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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-12-09 01:19:07
看板 PlayStation
作者 s12457845 (6nt)
標題 [閒聊] FF15 你最喜歡的音樂
時間 Wed Dec  7 10:56:50 2016



Final Fantasy XV OST - Somnus [HD] - YouTube
Somnus, the song from the OST of Square-Enix's upcoming release, Final Fantasy XV. This song was composed by Yoko Shimomura. All rights owned by Square-Enix....


2,Gratia Mundi
Final Fantasy XV OST - Gratia Mundi [HD] - YouTube
The song from the latest Final Fantasy XV trailer, Gratia Mundi, composed by Yōko Shimomura. Is Gratia Mundi your favourite song of the Final Fantasy 15 OST ...



1,Apocalypsis Noctis
Final Fantasy XV OST - Apocalypsis Noctis Extended - YouTube
Final Fantasy XV OST - Apocalypsis Noctis Also know as Titan Theme, Titan Battle or Trial of Titan. Finally a full and clean version ripped from Kingsglaive....



Final Fantasy XV Live at Abbey Road Studios - YouTube
This exclusive live performance of songs from the Final Fantasy XV soundtrack was performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra featuring an appearance from...

附上配合電影,音樂製作人下村陽子與London Philharmonic Orchestra
在Abbey Road錄音室眼揍電影王者之劍的OST


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kisweet999: 買了八代的 BGM 就一路聽到底了1F 12/07 11:00
pan46: 這代音樂真的強 打大王的音樂超有魄力2F 12/07 11:02
lovelymoco: 第二首官方名字是Valse di fantastica3F 12/07 11:02
lovelymoco: 我也喜歡這首~
toy9986619: 戰鬥曲都不錯5F 12/07 11:04
toy9986619: Somnus曾經在我低潮的時候聽了一陣子,無人聲版的
maikxz: 但在野外只能怒放原聲帶....7F 12/07 11:07
watanabekun: 三首好像都是下村陽子的? (只有2不確定)8F 12/07 11:08
karas009: 這代音樂太強子,連遊戲都還沒買我就先買原聲帶了!9F 12/07 11:10
asd1: 下村陽子必推!10F 12/07 11:12
e04su3no: 野外偶爾會出現一首很好聽的曲子 但不知道為何大多時都11F 12/07 11:12
e04su3no: 是無聲
Final Fantasy XV OST - Boss Battle Theme - YouTube
FINALLY ! The boss battle theme of Final Fantasy XV ENJOY ♥

kotenka: 喜歡在裝備道具選單的那首14F 12/07 11:24
s8782689: 開車都聽ff9 over the hill15F 12/07 11:28
※ 編輯: s12457845 (, 12/07/2016 11:39:53
ywc1199: 路行鳥主題曲16F 12/07 11:40
oread168: title吧  捨不得開始遊戲17F 12/07 11:42
Final Fantasy XV OST - Boss Battle Theme Extended - YouTube
Final Fantasy XV OST - Loqi / Aranea Boss Battle Theme Extended Extracted from the game in HQ (320 kbps) Composed by Yoko Shimomura. © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. ...

asd1: Xenoblade跟KH的起始音樂也會讓人不想進遊戲 XD19F 12/07 11:46
rnew: 怎麼沒聽到VIII,王菲那首?20F 12/07 11:55
rez375: 戰鬥音樂都不錯,Hellfire特別熱血21F 12/07 12:02
yoseii: 我選頭目戰的音樂,超有氣勢22F 12/07 12:04
ashinet: FF13 戰鬥音樂23F 12/07 12:13
jackyiou: 我也在找王菲那首XD24F 12/07 12:14
zerosaviour: 我在第三章,發現跟混沌(有頭髮的狼)戰鬥的那首特別25F 12/07 12:20
zerosaviour: 好聽
zerosaviour: 在想音樂好聽,是不是編曲的成本也比其他公司增加很
zerosaviour: 多
Brotherhood • Final Fantasy XV OST - 3.Solidarity - YouTube
Composed & Arranged by Susumu Akizuki FINAL FANTASY XV © 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. MAIN CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURA FINAL FANTASY ...

p7yegbj3: 喜歡一開始推車的stand by me 可是開車好像沒有這首歌31F 12/07 12:31
rinsoukan: 這代音樂真的很棒 當初看預告也是被音樂弄得很激昂32F 12/07 12:38
owlrex: stand by me 經典名曲  拿來討論太犯規了XD33F 12/07 12:41
chris38c28: 想聽stand by me 那就開車的時候開spotify啊 (嗯?34F 12/07 12:52
jetalpha: 我自動駕駛的時候都會放FF8的 walts for the moon35F 12/07 13:29
lolipopo: 跟原PO一樣  另外喜歡空投帝國軍的音樂36F 12/07 13:30
Final Fantasy VIII - Waltz for the Moon [HQ] - YouTube
Final Fantasy 8 - Waltz for the Moon [HQ]

evaeva1028: 推打空投帝國軍的配樂,很好聽38F 12/07 13:38
windfeather: https://youtu.be/y-jwoXwbv4c 炎神戰音樂也是超讚39F 12/07 13:50
Final Fantasy XV OST - Hellfire [Phase II] - YouTube
It just got better! Composed & Arranged by Yoshitaka Suzuki FINAL FANTASY XV - 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. MAIN CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA...

windfeather: FF15音樂整體在歷代FF對我來說也是前幾名40F 12/07 13:50
windfeather: 然後最喜歡的一首也是Apocalypsis Noctis
windfeather: https://youtu.be/0RLI-3FQyhY
Final Fantasy XV OST - Hellfire [Phase III] - YouTube
This one is missing some seconds of the beginning, I'll re-upload it once I get the full one, but I thought it was it's too epic to not upload the remaining ...

jetalpha: 另外推一下2.Gratia Mundi43F 12/07 13:51
windfeather: 炎神戰的音樂三階段變化再搭配Apocalypsis Noctis44F 12/07 13:51
windfeather: 震撼力十足
FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack「Veiled in Black」 Sample Movie - YouTube 「FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack」2016.12.21 On Sale!! 収録楽曲の「Veiled in Black」のサンプルムービーVer.を公開! It's a sample movie of “Veiled in Black ” that recorded on...

ksng1092: 空投帝國兵的音樂47F 12/07 13:54
tsgd: Final Fantasy XV OST - Omnis Lacrima48F 12/07 14:42
kuja: Omnis Lacrima49F 12/07 15:34
gc9987: 比較喜歡XIII的50F 12/07 15:39
FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack 「Wanderlust」 Sample Movie - YouTube 「FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack」2016.12.21 On Sale!! 収録楽曲の「Wanderlust」のサンプルムービーVer.を公開! It's a sample movie of “Wanderlust” that recorded on the Origin...

likewindboy: 史詩級原野音樂52F 12/07 16:45
Beautiful song from FFXV's anime, BROTHERHOOD. Hope you all like it! Watch BROTHERHOOD FINAL FANTASY XV here:

deity20270: 動畫這首也很不錯54F 12/07 17:19
FINAL FANTASY XV OST - Nox Aeterna (E3 2013 Song) - YouTube
Clean version of the song that plays during the FFXV E3 2013 trailer. Included in Square Enix Music Sampler CD Vol. 11. This is not the version that was play...

miker022306: 召喚獸出場音樂56F 12/07 17:25
qvqbehappy: 都聽八代的+157F 12/07 18:47
kaede0711: 我開車都放13的The Sunleth Waterscape跟風景超搭58F 12/07 19:18
quizasun: 喜歡2系列 想哭59F 12/07 20:23
Final Fantasy XV OST - Veiled In Black (Niflheim) Extended - YouTube Final Fantasy XV OST - Veiled In Black ver. 2 Niflheim Base Battle Extended Extracted from the game in HQ (320 kbps) Composed by Yoko Shimomura. © SQUARE ENI...

evaeva1028: 攻打基地的版本,跟野外打帝國兵是同一種類型的配樂61F 12/07 20:31
abreakheart: 想問一下兄弟情BD主選單的背景音樂名稱...超好聽62F 12/07 20:56
Bencrie: OST 12/21 發售,有 BD audio 版跟 CD 版63F 12/07 21:50
Bencrie: Hi-res 目前只知道 Mora 會上,OTOTOY 還在等
taebo: 聽到下村陽子的音樂 就好像回到聖劍瑪那傳奇的美好年代65F 12/07 23:06

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