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作者 標題 [閒聊] 回想起來仍鼻頭一酸的犧牲場景+BGM?
時間 Fri Mar 6 00:49:50 2015
犧牲 總是多少帶點哀傷
Gundam 00 劇場版 もう何も怖くない 怖くはない
洽眾有印象中深刻的犧牲場景嗎? 有BGM更好
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Sis Puella Magica! (Orchestra Version) by Ice - YouTube
Upload mp3s @ Image and Audio not mine. Audio downloaded from Update: Changed the Video tit...
Upload mp3s @ Image and Audio not mine. Audio downloaded from Update: Changed the Video tit...

推 : 假面騎士ooo Ankh把自己最後的硬幣給映司的時候QQ2F 03/06 00:51
Madoka Magica OST: This is My Despair - YouTube
All material used in the video belongs to their respective owners. I do not own any music used and am not using this for any profit whatsoever. I simply wish...
All material used in the video belongs to their respective owners. I do not own any music used and am not using this for any profit whatsoever. I simply wish...

推 : 石川智晶的聲音真的很猛 穿透力很強 直接唱到心中4F 03/06 00:52
雖然跟犧牲沒關 附上ED2好了https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-G-nRWhVv0
Gundam 00 2nd Season Ending 1 (Prototype) - YouTube
This is not the original voice, I changed the pitch of this song using software.
This is not the original voice, I changed the pitch of this song using software.

Fate/stay night — Emiya Paradox — 樹海 ヒカリ - YouTube
Song Title: Hikari by Jyukai Lyrics: On that day, we walked our separate ways. I wonder what kind of excuses should I come up with now. I sense weakness whic...
Song Title: Hikari by Jyukai Lyrics: On that day, we walked our separate ways. I wonder what kind of excuses should I come up with now. I sense weakness whic...

推 : 記得一周前有類似的串7F 03/06 00:55
→ : 這篇著重在"犧牲"8F 03/06 00:56
※ 編輯: Emerson158 (, 03/06/2015 00:57:55Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - OST - Disk2 - 22 - "Libera me" from hell - YouTube Full playlist here: ENG: "Free me" from hell So, this is a Random Album Upload. I just love this ani...

推 : 天元哪篇戰很大?12F 03/06 01:00
推 : 推文數很高的那篇 其實還在繼續...XD13F 03/06 01:00
TTGL - Kittan's Final Moments/ Chouginga Gurren Lagann Transformation - YouTube Since the uploading of my first video was a success, I thought I'd do this, as well, as this is one of my favorite parts of the series. Again, I've searched ...

推 : 真的 賭爛小熊ㄧ整季 幾幕整個變超白15F 03/06 01:01
Suisei no Gargantia - LAST SCENE - Chamber's sacrifice (English subs) - YouTube Suisei no Gargantia episode 13. RIP Chambro, you'll live forever in our kokoros.

→ : 莫名其妙的夏莉便當...21F 03/06 01:05
Yes! Precure 5 the Movie OST Track21 - YouTube
21. 大好き... (I love...) 作曲:佐藤直紀 Composer: Naoki Sato 映画Yes!プリキュア5 鏡の国のミラクル大冒険! オリジナル・サウンドトラック Yes! Pretty Cure 5 the Movie A Miracle Adventure in the Mirror W...
21. 大好き... (I love...) 作曲:佐藤直紀 Composer: Naoki Sato 映画Yes!プリキュア5 鏡の国のミラクル大冒険! オリジナル・サウンドトラック Yes! Pretty Cure 5 the Movie A Miracle Adventure in the Mirror W...

→ : 樓上你...26F 03/06 01:08
推 : DQ5主角的爸爸巴巴斯為了袒護主角慘死那邊27F 03/06 01:10
→ : 最初是眼睛有點酸,但雪莉雅的頭飾一掉下來我就哭了(撇頭28F 03/06 01:11
推 : 蒼穹ROL自爆那段…29F 03/06 01:11
推 : 神不在的星期天 第三集最後30F 03/06 01:12
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn - End of an Era - YouTube
Witness the end of an era as the Eorzean Alliance clashes with the Garlean Empire in a bid to deliver the realm from certain destruction. The saga will conti...
Witness the end of an era as the Eorzean Alliance clashes with the Garlean Empire in a bid to deliver the realm from certain destruction. The saga will conti...

→ : FF14-ルイゾワ vs バハムート32F 03/06 01:19
funeral Maes Hughes - YouTube
I do not own the clip! All rights are reserved for 'Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood'
I do not own the clip! All rights are reserved for 'Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood'

推 : 准將是標準活在心裡的人物阿,很前面就...但最後存在感34F 03/06 01:21
→ : 還是整個高...
→ : 還是整個高...
Tekkaman Blade Miyuki's Last stand - YouTube
This is the full uncut version of Miyuki's last stand from Episode 26. Obviously there are spoilers. Also some nudity and some scenes may be disturbing. The ...
This is the full uncut version of Miyuki's last stand from Episode 26. Obviously there are spoilers. Also some nudity and some scenes may be disturbing. The ...

[MAD][至少像那雪一樣][せめて、あの雪のように][Makoto] - YouTube 大家好,我是Makoto 圖片來源:せめて、あの雪のように 音樂:美しい名前 人生總是有許多遺憾 明明是好結局卻感覺悶悶的 完整檔案下載64.7MB (MF空間 2013/4/8補檔)

→ : 蒼穹翔子吧 QwQ39F 03/06 01:35
推 : 自來也40F 03/06 01:44
推 : 來自新世界瞬自沉和最後奇狼丸衝向真理亞的孩子41F 03/06 01:56
推 : 勇者王ova結局42F 03/06 02:05
→ : 剛剛想說無聊看一下騎士影片,不爭氣的又流淚了43F 03/06 02:07
推 : 罪惡王冠 祭領便當44F 03/06 02:11
推 : 龍虎的聖誕節篇45F 03/06 02:13
推 : 翔子自爆46F 03/06 02:18
推 : 修斯!!修斯啊!!看七次鼻酸七次47F 03/06 02:24
推 : 淦,還我祭阿QAQ48F 03/06 02:33
推 : 漫畫聖石小子49F 03/06 02:38
推 : 259~260話
推 : 259~260話
→ : 黃金聖鬥士打破嘆息之牆51F 03/06 03:00
推 : PP 征陸為了宜野而死那段 宜野的哭喊我想到又要哭了;;52F 03/06 03:12
→ : 攻殼S.A.C結局 攻殼車邊唱歌邊自爆害我當初噴淚54F 03/06 03:38
推 : 妮亞消失 西蒙流浪 幹 那幕想到還是很想哭55F 03/06 05:37
推 : 彈丸論破2 第五章 還我七海啊!!!!56F 03/06 07:19
推 : 地球防衛少年 那些少年犧牲覺悟與成長的故事!!57F 03/06 07:47
→ : 阿尼基~~~~58F 03/06 08:11
推 : FF7 CC , zacks 1 人獨挑大軍之後,cloud與其之後的結局59F 03/06 08:13
→ : 新鬼武者最後的結局,要從鬼門裡面關門的時候
→ : 新鬼武者最後的結局,要從鬼門裡面關門的時候
推 : 魯魯修的尤菲米雅61F 03/06 08:21
推 : 幻想三國志 海棠在奈何橋 bgm情衷的樣子?62F 03/06 09:57
→ : 革命機的小妹子也不錯QwQ63F 03/06 10:15
推 : 零在遇到同化型使徒的時候邊準備自爆邊說64F 03/06 11:13
→ : 希望下一個自己也能喜歡上真嗣的時候
→ : 希望下一個自己也能喜歡上真嗣的時候
【MAD】喰霊-零(Garei Zero)- 纯音乐mv - YouTube
食灵零MAD BGM很好很感人 source: Producer:allenlovexin It's created by a friend of mine and I do not own it. I especia...
食灵零MAD BGM很好很感人 source: Producer:allenlovexin It's created by a friend of mine and I do not own it. I especia...

→ : 靈芝鎮魂曲68F 03/06 13:21
推 : R2羅洛69F 03/06 13:46
推 : 攻殼車在S.A.C.很賺人熱淚啊可惡! 還兩次!72F 03/06 22:37
推 : 勇者傳說裡七合變體魔王的最終戰73F 03/06 23:06
推 : Trigun 牧師死掉時74F 03/06 23:22
→ : 十月圍城75F 03/07 05:09
推 : 征服王在最後衝向金閃閃那段76F 03/07 10:45
推 : EVA Q怎麼沒人推!薰君喔喔哦哦…77F 03/07 11:21
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