※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-12-05 18:27:09
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [閒聊] 我是麵包-PC新遊戲
時間 Thu Dec 4 23:53:29 2014
在 Steam 購買 I am Bread 即可省下 15%
The beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted. As you delve deeper and deeper into the story of 'I am Bread', you'll notice that things aren't quite what they seem.... ...
The beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted. As you delve deeper and deeper into the story of 'I am Bread', you'll notice that things aren't quite what they seem.... ...
才剛上架 下午已經開始一堆實況了XDDDDD
I am Bread
I am Bread - Live Action DOGE Trailer - YouTube
I AM BREAD - live action DOGE trailer. Admit it - you've never seen anything so pro. We ARE working on the game and not just tormenting dogs with bread. Prom...
I AM BREAD - live action DOGE trailer. Admit it - you've never seen anything so pro. We ARE working on the game and not just tormenting dogs with bread. Prom...
I am Bread - First Look - YouTube
The beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted. 2nd trailer here:
The beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted. 2nd trailer here:
我的媽阿 好歡樂....
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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1417708413.A.D6A.html
→ : ...1F 12/04 23:54
→ : 宵夜文!2F 12/04 23:56
推 : 不知道有沒有機會來個山羊+土司 50%off3F 12/05 00:02
山羊我剛買 超好玩DER~~~~~還送免費 模擬MMO XDDD→ : 我還以為跟模擬石頭沒啥兩樣...4F 12/05 00:03
看實況這遊戲難度頗高→ : 目標是吃到土司的山羊與必須逃離山羊的土司5F 12/05 00:04
※ 編輯: t77133562003 (, 12/05/2014 00:07:56I am Bread - Gameplay Video - YouTube
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL and we'll loaf you forever! The game will be released on December 3rd 2014 - get it on St...
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL and we'll loaf you forever! The game will be released on December 3rd 2014 - get it on St...
推 : 看到影片笑不停www7F 12/05 00:41
推 : gif XDDDDDDDDDDD8F 12/05 00:51
推 : 看起來好難控9F 12/05 03:29
推 : 這家的遊戲沒一款好控制的10F 12/05 09:01
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3517
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