暗榮的 信長の野望 Online 系列呢?5F 05/20 17:35
→ : 我看過櫻花大戰的,我找一下6F 05/20 17:35
Final Fantasy XIV Online: Cinematic Trailer - YouTube
Final Fantasy XIV reveals a brand new cinematic trailer at Tokyo Game Show. Square Enix's FFXIV is getting some TGS MMORPG love.
Final Fantasy XIV reveals a brand new cinematic trailer at Tokyo Game Show. Square Enix's FFXIV is getting some TGS MMORPG love.

→ : 沒想到FF14代舊生系統超爛QQ9F 05/20 17:39
Diablo III Opening Cinematic - YouTube
In Diablo III, you'll embark on a great adventure and enjoy a cinematic experience that will set the stage for your impending journey through Sanctuary and y...
In Diablo III, you'll embark on a great adventure and enjoy a cinematic experience that will set the stage for your impending journey through Sanctuary and y...

Resident evil Code Veronica Opening - YouTube
This is the resident evil code veronica opening. I shall upload more later on to this game. All the cutscenes will be uploaded soon. RE CV cutscene
This is the resident evil code veronica opening. I shall upload more later on to this game. All the cutscenes will be uploaded soon. RE CV cutscene

鬼武者3-OP - YouTube
PlayStation2版本(2004) 分享之動畫片段僅供同好玩家參考其內容大意 如喜愛此作品,請支持正版 by 遊戲小貓頻道(Game cat's youtube channel)
PlayStation2版本(2004) 分享之動畫片段僅供同好玩家參考其內容大意 如喜愛此作品,請支持正版 by 遊戲小貓頻道(Game cat's youtube channel)

推 : ヴィーナス&ブレイブス Waltz For Ariah13F 05/20 17:46
→ : 要歌好聽的話,時空幻境1&2代(PS)跟神祕的世界(SS)14F 05/20 17:47
→ : 第一印象想到這個www 這邊應該可以貼吧(?16F 05/20 17:48
Persona 4 Golden: Opening Movie - YouTube
Check out the stylings of the brand new opening movie for Persona 4 Golden! With an overall Metacritic score of 90 and a multitude of "Editor's Choice" and "...
Check out the stylings of the brand new opening movie for Persona 4 Golden! With an overall Metacritic score of 90 and a multitude of "Editor's Choice" and "...

Chrono Cross Opening HD - YouTube
For a review of Chrono Cross, head here: I wanted to upload this mostly because this opening is amazing and I...
For a review of Chrono Cross, head here: I wanted to upload this mostly because this opening is amazing and I...

→ : ↑當初看了這op及聽了這歌就馬上去買櫻三來玩20F 05/20 17:50
推 : ...上面一堆都不是剪接式OP啊22F 05/20 17:55
→ : "或"阿23F 05/20 17:56
Legend Of Mana - Game Intro [Playstation] ***HI-QUALITY*** - YouTube Some of the intro/title sequences from Legend Of Mana for the Sony Playstation. ***NOTE: For all my videos uploaded, I own a physical copy and the respected ...

推 : 啥或?XD 標題不是說請推薦剪接式OP嗎25F 05/20 17:57
→ : Legend Of Mana26F 05/20 17:57
→ : 我貼的絕對是剪接的27F 05/20 17:59
剪輯 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 剪輯是在電影、錄影帶、電視節目等,對視訊、音訊做剪接編輯的工作。儲存媒體有光學底片、磁性的錄影機等。 ...
漆黒のシャルノス OP - YouTube
漆黒のシャルノス ~What a beautiful tomorrow~ デモムービー 発売日:2008/11/21 メーカー:ライアーソフト 曲名:dorchadas 歌:Rita
漆黒のシャルノス ~What a beautiful tomorrow~ デモムービー 発売日:2008/11/21 メーカー:ライアーソフト 曲名:dorchadas 歌:Rita

黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_web公開用.mpg - YouTube

推 : WA2 搭上音樂簡直扣人心弦31F 05/20 18:16
Persona 3 FES - openings (HD) - YouTube
Persona 3 FES - openings (HD) Responsabilidad: No soy el propietario del material utilizado en este vídeo. No hay ninguna intención de infringir los derechos...
Persona 3 FES - openings (HD) Responsabilidad: No soy el propietario del material utilizado en este vídeo. No hay ninguna intención de infringir los derechos...

推 : 動畫一般也是有剪接啊除非一鏡到底38F 05/21 06:21
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 873