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作者 標題 [閒聊] 好聽的動漫遊戲純音樂
時間 Fri Oct 14 12:36:43 2016
white album 2的純音樂
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→ : 漫畫沒有音樂1F 10/14 12:37
推 : Clannad全部2F 10/14 12:38
推 : Unicorn 的ost3F 10/14 12:38
→ : 四月是你的謊言 true tears4F 10/14 12:39
推 : 動畫音樂、動畫音樂、動畫音樂6F 10/14 12:42
→ : Undertale7F 10/14 12:43
→ : 漫畫通常只會出Drama 吧....8F 10/14 12:43
推 : 楓之谷bgm 讚10F 10/14 12:45
→ : 漫畫音樂可能是廣播劇背景音樂11F 10/14 12:46
推 : 推風平浪靜的bgm12F 10/14 12:47
Mabinogi G18 The Drama: IRIA - Piano Version Login Screen BGM (title_piano_ver) - YouTube Mabinogi G18 The Drama: IRIA - Piano Version Login BGM (title_piano_ver) © NEXON

→ : 瑪奇的 這首是鋼琴的不錯16F 10/14 12:48
推 : 推個dark soul17F 10/14 12:49
[MAD][至少像那雪一樣][せめて、あの雪のように][Makoto] - YouTube 大家好,我是Makoto 圖片來源:せめて、あの雪のように 音樂:美しい名前 人生總是有許多遺憾 明明是好結局卻感覺悶悶的 完整檔案下載64.7MB (MF空間 2013/4/8補檔)

Nagi no Asukara OST [Full] - YouTube
Nagi no Asukara Original Soundtrack This is definitely one of my favorite anime original soundtracks yet. Truly beautiful. If you enjoy this, please support ...
Nagi no Asukara Original Soundtrack This is definitely one of my favorite anime original soundtracks yet. Truly beautiful. If you enjoy this, please support ...

推 : 瑪奇的登入曲 有一堆風格 可以聽一聽看看24F 10/14 12:52
推 : 風平浪靜超好聽25F 10/14 12:52
推 : Persona4的全部op26F 10/14 12:52
推 : 十二國記的「十二幻夢曲」27F 10/14 12:53
推 : 蓬萊傳說28F 10/14 12:54
推 : 松陽先生との出会い、最後のアドレス、松陽の弟子たち(29F 10/14 12:54
→ : 最後這首名稱我不太確定)
→ : 最後這首名稱我不太確定)
Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...

Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OST - Emiya Illya Theme - YouTube Illya joins the bandwagon of "Emiya Remixes" with her own remix from her own anime! I will provide a download link to anyone who might request. For now enjoy...

推 : 穢翼的bgm也頗讚的32F 10/14 12:54
推 : 把RO BGM聽過一遍應該也夠久了?33F 10/14 12:55
Kanon カノン - Piano de Kanon - 01. Kaze wo Matta hi - YouTube Disclaimer: I do not own any clips or music of this video. All clips and music belong to their respectful owner(s). This video is for enjoyment purposes only...

[Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun/となりの怪物くん] Tetsukazu no Kanjou/手付かずの感情 (Piano) - YouTube I tried playing the piano BGM from Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun! I just sort of roughly played the version from episode 10. I fixed the sheet music to reflect the ...

推 : 其實楓之谷挺不錯的 聽一聽還會有總懷念...36F 10/14 12:58
Baba Yetu Live | Cadogan Hall 2016 - YouTube
Watch Christopher Tin conduct “Baba Yetu” – his Grammy Award-winning theme song written for Civilization IV. Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, t...
Watch Christopher Tin conduct “Baba Yetu” – his Grammy Award-winning theme song written for Civilization IV. Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, t...

推 : 軌跡系列的歌曲都不錯喔38F 10/14 12:58
→ : 不過有人聲XDXD39F 10/14 12:58
推 : 東京殘響OST40F 10/14 12:58
Infinite Ryvius OST 1 - Easy living - YouTube
I do not own the music nor the image. Fair Use: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpo...
I do not own the music nor the image. Fair Use: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpo...

→ : 也是瑪奇的44F 10/14 13:02
Suikoden Tactics Rhapsodia OST Rune of Punishment ~Meeting the Cursed Rune~ - YouTube Facebook: Playlist: ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔...

KINGDOM HEARTS - Dearly Beloved - All Versions - YouTube
All renditions (as of August 9th, 2015) of Dearly Beloved, organized in chronological order. Click on the game's logo to go to its respective Dearly Beloved ...
All renditions (as of August 9th, 2015) of Dearly Beloved, organized in chronological order. Click on the game's logo to go to its respective Dearly Beloved ...

推 : 東京殘響+149F 10/14 13:09
→ : 梶浦由記 沒有之一51F 10/14 13:22
推 : 海貓的音樂全部52F 10/14 13:25
推 : 魔物獵人系列OST53F 10/14 13:25
→ : 絕對是東京殘響全部54F 10/14 13:32
【ピアノ】『君の名は。』RADWIMPS - 前前前世 SLS Grand Piano Cover - YouTube 耶!!!!!第100部影片!!!!!感謝大家一直以來的支持!!!!!! 新海誠.最新大作──『你的名字。』主題曲── 前前前世by RADWIMPS! * 全曲為即興演出錄錄製,尚無任何曲譜 * The performance was full of improvisations so there's no an...

あの花。 オリジナル サウンドトラック - YouTube
From 01 My Star...、02 Secret Feelings ~ from childhood、03 Sunset ~ like dawn、04 On A Silent Afternoon、05 Last Train ...
From 01 My Star...、02 Secret Feelings ~ from childhood、03 Sunset ~ like dawn、04 On A Silent Afternoon、05 Last Train ...

推 : gundam UC 的OST58F 10/14 14:17
推 : 也要看看你偏好的曲風吧59F 10/14 14:29
NieR Gestalt & Replicant OST 「Full」「Complete」 - YouTube
Full NieR Gestalt & NieR Replicant Soundtrack Uploaded 00:00 - Snow in Summer 04:59 - Hills of Radiant Wind 07:52 - The Imcomplete Stone 12:34 - Blu-bird 15:...
Full NieR Gestalt & NieR Replicant Soundtrack Uploaded 00:00 - Snow in Summer 04:59 - Hills of Radiant Wind 07:52 - The Imcomplete Stone 12:34 - Blu-bird 15:...

推 : 獨角獸的ost 都很好聽61F 10/14 14:32
→ : 全世界公認強的Nier ost62F 10/14 14:32
→ : 感謝各位推薦XD沒有特別偏愛的曲風 單純憑感覺63F 10/14 14:39
推 : Ro、Talesweavet、BDFF,這三個遊戲的音樂我都很喜歡64F 10/14 14:47
→ : ,BDFF 可以說是全部都喜歡了,風格也多變
→ : Talesweaver才對,就是天翼之鍊
→ : ,BDFF 可以說是全部都喜歡了,風格也多變
→ : Talesweaver才對,就是天翼之鍊
推 : 東方系列的曲子吧 風神錄的試試67F 10/14 14:53
推 : 獨角獸ost裡的 PIANO UC-NO.368F 10/14 15:08
推 : 有個網頁小遊戲叫Familiar,只有五首鋼琴曲,但每首都69F 10/14 15:10
→ : 很好聽
→ : 海貓、暮蟬的音樂也很好聽(配合原作演出更棒)図書窒
→ : のネヴァジスタ的音樂也很喜歡
→ : 很好聽
→ : 海貓、暮蟬的音樂也很好聽(配合原作演出更棒)図書窒
→ : のネヴァジスタ的音樂也很喜歡
推 : ARIA啊73F 10/14 15:14
推 : 神奇寶貝bgm歡迎你74F 10/14 15:24
→ : 原PO爬一下"OST",應該蠻多版友推薦的原聲帶可以聽75F 10/14 15:24
Ace Attorney: All Pursuit Themes 2016 - YouTube
This includes variations as well! 01) 0:00 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered 02) 3:00 Phoenix Wright: Justice for All - Pursuit ~ Questioned ...
This includes variations as well! 01) 0:00 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered 02) 3:00 Phoenix Wright: Justice for All - Pursuit ~ Questioned ...

推 : 手機音樂遊戲的Deemo 音樂多 也好聽78F 10/14 15:44
[Gensou no Idea OST] Saihate - YouTube
Visual Novel: Gensou no Idea - 幻創のイデア Studio: 3rdEye Composer: Mamomo All rights reserved to respective owners.
Visual Novel: Gensou no Idea - 幻創のイデア Studio: 3rdEye Composer: Mamomo All rights reserved to respective owners.

推 : 推ARIA83F 10/14 17:49
推 : 寄生獸 - Next to you84F 10/14 18:28
推 : 風汁旅人85F 10/14 19:23
推 : 雖然最近常有廢文 我還是認真想推魔法使之夜86F 10/14 19:45
→ : neir的鋼琴集 你管就有87F 10/14 21:47
推 : 澤野弘之的都很好聽88F 10/15 00:57
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 526
作者 bomda 的最新發文:
- 輝夜和我推 孤獨搖滾和slow loop 櫻花莊和青春豬頭少年 俺妹和情色漫畫老師 海底兩萬哩和EVA 看了圖片才知道櫻花莊和青豬是同個世界 但是海底兩萬哩和EVA?? 除了圖片之外 知道共用世界觀 …94F 59推
- 是說 陳柏源在林金城那邊的影片 座位後面這張和林金城合照的 總覺得 有股熟悉感 只能說 就是本人吧 出現這個倒是完全不意外啦103F 57推 1噓
- 白金 1~12名 黃金 13~24 白銀 25~50 青銅 51~100 這些是總銷售額的名單 還有其他分類自己看 太多了 然後不知道為何名單有幾個遊戲看不到 登入跟登出的狀態都看不到 …28F 18推
- 〔記者林宜樟/嘉義報導〕嘉義縣一名60多歲女子與20多歲兒子相處不睦,今年2月時, 母親認為兒子堆在家的漫畫書受潮,直接將32本日本知名漫畫「進擊的巨人(全套為34本 )」扔掉回收,兒子發現憤而提告 …295F 135推 9噓
- 14F 9推
( ̄︶ ̄)b win2000ps2 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2016-10-16 14:37:43 (台灣)
(編輯過) TW
這個如何 DJ Okawari - Diorama - Full Album |HDDJ Okawari - Diorama - Full Album |HD - YouTube DJ Okawari had made some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and I'm surprised that I never looked into him before. I'm very glad to have correcte...