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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-05-26 19:43:55
看板 C_Chat
作者 Emerson158 (紅豆 X 八嘎 X 烏魯賽)
標題 [閒聊] 求推薦好聽的TV版動畫的OST
時間 Mon May 25 23:59:11 2015


音樂可以說是豐富一部作品的重要元素吧 西洽 裏洽應該都一樣


Tokyo Ghoul Full Opening 「unravel」 Vietsub - YouTube
Anime: Tokyo Ghoul Song: Unravel Link To Download High Quality Music (Unravel - FLAC)  Đây là Opening full của anime, vietsub + kara, trình...



Code geass OST The master - YouTube
I do not own anything! This is the original soundtrack of Code Geass, song title: The master. Please rate and comment, thanks for watching!

Code geass OST The master

Code Geass - Continued Story - YouTube
Title : Continued Story Singer : Hitomi Kuroishi Anime : Code Geass R2 Type : Anime Insert Song Where : Ending of Code Geass R2 Episode 25 Related Songs Masq...

Code Geass - Continued Story

If I were a Bird - Hitomi (With Lyrics) - YouTube
BEFORE YOU GUYS CRITICIZE ME...I just have to say, this is just a guesstimate on the lyrics. I'm not Japanese, and my Japanese vocabulary is about "Konnichiw...

If I were a Bird - Hitomi (With Lyrics)

快節奏 莊嚴 哀傷 懷念...




PS. OVA版則先推澤野弘之的獨角獸系列

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Roobamm: 澤野的都不錯啊~~1F 05/26 00:00
ray8672: last train home~still far2F 05/26 00:01
hydra6716: 犬夜叉3F 05/26 00:02
Roobamm: https://youtu.be/PBuJ9vZgDNk 拔劍神曲w4F 05/26 00:03
rainbowcrash: 礦物質 空5F 05/26 00:03
TohnoMinagi: 少女戰車的不錯、凪あす很強;另外推Key社三作6F 05/26 00:04
Nightcore - Bre@TH-LESS【Aldnoah Zero OST】 - YouTube
Thank for watching . ♬───────────────────────♬ Song : Bre@th//less Artlist : Mika Kobayashi Anime : Aldnoah.Zero Otakus Official :

ithil1: 蒼穹之戰神  第一部 第二部都棒8F 05/26 00:06
minoru04: 粉圓9F 05/26 00:06
jonathan836: 小圓10F 05/26 00:06
DorkKnight: 小圓12F 05/26 00:06
恩 小圓
max310785: WA2 灰色果實 四月謊言等等 用009聽根本享受13F 05/26 00:06
Nightcore aLIEz Aldnoah Zero ED2 Hiroyuki Sawano - I Say Cry - Full Version [HD] - YouTube お勧め情報はこちら↓  Nightcore aLIEz Aldnoah Zero ED2 Hiroyuki Sawano - I Say Cry - Full Version [HD] Nightcore - aLIEz

※ 編輯: Emerson158 (, 05/26/2015 00:07:31
ithil1: 少女革命OST15F 05/26 00:07
ithil1: https://youtu.be/q7jaPrhCF_M?list=PL45295195399BD13A
kisc32950: https://youtu.be/AK4nggli_0E 獨角獸的感覺都不錯17F 05/26 00:07
Gundam Unicorn OST 4 - 06. 6thMob. UNICORN GUNDAM - YouTube
Gundam Unicorn OST 4 Track 06. 6thMob. UNICORN GUNDAM Created with  rights are reserved to there rightful owners. Copyright Disclaimer Unde...

Valter: TARI TARI的OST  很適合當一串緩和心情的交響樂18F 05/26 00:08
Emerson158: 不過幼女控是OVA (‵‧ω‧′)||19F 05/26 00:08
ithil1: Slayers try的OST  直接用管弦樂團下去的20F 05/26 00:09
ithil1: https://goo.gl/BWFPLE
Skyger5566: A/Z,罪冠,psycho pass22F 05/26 00:10
max310785: 屍鬼也很棒 錄音很好23F 05/26 00:10
Roobamm: wa2戰歌 https://youtu.be/3svFAGN4Gos24F 05/26 00:10
cloture - WHITE ALBUM2 Original Soundtrack ~answer~ - YouTube track 04 cloture WHITE ALBUM2 Original Soundtrack ~answer~ I DO NOT own the song or anything. All credit goes to the composer of this beautiful game. Please ...

TARI TARI ED song Shiokaze no Harmon (full) (HD) - YouTube
the real tari tari ed song, note that the ed song from the 1st ep is not the real ed song of the anime and some said there is a 2nd and 3rd version of the so...

DorkKnight: 另外私心推一下種鋼和種命的,鋼彈系列很多都不錯26F 05/26 00:10
gm79227922: 澤野的機神大戰 basara 醫龍 鋼彈uc 巨人都不錯27F 05/26 00:11
kisc32950: https://youtu.be/FE_o0a2IqsM MADAO28F 05/26 00:11
Gintama OST - Madao - YouTube
Gintama OST 10- Madao Song title: Kamagata Eiichi - Jinsei wa Belt Conveyor no Youni Nagareru Artist : KAMAGATA EIICHI Song : Jinsei wa Belt Conveyor no Youn...

ithil1: 蒼穹也是管弦樂團砸下去的,不過水管難找,先給你這首吧29F 05/26 00:11
ithil1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-0cSWf0Ydk
TVアニメ「蒼穹のファフナー EXODUS」 続編告知PV! - YouTube
「蒼穹のファフナー EXODUS」続編告知PV! 5月24日開催「スペシャルイベント―痛み―」にて続編詳細発表!! Blu-ray&DVD第1巻・第2巻好評発売中! 4月8日(水)第3巻発売! 【MAIN STAFF】 原作:XEBEC シリーズ構成:冲方 丁 キャラクターデザイン:平井久司 メカニックデザイン:...

zoidsa12101: WA2 A/Z GC UC 熾天使 果青 巨人 亞莉亞 櫻花莊 刀劍31F 05/26 00:12
zoidsa12101:  心靈 key社三部曲
luckykey: A/Z https://youtu.be/X012-_UBcvg33F 05/26 00:12
►Nightcore - Keep On Keeping On【Aldnoah.Zero OST】 - YouTube ♥  Thanks For Watching! ♥  (ขอบคุณสำหรับการดู) ----------------------------------------­------------------------------ ►Song : Keep On Keeping On ►Artist : Saw...

Emerson158: 先聽完沙羽捏捏讚的END~ 再說34F 05/26 00:12
zoidsa12101: 四月是你的謊言 可塑性記憶35F 05/26 00:13
oread168: 鋼創36F 05/26 00:13
Roobamm: https://youtu.be/YZacTEpKRJ0 澤野日劇我推這首!37F 05/26 00:13
zoidsa12101: 放answer的真是……一個虐人回憶啊,喪心病狂38F 05/26 00:14
Macross Frontier OST 01: Frontier 2059 - YouTube
Macross Frontier OST 1 Track 1 I do not own this song or the image, they belong to the respective owners over in Japan (though I do greatly enjoy them) Copyr...

askz: 艦娘 坂道上的阿波羅40F 05/26 00:14
DreamRecord: 銀狐的 忘れない記憶 まことと銀太郎41F 05/26 00:15
zoidsa12101: 銀魂的OST也不錯42F 05/26 00:16
t06m6: 東京殘響的OST很棒43F 05/26 00:16
Emerson158: Nightcore難免失味呀...44F 05/26 00:16
hank81177: 天使與龍的輪舞 永遠語り~風ノ歌~45F 05/26 00:17
【真· 耳机福利】泽野弘之七大神曲融合剪辑,不一样的动漫神作,「拔剑」领衔_其他_动画_bilibili_哔哩哔哩弹幕视频网 自制 泽叔有很多好的作品,罪恶王冠的《Release My Soul》,AZ的《BRE@TH//LESS》,巨人的《Vogel im Käfig》,七大罪的《Perfect Time》,我认为真正意义上的神曲,泽叔动用管弦乐团制作的爆肝之作,高达UC的《Unicorn》。由于拼不起来了所以只好忍痛割爱选了七首,希望大家能够喜欢,配合歌词风味更佳。 ...

popo2006po: 我覺得紀錄的地平線 ed2 不錯阿47F 05/26 00:23
Samhain: 命運石之門48F 05/26 00:24
HououinKyoma: http://nico.ms/sm18169337 鋼彈系列49F 05/26 00:25
Kokoro Library OST - Kaze no Tsuyokatta Hi - YouTube
Kokoro Library OST - The Windy Day By Hogari Hisaaki

rasheedchiu: Kill La Kill OP2 https://youtu.be/K42ED-7PWAo51F 05/26 00:33
GARNiDELiA - Ambiguous - YouTube
Music video by GARNiDELiA performing Ambiguous. (C) 2015 Defstar Records

rasheedchiu: 動畫版 https://youtu.be/tc0O6v2771I52F 05/26 00:35
[AMV] Kill la Kill - Ambiguous - YouTube
Single : Ambiguous [GARNiDELiA] (C) 2014 Defstar Records Inc.

※ 編輯: Emerson158 (, 05/26/2015 00:39:40
usanhuang: 空之境界 https://youtu.be/GQ4trLraD3E53F 05/26 00:43
梶浦由记 - II quiet romance (杀人考察(前)) - YouTube
鋼琴流行音樂 輕音樂 (一)  鋼琴流行音樂 輕音樂 (二)

kisho1106: 推最後流亡跟蒼穹還有巖窟王54F 05/26 00:44
OldYellowDog: Cowboy Bebop 星際牛仔55F 05/26 00:47
paul19921011: 恐怖殘響56F 05/26 00:49
Rhime19: 1推個百合熊,走古典&浪漫路線57F 05/26 00:54
Rhime19: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dezmmynglvc
Yuri Kuma Arashi Soundtrack (OST) - Kuma Tale 'Mukashi Mukashi' - YouTube The original soundtrack (OST) from the anime series Yuri Kuma Arashi. Yuri Kuma Arashi (Love Bullet - Yuri Kuma Arashi) is sn anime adaptation of the Japanes...

sk2234: 我推結界師!每一首都在水準之上!59F 05/26 00:59
EstelleRinz: 拔刀的OP還不錯聽60F 05/26 01:02
rolitachin: 風平61F 05/26 01:07
jcaosola: 天使與龍的輪舞 ost 很讚62F 05/26 01:09
chocobell: 鋼彈UC   澤野的巔峰63F 05/26 01:16
Emerson158: 不要詛咒他阿......64F 05/26 01:16
SNLee: KEY系列都不錯 最近就AB65F 05/26 01:22
logus: 青之驅魔師 好聽66F 05/26 01:42
S890127: 排球少年 超級好聽 看的時候對BGM的高質量感到印象深刻67F 05/26 01:53
Foot: 真心推犬夜叉   ost強大到不行68F 05/26 01:54
Alixwaltz: 四月是妳的謊言,中華一番,犬夜叉,花開物語69F 05/26 01:56
Alixwaltz: SEED
Yui5566: 菅野よう子、岩崎琢、大島ミチル、梶浦由記、岩代太郎...71F 05/26 03:32
t0584224: 菅野洋子的音樂蠻有突破的 星際牛仔和東京殘響72F 05/26 04:40
t0584224: 混沌武士 nujabes不推不行
t0584224: 渡邊信ㄧ郎的動畫 配樂都不錯
t0584224: 加速世界
t0584224: mintjam、onoken
t0584224: 魯路修的配樂和惑星奇航為同一人
t0584224: 監督和腳本也一樣,推一下惑星奇航,冷門神作
t0584224: 四月是你的謊言也張專輯有收入劇中演奏的古典樂
t0584224: 更正:有張...
t0584224: 蟲師
t0584224: 川井憲次、鷺巢詩郎
tsai16: 私推寄生獸的OST  好聽!83F 05/26 06:35
hinofox: 怎麼有種OST、BGM傻傻分不清的FU.....84F 05/26 06:40
fzivan: 境界線上的地平線85F 05/26 07:27
Qilen: 高梨康治 的都不錯~最愛他的 屍鬼和地獄少女86F 05/26 07:37
wrather: 精靈的守護者 超讚87F 05/26 08:11
kururu6425: 潘朵拉之心!88F 05/26 08:57
lynneyang: 舊版獵人90F 05/26 10:09
oscarss07: 結界師+1 好聽91F 05/26 10:41
alastorlion: 推罪冠、psycho pass92F 05/26 10:43
HITTEN: 澤野弘之~93F 05/26 10:55
bag3781299: 鋼鍊的我也蠻喜歡的94F 05/26 11:40
zhi8725: 澤野是神我愛澤野95F 05/26 11:43
zhi8725: 這次UBW那首BGM有嚇到超好聽r
Emotional OST Collection: Main Theme ~ The Fullmetal Alchemist ~ - YouTube From: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood By: Akira Senju 01:00 "A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing somet...

sniper2824: 沒人推天元嗎98F 05/26 13:46
t0584224: 加速世界(onoken):https://youtu.be/P2LtCHAjlXY99F 05/26 15:26
[accelerated world (OST edit) - Accel World OST feat. onoken] - YouTube Album: Accel World Original Soundtrack feat. onoken Title: acclerated world (OST edit) Composer: onoken Arranger: onoken Disc: 1 Track: 11 ----- All rights b...

[burst link (raio0) - Accel World OST feat. onoken] - YouTube Album: Accel World Original Soundtrack feat. onoken Title: burst link (raio0) Composer: onoken Arranger: onoken Disc: 1 Track: 10 ----- All rights belong to ...

t0584224: 加速世界(mintjam):https://youtu.be/hVbgLpgtpSI101F 05/26 15:28
Accel World feat MintJam OST Soundtrack Silvery Wings - YouTube Accel World (アクセル・ワールド Akuseru Wārudo) is a Japanese light novel series written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by HiMA. The series began publication in ASC...

t0584224: 混沌武士 這部的原聲帶都是hip hop或jazz hip hop102F 05/26 15:31
t0584224: https://youtu.be/c3fZ8LXNs_E?t=19m16s
Nujabes/Fat Jon - Departure (Samurai Champloo OST) [Full album] - YouTube 1. Battlecry / Nujabes feat. Shing02 (0:00) 2. The Space Between Two World (3:22) 3. Aruarian Dance (8:04) 4. Kujaku (also known as "Transcendence") (12:14) ...

Battlecry- Nujabes - YouTube
Samurai Champloo opening, Battlecry by Nujabes 1 million! Thanks for enjoying great music!

Nujabes - Aruarian Dance (Samurai Champloo) - YouTube
From the Samurai Champloo soundtrack, Departure. Producer : Nujabes

Nujabes/Fat Jon/Force of Nature - Impression (Samurai Champloo OST) [Full album] - YouTube 1 - Force of Nature - Just Forget (00:00) 2 - Force of Nature - Nightshift (03:55) 3 - Force of Nature - Hiji Zuru Style (feat. Suiken & S-Word) (08:40) 4 - ...

Nujabes/Fat Jon/Force of Nature - Impression (Samurai Champloo OST) [Full album] - YouTube 1 - Force of Nature - Just Forget (00:00) 2 - Force of Nature - Nightshift (03:55) 3 - Force of Nature - Hiji Zuru Style (feat. Suiken & S-Word) (08:40) 4 - ...

t0584224: 這首必聽:https://youtu.be/sfGOsDg31mo?t=1h5m36s108F 05/26 15:40
Nujabes/Fat Jon/Force of Nature - Impression (Samurai Champloo OST) [Full album] - YouTube 1 - Force of Nature - Just Forget (00:00) 2 - Force of Nature - Nightshift (03:55) 3 - Force of Nature - Hiji Zuru Style (feat. Suiken & S-Word) (08:40) 4 - ...

蟲師 Mushi-Shi - Ending Theme Collection - [OST] - YouTube
このサウンドトラックはアニメ蟲師のすべてのエンディングテーマが含まれています This soundtrack includes all ending themes from the 1st season of the anime "Mushishi". Tracklist: Akatsuki no Hebi - ...

t0584224: 川井憲次的攻殼,鷺巢詩郎的eva110F 05/26 15:54
t0584224: 我最推菅野洋子,風格很多,不斷突破
t0584224: https://youtu.be/WwvQ6Hs7tJE
Yoko Kanno - Wolf's Rain - Go To Rakuen - YouTube
A pretty sad song from the anime "Wolf's Rain".

Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Space Lion - YouTube
Web:   Space Lion Anime: Cowboy Bebop OST: Cowboy Bebop OST 1 (1998) [audio] Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ, K...

Tank! Cowboy Bebop (Full version) - YouTube
I know there are a million copies of this song on youtube but this is the full version taken from the official soundtrack and I wanted to share it. 95,000+ v...

Best of Zankyou no Terror 『残響のテロル』 OST - YouTube
My selection of Zankyou no Terror OST. Enjoy~ A set of a mixture of upbeat and sorrowful songs. I think Zankyou no Terror OST really sets the mood for the wh...

Best of Zankyou no Terror 『残響のテロル』 OST - YouTube
My selection of Zankyou no Terror OST. Enjoy~ A set of a mixture of upbeat and sorrowful songs. I think Zankyou no Terror OST really sets the mood for the wh...

Best of Zankyou no Terror 『残響のテロル』 OST - YouTube
My selection of Zankyou no Terror OST. Enjoy~ A set of a mixture of upbeat and sorrowful songs. I think Zankyou no Terror OST really sets the mood for the wh...

t0584224: 貼這些給你試聽118F 05/26 16:37
riceworm520: 樓上為了原po找了一小時的音樂 還不再一起?119F 05/26 17:10
兩位 \在一起/ \在一起/ \在一起/ \在一起/ \在一起/
ebolalala: 提到鷺巢詩郎的話,想推一下男女蹺蹺板的:120F 05/26 18:16
ebolalala: https://www.youtube.com/user/Yuuka007/search?query=
ebolalala: Kare+Kano+122F 05/26 18:17
ebolalala: 補個縮址 https://goo.gl/7JjW2M
t0584224: 一樣是庵野秀明的作品 聽說手法很特殊 也很省錢124F 05/26 19:02
※ 編輯: Emerson158 (, 05/26/2015 19:12:56

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