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作者 terry88219 (小哈士奇)
標題 [閒聊] 有沒有英文歌曲的音樂?
時間 Tue Jul 28 21:06:40 2015



英文的話最好 非英文也OK

目前只想到 神知 最後流亡

空之音(?) 妖尾某主題曲 交響情人夢 巴黎篇

請推薦給我吧 !


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tonyy801101: 心靈判官OP2 BECK全系列1F 07/28 21:07
ithil1: 平澤進語可以嗎?2F 07/28 21:08
kikikinds: A/Z那首 突然忘了叫啥@@3F 07/28 21:08
ithil1: 攻殼TV版兩季OP 俄語夾雜英語 ED全英語 都很好聽4F 07/28 21:08
tonyy801101: RWBY系列的也可以找找看5F 07/28 21:09
hachiman: A/Z是指 breathless嗎6F 07/28 21:09
kikikinds: 啊 對 BRE@TH//LESS7F 07/28 21:10
ritainakano: RWBY系列+18F 07/28 21:10
正在聽之前沒認真聽 RWBY音樂真心讚!
tsukimikusa: リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song(狼與香辛料)9F 07/28 21:10
eva05s: 早上才在複習的OVER THE CLOUD10F 07/28 21:11
johnli: AIMER的"A LETTER" "holLow wORlD"11F 07/28 21:11
ithil1: 烙印勇士TV版OP https://youtu.be/A7m0saghsmU12F 07/28 21:11
ithil1: ED https://youtu.be/GatHrzpJxHY13F 07/28 21:12
berserk ED - YouTube
berserk ED anime music

eva05s: 雖然跟ACG有點沒關係,但MGS5在宣傳用過兩首超棒的歌曲14F 07/28 21:12
Xhocer: 片霧烈火-Why or why not  https://youtu.be/_1Ty88J3JQU15F 07/28 21:12
ひぐらしのなく頃に ED 「why,or why not」 Full ver. - YouTube
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...

gn00465971: beyond the bounds16F 07/28 21:13
ithil1: https://youtu.be/dVX0dguW2mk 平澤進語17F 07/28 21:13
Berserk 《剣風伝奇 黄金時代篇I 覇王の卵》重制MV Aria 平沢進 - YouTube Cross-Cheung 大厨制作MAD 《剣風伝奇 -黄金時代篇I - 覇王の卵》重制MV -Aria- 平沢進.f4v

eva05s: Nuclear和Not Your Kind of People18F 07/28 21:13
zzro: Cowboy Bebop 灰羽連盟 .hack//SIGN19F 07/28 21:13
CLisOM: 亡念ed、未來日記op、雙面騎士ed、寒蟬ed20F 07/28 21:13
blakespring: 攻殼二期插入曲I DO21F 07/28 21:14
npc776: devil惡魔 may五月 cry哭22F 07/28 21:14
ptthoshi: 死亡代理人op24F 07/28 21:15
ithil1: Slayers二期OP的英文版 https://youtu.be/8-HE-kBuQms25F 07/28 21:15
kane1017: 銀英傳全OP26F 07/28 21:16
chen00: Fear not this night跟WOW的Invincible27F 07/28 21:16
ithil1: Slayers三期OP的英文版 https://youtu.be/o8_i5P9l4tg28F 07/28 21:16
Fair Wind From Slayers TRY - YouTube
My baby you don't know how much I love you behind of you Cause (you) always look (at) the front to get your dream in future My baby you don't know whether yo...

steve41208: 寄生獸op?29F 07/28 21:16
Attack on titan AMV Vogel im Käfig - YouTube
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...

sunstrider: 絕園暴風雨OP131F 07/28 21:19
狼と香辛料 ED - YouTube
狼と香辛料 ED (Blulay)

wxtab019: 夏娜的也不少33F 07/28 21:21
CLisOM: 熾天使op好像也全英文?34F 07/28 21:21
「God only knows ~Secrets of the Goddess~」[OP1 TWGOK3] - YouTube OP 1 de la tercera temporada de TWGOK interpretado por Hayami Saori

adk147852: God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess 神知女神篇OP36F 07/28 21:22
哦哦 原來有那麼多! 聽太少了 來慢慢聽~
outnow5566: 寒禪ed  why or why not37F 07/28 21:23
amemura: 死亡代理人OP38F 07/28 21:24
f59952: 兵部京介39F 07/28 21:25
dolphintail: 拔劍曲不是英文吧40F 07/28 21:26
哦 應該改一下標題 我是想找非日文的歌 想起副歌好像是日文 修掉
bnn: https://youtu.be/nNO71s6mEw ef - ebullient future - ELISA41F 07/28 21:26
bnn: https://youtu.be/8xIYsdra3Uo ef - euphoric field - ELISA42F 07/28 21:27
ELISA euphoric field (English)歌詞 - YouTube
ef - a tale of memories OP Why am I standing alone in the twilight Let me go, no more lonely nights I take a deep breath under the hazy sky Feel like losing,...

【MV】 NoisyCell - Last Theater MV ver. - YouTube
NoisyCell 1st Full Album「Sources」 2015.07.01 Release!! VPCC-81843 ¥2,315 +税 ◇初の全国流通盤 ◇PABLO(Pay money To my Pain)サウンドプロデュース ◇「TVアニメ「デス・パレード」 EDテーマ「Last Theat...

aa30205aa: 死亡遊行ed44F 07/28 21:28
jack19931993: https://youtu.be/VYoAeBDIZF0  HELLSING插入曲45F 07/28 21:28
Hellsing Ultimate OST - Broken English (No Hitler) - YouTube
Artist: Schaft Song: Broken English Image:  Copyright Nazis, go find whatever long quote says it's ok for this video to be up, that way I ...

ithil1: 突然想到柏慎的台語版翻唱OP(?)46F 07/28 21:29
狼與香辛料 ED (HD) - YouTube
狼と香辛料 狼與香辛料 Spice and Wolf ED HD リンゴ日和 〜The Wolf Whistling Song 作詞:Chris Mosdell 作曲:山下太郎&noe 編曲:保刈久明 歌:ROCKY CHACK 中文歌詞 英語歌詞: O seven apples on a witch's tre...

eusttass: 來吧甜蜜的死亡48F 07/28 21:30
Attack on Titan - The Reluctant Heroes - YouTube
♪ Other music videos!:  ● Facebook Page:  ● Twi...

Kysol9: 兵長砍人專用曲50F 07/28 21:31
Kope5566: 他應該是說拔劍曲是德文+英文吧 沒日文吧@@51F 07/28 21:34
我還以為是英文+日文 記錯啦XD
kmd: Through the Years and Far Away 很妙的一首...52F 07/28 21:35
kmd: 歌詞明明是英文,原唱聽起來卻像日文 XD
robo3456: release my soul54F 07/28 21:36
biglafu: 俄文可以嗎??55F 07/28 21:37
biglafu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ZLuEjRxq4
HMKids - Seduced by Daemonette - YouTube
The pain bringing pleasure Fatal embraces, bliss of an edge of a knife Painful and charming, disposal of mortal life Chorus you not protected by your shield ...

biglafu: HMKIDS58F 07/28 21:38
當然可以 !
bnn: https://youtu.be/2NSvaT6h52s 神槍少女OP59F 07/28 21:40
The Light Before we Land - Gunslinger Girl OP [Full Version]Lyrics - YouTube The opening for Gunslinger Girl, full version. I do not own. -LYRICS- In cases such as these I'd like a hand Don't wake me up without a master plan With sile...

【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】主題歌「Dance!」 公開! - YouTube ペルソナシリーズに新ジャンル、Pサウンドアクション登場! PlayStation®Vita専用ソフト「ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト」 主題歌「Dance!」 リリックムービーを公開! 公式サイトはコチラ

hinofox: Blumenkranz61F 07/28 21:44
東のエデン OP - YouTube
東のエデン OP OP字幕有微誤 應該是we live 'n dying dream, 而不是we live a dying dream POPGO的朋友麻煩轉告字幕組

Lain opening [Full] - YouTube
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...

Persona Q - Maze of Life -Full Ver - (Lyrics) - YouTube
Maze of Life -Full Version- Singer : Yumi Kawamura feat Shihoko Hirata Composer: Shoji Meguro Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth OST From the game Persona Q ...

lee27827272: PERSONA Q 遊戲OP65F 07/28 21:47
PERSONA之前收過 但不知道是哪首 有時間來找這系列的歌
Kope5566: 澤野弘之作的曲不少是德文或英文66F 07/28 21:47
Wolf's Rain - Stray (Full) - YouTube
Stray! Stray! In the cold breeze that I walk along The memories of generations burn within me Been forever since I cried the pain and sorrow I live and die, ...

lee27827272: 其實PERSONA系列的英文曲超多的,潮度滿分(?68F 07/28 21:48
聽起來感覺是蠻潮的 哈哈
darkbrigher: SAC I II的OP ED69F 07/28 21:49
舞hime - It's only the fairly tale - YouTube
最喜欢的MV之一,宮村優子的声音把这首歌诠释得很好,不一定是欧美歌手才能把英文歌唱得好听!悲It''s only the fairy tale 歌词: Who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁? just trapped in castle of dark sid...

KUSURI: https://youtu.be/PU35fJNtxp8 月之繭(不知哪國語)71F 07/28 21:51
Gabriela Robin - "Moon" [lyrics] ♫ - YouTube
Beautiful song from anime "∀ Gundam", performed by Gabriela Robin and composed by Yoko Kanno. Thank You Nessa.

【I've】砂の城 ~The Castle of Sand~【島宮えい子】 - YouTube 朱 -Aka- ボーカル:島宮えい子 ニコニコ転生

kinuhata: アヤカシ op73F 07/28 21:52
[HD] Persona 4 opening - YouTube
ペルソナ 4 OP 公式サイト

Persona 4 The Animation Opening 1 - sky's the limit (Extended) - YouTube So after hearing the Persona 4 op, I figured "Why not make it longer?" so I did Download here:

Key Plus Words-Persona 4 The Animation Opening 2 - YouTube
Persona 4, Key Plus Words, Persona 4 the animation, Persona 4 music Lyrics Hide and seek, it wants to play again Like a detective, I won't let it get away It...

Persona 4 Golden - Shadow World (Full) - YouTube
EDIT: I've had Vita for a year now. Still haven't bought P4G, haven't found a physical for cheap. I've plenty of hours in the PS2 version. Mainline SMT is be...

seraph01: EVA TV版用名曲Fly Me to the Moon當ED78F 07/28 21:54
沒看過TV板 這首真不錯聽 !
Burn My Dread -Spring of Birth Ver.- Persona 3 Spring of Birth #1 - YouTube I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING Content claimed: All audio content and image.

KUSURI: https://youtu.be/VlqWfeSFc04 Dis (Infinite Ryvius OP)80F 07/28 21:55
Opening Black Lagoon -- Red Fraction (full version) - YouTube This is my other channel, where I will upload videos of gameplays. I hope you like :) Este es mi otro canal, donde subiré vídeos de gameplays de comedia. Esp...

seraph01: https://youtu.be/yMMBnnNUbPk Infinite Ryvius83F 07/28 21:58
ithil1: Libera Me From Hell 好像是天元突破的歌 女中+RAP很棒84F 07/28 21:59
ithil1: https://youtu.be/VT6LFOIofRE
"Libera Me From Hell" with subs - YouTube
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...

znaooo: https://youtu.be/S3yVyubh5w8  罪惡王冠的插曲 release m86F 07/28 21:59
Guilty Crown - Release My Soul - YouTube
About: Guilty Crown Original Sound Track Title: Release My Soul lyrics: mpi music: Hiroyuki Sawano vocal: Aimee Blackschleager

znaooo: y soul87F 07/28 21:59
moonfire: JOJO片尾曲XDD88F 07/28 22:00
想害我?! XD 不過還是聽了
Mirai Nikki OP2 「Dead END」 飛蘭 (HD) - YouTube
未來日記 未来日記 Mirai Nikki OP2 HD Dead END Singer:飛蘭 (Faylan) 英語歌詞 English Subtitles lyrics: The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh I meet you at your story B...

julianscorpi: 未來日記OP2 貼心的英文字幕90F 07/28 22:01
還好當初沒看這部 感覺蠻獵奇的..
jiax53268: ət'熥 0N t  ɪtn91F 07/28 22:01
Ar Tonelico III - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. (中文字幕) - YouTube
Ar Tonelico III -EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. 作詞/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:伊藤真澄 Vocal:KOKIA 【Hymmnos語翻譯參考】 Hymmno Server: Hymmnos - Conl...

Mizu no Madoromi (Russian Version) HQ - YouTube
Mizu no Madoromi by Origa Fantastic Children Closing Credits Theme The slide show program I used was Proshow. The pictures are by Kagaya from the Celestial E...

(update)Ar Tonelico 3 EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. with lyrics - YouTube アルトネリコIII「EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/.」 ニコニコ動画からの転載でなくうp主制作 歌詞付き ヒュムノスフォントver1.1使用 アルシエラフォントver0.9使用 1:36-1:42の歌詞の間違いを修正 4:10-4:12の歌詞の表示タイミングを修正

judy3116: 說到攻殼OP唱者origa的話這首水のまどろみ也有俄文版95F 07/28 22:07
換了語言 聽了感覺差真多
The sore feet song ||Mushishi openign Full|| - YouTube
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...

Mushishi Zoku Shou-Full OP/Opening-Lucy Rose-Shiver - YouTube absolutely perfect image:  Audio Spectrum:  "Copyright Disclaim...

kitty1231074: 蟲師兩季OP 大愛98F 07/28 22:08
真的很好聽耶 ! 改天來補這部治癒一下好了
ericayou: lilium-妖精的旋律op99F 07/28 22:09
seraph01: https://youtu.be/rNo0EhDhpBE Kill la Kill100F 07/28 22:16
Kill la Kill Before My Body is Dry Lyrics - YouTube
Anime: Kill la Kill Song: Before My Body is Dry/Don't Lose your Way

Kill la Kill - Blumenkranz [w/lyrics + translation] - YouTube thanks to Sawano Hiroyuki that make this epic song :3

canon1516: 來幾首拉丁語的102F 07/28 22:20
squirrel426: Lia的Ana103F 07/28 22:20
01 The White Room And Main Title - YouTube
The White Room And Main Title by Jesper Kyd from the Hitman: Contracts Original Soundtrack I Do Not Own Hitman

Hitman-Apocalypse - YouTube
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)

Hitman: Blood Money OST - Funeral - YouTube
Music From The Hitman: Blood Money Official Soundtrack

bpii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAvwMsODs60  喰霊 零108F 07/28 22:24
喰霊 零 Reincarnation歌詞つき - YouTube
本編でこれが流れたときは号泣でした。 あのタイミングでこの曲は反則です。 一応歌詞つけてみました。

之前有收這首忘了是哪種語言@@  聽了感覺有點虐了 食靈-零看了兩次
moritsune: Nier的OST,所有曲子都是造語109F 07/28 22:26
fei6409: mpi - reluctant heroes,澤野作曲110F 07/28 22:34
daster: 澤野很喜歡作這種的歌111F 07/28 22:37
kyuren: SAKI的OP2......咦 你說那都是日文?112F 07/28 22:37
seraph01: 澤野弘之、菅野洋子都蠻多的113F 07/28 22:38
seraph01: https://youtu.be/bBYZl_LYyRk 罪冠 還以為有人推了
【OST】原罪之冠(Guilty Crown)- βίος - YouTube
【OST】原罪之冠(Guilty Crown)- βίος (附CC字幕)(720P) 歌名:『βίος』原曲名是用希臘文,意思是「生命」 歌詞是德文與英文 女聲為德文 男聲為英文 作詞:Rie 作曲、編曲:澤野弘之 歌手:小林未郁 知識小站: 勿忘草 = 勿忘我 ≠ 星辰花 勿忘草: 【花語】不要把我忘記、真實...

youtuuube000: 聖魔之血的ed跟插入曲都是喔116F 07/28 22:43
seraph01: https://youtu.be/UePTTAn1FMY Beyond the Bounds117F 07/28 22:44
ZoE-Beyond the Bounds - YouTube
Well I´ve made this cause there was another vid like that with the title Heart of air and in one of the comments a user said that he wish a vid like this so ...

Steins: Persona4系列118F 07/28 22:56
トリニティ・ブラッド - Broken Wings (ED) - YouTube
トリニティ・ブラッド - Broken Wings ( TW / EN / JP lyrice ) By trynumber ( Taiwan )

Everytime You Kissed Me (lyrics) - YouTube
From Pandora Hearts Original Soundtrack 2 Music composed by Yuki Kajiura Vocals by Emily Bindiger I do not own this music.

siyaoran: 潘朵拉之心插入曲121F 07/28 23:02
f59952: 東方 no life queen呢122F 07/28 23:44
munchlax: https://youtu.be/vnU81QnWhXA  銀魂ED2123F 07/28 23:49
Gintama ED02 - Mr. Raindrop - Amplified FULL HQ - YouTube
Uploader's note: Thanks for subscribing in my channel!! Subscribe to get the latest uploads. (My last upload date is Feb 2014 LOL! Sorry 'bout that.) Check o...

jimmy831117: ef124F 07/29 00:12
ca09082001: 東之伊甸op找綠洲唱的,推一個125F 07/29 00:17
Qilen: https://youtu.be/BXQLrkW33f0126F 07/29 00:35
Full Metal Alchemist OST 1 - Brothers - YouTube
  Brothers Anime: Full Metal Alchemist OST: Full Metal Alchemist OST 1 (2003) [audio] Fullmetal Alchemi...

i do - GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - - YouTube
GHOST IN THE SHELL / 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX O.S.T2 / 2004 all music by yoko kanno i do (4:49) words: ilaria graziano / vocal: ilaria graziano

ac517790: 推攻殼2期 I do128F 07/29 04:20
Hataqs: Project A-Ko129F 07/29 10:06
hhoo123: 銀英傳OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40GzbAWaUX0130F 07/29 12:01
從早上聽到現在總算聽完了 收了不少好歌 感謝推薦 ~
※ 編輯: terry88219 (, 07/29/2015 19:52:47

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