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作者 標題 [問題] 請大家推薦我BGM
時間 Thu Nov 19 18:43:39 2015
Chrono Cross OST - Time's Scar - YouTube
After discovering the suprising lack of Chrono Cross music on youtube, I deicded to take matters into my own hands and upload the entire soundtrack. And what...
After discovering the suprising lack of Chrono Cross music on youtube, I deicded to take matters into my own hands and upload the entire soundtrack. And what...

Chrono Cross OST - Home Galdove - YouTube
If youtube somehow ruins the music, I apologize in advance.
If youtube somehow ruins the music, I apologize in advance.

Chrono Cross OST - Another Galdove - YouTube
If youtube somehow ruins the music, I apologize in advance.
If youtube somehow ruins the music, I apologize in advance.

Chrono Cross OST (Disc 2) - マブーレ ホーム (Home Marbule) - YouTube Chrono Cross OST (Disc 2) Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to these songs, they are owned by Square Soft/Square-Enix

[High Quality] Chrono Trigger OST 51 - Corridors of Time - YouTube Music by Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu & Noriko Matsueda. Playlist:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time Soundtrack - Main Theme - YouTube A triumphant return from a monster-infested forest marks the completion of the 16-year-old hero's coming-of-age ceremony. However, the hero's joy is short-li...

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time Soundtrack - Life in the Village - YouTube A triumphant return from a monster-infested forest marks the completion of the 16-year-old hero's coming-of-age ceremony. However, the hero's joy is short-li...

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time Soundtrack - Road - YouTube A triumphant return from a monster-infested forest marks the completion of the 16-year-old hero's coming-of-age ceremony. However, the hero's joy is short-li...

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / ヴェーラの物語 The Story of Vera - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / 戦闘テーマ Nomal Battle - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / イサルミィ Town theme 2 - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / テンペリナ Town theme 1 - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / ワールドマップ World Map - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

[BGM] ノーラと刻の工房 Nora & the Time Studio / ノーラの家 Nora's House - YouTube 作曲 なるけみちこ / composed by Michiko Naruke Published by ATLUS

是不是ACG都沒關係,尤其是像ノーラと刻の工房 這種的
轍,認真地悼念曾經的痛苦與犧牲,繼而才能開創和平的新世界。”----《Fate Zero》
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推 : 柯南1F 11/19 18:49
Irish & Celtic Music Collection 1 - YouTube
Have a nice day :D Tracklist: Morrison Merrily Kissed - The Quaker Scotland Celtic Parting Glass - The Brown Gate - The Yellow Bonnet The Beggerman Jig - The...
Have a nice day :D Tracklist: Morrison Merrily Kissed - The Quaker Scotland Celtic Parting Glass - The Brown Gate - The Yellow Bonnet The Beggerman Jig - The...

Epic Celtic Music Mix - Most Powerful & Beautiful Celtic Music | Vol.1 - YouTube Volume 2: Epic Music World Websites: Epic Music World I: Facebook:

→ gino0717: 大概像這種感覺吧 11/19 18:50
推 : 大推UNDERTALE 風格和東方很像,玩過遊戲後在聽BGM更有4F 11/19 18:54
→ : 感!
→ : 感!
FICUSEL / 音楽素材リスト
音楽素材(ogg vorbis,mp3)のリストを表示します。 ...
音楽素材(ogg vorbis,mp3)のリストを表示します。 ...
小鳥乃幻想 / FICUSEL | muzie 日本最大級の無料インディーズ音楽配信&コミュニティーサイト 日本最大級のインディーズ音楽配信&コミュニティーサイト ...
推 : 太陽浩劫 詳細我也不知道,總之這是一部以BGM紅的電影(O10F 11/19 19:28
Shebat: The Wind is Calling - YouTube
Track: Shebat: The Wind is Calling Artist: Yasunori Mitsuda Album: Xenogears OST (Disc 2)
Track: Shebat: The Wind is Calling Artist: Yasunori Mitsuda Album: Xenogears OST (Disc 2)

推 : 另外也很推秋山裕和,風格多元,北歐與幻想風格也有創作~XD14F 11/19 19:52
推 : Ro bgm
→ FrUK: http://www.hmix.net/music/m/m1.mp3 (音量注意) 11/19 19:53
北欧風・ケルト風 フリー音楽素材
ケルト音楽をディフォルメ化した様な、音楽素材です。本格的な北欧音楽ではなく、あくまで「ケルト風」「北欧風」です。 ...
ケルト音楽をディフォルメ化した様な、音楽素材です。本格的な北欧音楽ではなく、あくまで「ケルト風」「北欧風」です。 ...
→ : 上面是北歐(及凱爾特)風格,網頁右邊還有其它分類~XD17F 11/19 19:55
→ : 然後~很感謝原PO推坑!!!我也很喜歡這類的音樂XDDD
謝謝你,你推的我也很喜歡→ : 然後~很感謝原PO推坑!!!我也很喜歡這類的音樂XDDD
推 scarlet01772: 東方的原作音樂都是軟體合成的,電子音多少都有,再 11/19 20:05
→ : 加上zun愛用小喇叭這種特別響的樂器,打遊戲時聽起19F 11/19 20:05
→ : 來很爽,但單獨拿來聽只能算普通
→ : 東方的同人樂團又是更大的坑,算隕石坑等級,沒有精
→ : 確方向不好推
之前有去水管聽過,但是真的都是電子音......→ : 來很爽,但單獨拿來聽只能算普通
→ : 東方的同人樂團又是更大的坑,算隕石坑等級,沒有精
→ : 確方向不好推
推 breakblue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JDRh-dmlOw 11/19 20:15
Saga Frontier 2 ost Disc 1 -Novel- - YouTube
All Saga Frontier 2 material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Squaresoft/SquarEnix. No copyright infringements are inte...
All Saga Frontier 2 material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Squaresoft/SquarEnix. No copyright infringements are inte...

Saga Frontier 2 ost Disc 1 -Possession- - YouTube
All Saga Frontier 2 material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Squaresoft/SquarEnix. No copyright infringements are inte...
All Saga Frontier 2 material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Squaresoft/SquarEnix. No copyright infringements are inte...

推 : 推樓上的Saga Frontier 2.Roman我拿來當來電鈴聲
謝謝,好聽推 kye8546: 東方音樂如果對曲風有要求的話 可以先找特定社團的聽聽看 11/19 21:41
→ : O-life japan的可能比較符合那種曲風吧 我推兩首我喜歡的25F 11/19 21:42
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFZl86yBlhc
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFZl86yBlhc
【東方Traditional/Instrumental】 過ぎれば大抵は悪い気はしないもの 「O-Life Japan」 - YouTube ☆ミ Title: 過ぎれば大抵は悪い気はしないもの ☆ミ Album: 謀叛和楽陣 ☆ミ Circle: O-Life Japan (O-LIFE.JP) 「オーライフジャパン」 ★彡 Track Origin: Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character (東方輝針...

東方 [Instrumental/Traditional] O-LIFE.JP - 山登り気分 - YouTube Number: 0398 Title: 山登り気分 Artist: Masami-T Circle: O-LIFE.JP Album: Eihou no Kazeshirube Original: 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road | The Road of the Apotropaic God ~ Dar...

※ 編輯: acas6993 (, 11/19/2015 21:59:53
※ 編輯: acas6993 (, 11/19/2015 22:01:52
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