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作者 bomda (蹦大)
標題 [閒聊] 好聽的動漫遊戲純音樂
時間 Fri Oct 14 12:36:43 2016






white album 2的純音樂





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jeeyi345: 漫畫沒有音樂1F 10/14 12:37
IMPMatthew: Clannad全部2F 10/14 12:38
hope951: Unicorn 的ost3F 10/14 12:38
Xhocer: 四月是你的謊言  true tears4F 10/14 12:39
yoyo93215: ここは侍の国だ https://youtu.be/Suhxe_4zmvo5F 10/14 12:41
a00011111143: 動畫音樂、動畫音樂、動畫音樂6F 10/14 12:42
dreamnook: Undertale7F 10/14 12:43
a00011111143: 漫畫通常只會出Drama 吧....8F 10/14 12:43
hinofox: 突然找不到漫畫音樂 只好貼 https://goo.gl/FKopHG9F 10/14 12:45
aeio23200: 楓之谷bgm 讚10F 10/14 12:45
mkiWang: 漫畫音樂可能是廣播劇背景音樂11F 10/14 12:46
Ftou: 推風平浪靜的bgm12F 10/14 12:47
Mabinogi G18 The Drama: IRIA - Piano Version Login Screen BGM (title_piano_ver) - YouTube Mabinogi G18 The Drama: IRIA - Piano Version Login BGM (title_piano_ver)  © NEXON

longkiss0618: 瑪奇的 這首是鋼琴的不錯16F 10/14 12:48
songjihyocon: 推個dark soul17F 10/14 12:49
IMPMatthew: 1#1NZFuJw3 (C_Chat)18F 10/14 12:49
IMPMatthew: 多打一個1,自己去掉
Kannazuki No Miko OST - 1 Kannazuki No Miko - YouTube
Kannazuki no miko official soundtrack ^^

MiharuHubby: https://goo.gl/WE9e22    都好聽21F 10/14 12:50
Sougetu: https://youtu.be/PlMAPxIRMZs 推這個漫畫音樂22F 10/14 12:51
[MAD][至少像那雪一樣][せめて、あの雪のように][Makoto] - YouTube 大家好,我是Makoto 圖片來源:せめて、あの雪のように 音樂:美しい名前 人生總是有許多遺憾 明明是好結局卻感覺悶悶的 完整檔案下載64.7MB  (MF空間 2013/4/8補檔)

Yuze0609: https://youtu.be/x97QUpNzYuo 推風平+1 上下共2.5小時23F 10/14 12:52
Nagi no Asukara OST [Full] - YouTube
Nagi no Asukara Original Soundtrack This is definitely one of my favorite anime original soundtracks yet. Truly beautiful. If you enjoy this, please support ...

Abby530424: 瑪奇的登入曲 有一堆風格 可以聽一聽看看24F 10/14 12:52
harry886901: 風平浪靜超好聽25F 10/14 12:52
rc56321987: Persona4的全部op26F 10/14 12:52
shaunten: 十二國記的「十二幻夢曲」27F 10/14 12:53
Ben40: 蓬萊傳說28F 10/14 12:54
vct886: 松陽先生との出会い、最後のアドレス、松陽の弟子たち(29F 10/14 12:54
vct886: 最後這首名稱我不太確定)
Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...

Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OST - Emiya Illya Theme - YouTube Illya joins the bandwagon of "Emiya Remixes" with her own remix from her own anime! I will provide a download link to anyone who might request. For now enjoy...

erogod: 穢翼的bgm也頗讚的32F 10/14 12:54
kyuren: 把RO BGM聽過一遍應該也夠久了?33F 10/14 12:55
Kanon カノン - Piano de Kanon - 01. Kaze wo Matta hi - YouTube Disclaimer: I do not own any clips or music of this video. All clips and music belong to their respectful owner(s). This video is for enjoyment purposes only...

sheep1207: https://youtu.be/7f0qfMQkNco 鄰座的怪同學BGM 好聽35F 10/14 12:57
[Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun/となりの怪物くん] Tetsukazu no Kanjou/手付かずの感情 (Piano) - YouTube I tried playing the piano BGM from Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun! I just sort of roughly played the version from episode 10. I fixed the sheet music to reflect the ...

FrogStar: 其實楓之谷挺不錯的 聽一聽還會有總懷念...36F 10/14 12:58
bluedolphin: https://youtu.be/noneMROp_E8 文明4主題曲2016演唱37F 10/14 12:58
Baba Yetu Live | Cadogan Hall 2016 - YouTube
Watch Christopher Tin conduct “Baba Yetu” – his Grammy Award-winning theme song written for Civilization IV. Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, t...

bluesky0301: 軌跡系列的歌曲都不錯喔38F 10/14 12:58
bluedolphin: 不過有人聲XDXD39F 10/14 12:58
notsmall: 東京殘響OST40F 10/14 12:58
tweence: 無限的未知easy living  https://youtu.be/xKfjkha6r9I41F 10/14 13:00
Infinite Ryvius OST 1 - Easy living - YouTube
I do not own the music nor the image. Fair Use: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpo...

kisc32950: https://youtu.be/BnaC0RgEPCw 怎能不推獨角獸~42F 10/14 13:01

longkiss0618: 也是瑪奇的44F 10/14 13:02
FRAGILE ~さよなら月の廃墟~ - すべての人へ - YouTube
「FRAGILE ~さよなら月の廃墟~」BGM

Suikoden Tactics Rhapsodia OST Rune of Punishment ~Meeting the Cursed Rune~ - YouTube Facebook:  Playlist:  ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔...

KINGDOM HEARTS - Dearly Beloved - All Versions - YouTube
All renditions (as of August 9th, 2015) of Dearly Beloved, organized in chronological order. Click on the game's logo to go to its respective Dearly Beloved ...

bfetter: 東京殘響+149F 10/14 13:09
ntupeter: 梶浦由記 沒有之一51F 10/14 13:22
Yukiatsu: 海貓的音樂全部52F 10/14 13:25
john91018: 魔物獵人系列OST53F 10/14 13:25
bettybuy: 絕對是東京殘響全部54F 10/14 13:32
restar411: 我都找會把動漫音樂翻成鋼琴音樂的人55F 10/14 13:48
restar411: https://youtu.be/7x5xAFQ6U6Y
【ピアノ】『君の名は。』RADWIMPS - 前前前世 SLS Grand Piano Cover - YouTube 耶!!!!!第100部影片!!!!!感謝大家一直以來的支持!!!!!! 新海誠.最新大作──『你的名字。』主題曲── 前前前世by RADWIMPS! * 全曲為即興演出錄錄製,尚無任何曲譜 * The performance was full of improvisations so there's no an...

あの花。 オリジナル サウンドトラック - YouTube
From  01 My Star...、02 Secret Feelings ~ from childhood、03 Sunset ~ like dawn、04 On A Silent Afternoon、05 Last Train ...

nekoares: gundam UC 的OST58F 10/14 14:17
allenlee6710: 也要看看你偏好的曲風吧59F 10/14 14:29
NieR Gestalt & Replicant OST 「Full」「Complete」 - YouTube
Full NieR Gestalt & NieR Replicant Soundtrack Uploaded 00:00 - Snow in Summer 04:59 - Hills of Radiant Wind 07:52 - The Imcomplete Stone 12:34 - Blu-bird 15:...

kris4588: 獨角獸的ost 都很好聽61F 10/14 14:32
layman886: 全世界公認強的Nier ost62F 10/14 14:32
bomda: 感謝各位推薦XD沒有特別偏愛的曲風 單純憑感覺63F 10/14 14:39
pals5568: Ro、Talesweavet、BDFF,這三個遊戲的音樂我都很喜歡64F 10/14 14:47
pals5568: ,BDFF 可以說是全部都喜歡了,風格也多變
pals5568: Talesweaver才對,就是天翼之鍊
henry1234562: 東方系列的曲子吧 風神錄的試試67F 10/14 14:53
dda23456: 獨角獸ost裡的 PIANO UC-NO.368F 10/14 15:08
pals5568: 有個網頁小遊戲叫Familiar,只有五首鋼琴曲,但每首都69F 10/14 15:10
pals5568: 很好聽
pals5568: 海貓、暮蟬的音樂也很好聽(配合原作演出更棒)図書窒
pals5568: のネヴァジスタ的音樂也很喜歡
key123987: ARIA啊73F 10/14 15:14
vic1475623: 神奇寶貝bgm歡迎你74F 10/14 15:24
nekoares: 原PO爬一下"OST",應該蠻多版友推薦的原聲帶可以聽75F 10/14 15:24
Ace Attorney: All Pursuit Themes 2016 - YouTube
This includes variations as well! 01) 0:00 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered 02) 3:00 Phoenix Wright: Justice for All - Pursuit ~ Questioned ...

cfklool: 手機音樂遊戲的Deemo 音樂多 也好聽78F 10/14 15:44
shena30335: 喜歡OST/GBM可以來我們D群尋寶或埋寶 #1NsUXIt979F 10/14 15:47
shena30335:         BGM
bevis00: 幻創のイデアOST(音樂水準非常高的galgame)81F 10/14 16:50
bevis00: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5jqXhQyqQaA
[Gensou no Idea OST] Saihate - YouTube
Visual Novel: Gensou no Idea - 幻創のイデア Studio: 3rdEye Composer: Mamomo All rights reserved to respective owners.

hiro246800: 推ARIA83F 10/14 17:49
ZunHong: 寄生獸 - Next to you84F 10/14 18:28
Lumial020: 風汁旅人85F 10/14 19:23
sket119: 雖然最近常有廢文 我還是認真想推魔法使之夜86F 10/14 19:45
justeat: neir的鋼琴集 你管就有87F 10/14 21:47
d26826898: 澤野弘之的都很好聽88F 10/15 00:57

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