※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-27 00:11:37
看板 PlayStation
作者 標題 [情報] 教您如何製作FFXV的料理
時間 Fri Nov 25 12:02:23 2016
中午吃飯時間看人做料理,by不會烹飪的原 PO 之不負責翻譯
How to Make Final Fantasy 15's Food in Real Life - YouTube
We give you a step-by-step guide on making a meal straight out of Final Fantasy XV's menu. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan
We give you a step-by-step guide on making a meal straight out of Final Fantasy XV's menu. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan

蔥、洋蔥、芹菜、胡蘿蔔,切碎 ; 蔬菜油、百里香少許、水一公升
鹹奶油50克、risotto rice 特殊的義大利燉飯專用的米之類的...200克
5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan - YouTube
Noctis takes on the intimidating Leviathan in the hope of earning it as a Summon. Final Fantasy 15: Chocobo Racing
Noctis takes on the intimidating Leviathan in the hope of earning it as a Summon. Final Fantasy 15: Chocobo Racing

Final Fantasy 15: Fighting a Midgardsormr - YouTube
Noctis and his crew track down and take on an impressive Midgardsormr. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan
Noctis and his crew track down and take on an impressive Midgardsormr. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan

Final Fantasy 15: Fighting a Bandersnatch - YouTube
Noctis and his crew track down and take on the latest incarnation of a Bandersnatch. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan
Noctis and his crew track down and take on the latest incarnation of a Bandersnatch. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Leviathan

FFXV 怪物大小比較:https://youtu.be/FdScMsLSKps
Scale Comprison of Final Fantasy 15's Creatures - YouTube
Noctis might be the heir to the throne but he's one of the smaller creatures inhabiting the land of Eos. Blimey. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Lev...
Noctis might be the heir to the throne but he's one of the smaller creatures inhabiting the land of Eos. Blimey. 5 Minutes of Fighting Final Fantasy 15's Lev...

▎ ◣◣ ◢◢ ▍ 飼主是個超級無敵爛人
▌ ︱ 也不太帶我散步 也不太餵我飼料
▌ /\ ◢◢ 腳又臭
◣◣ ◢◢ 而且腳很臭
▊◥◣▂▁ ▁▂◢◤▄▄ 最重要的是腳超級臭
▎ ▆▆▅▃▂▁▆▆▆▇▁▃▄ ▍
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ODxVJ2F (PlayStation)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1480046547.A.08F.html
推 : 看起來像嬰兒食品……不好吃1F 11/25 12:11
推 : 快偷跑 快2F 11/25 12:27
推 : 燉飯大致上都是這樣吧 雖然影片中的賣相是有點差3F 11/25 12:29
推 : 想吃~4F 11/25 13:22
推 : 監督你吃得很勉強喔w5F 11/25 21:13
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 677
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