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作者 標題 [閒聊] 獨角獸查理最終回集資中
時間 Thu Mar 10 01:04:05 2016
Charlie the Unicorn: The Grand Finale Kickstarter - YouTube
Charlie the Unicorn's final grand adventure! Help us create this ridiculous 30 minute finale:
Charlie the Unicorn's final grand adventure! Help us create this ridiculous 30 minute finale:
It's Charlie the Unicorn Time! - YouTube
IT'S CHARLIE TIME. Help us create this ridiculous 30 minute finale: Subs...
IT'S CHARLIE TIME. Help us create this ridiculous 30 minute finale: Subs...
"I'm sorry," he sobbed." Palado Calib, forgive me..."
"No," said the dragon.
-Sacred Fire, by Chris Pierson
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Mu5UBcV (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1457543051.A.99F.html
推 : Z~~~~~1F 03/10 01:04
推 : You arrrrrrrrrrre the banana kinnnnnnnng2F 03/10 01:05
推 : (滑齒龍語)大概五十字左右3F 03/10 01:05
推 : chuchu shoe~~~4F 03/10 01:06
推 : Z~~~~~~~~哈哈哈哈哈5F 03/10 01:09
推 : 天啊 居然過8年了...6F 03/10 01:11
推 : 洽嘎洽嘎 咻咻~~7F 03/10 01:13
推 : Heeeeeeeeeey~~~wake up8F 03/10 01:14
推 : Char~~~~~~~lie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9F 03/10 01:17
推 : ring ring10F 03/10 01:18
推 : Z~~~~~~11F 03/10 01:20
推 : let's go to the candy mountain~12F 03/10 01:20
推 : 我的手機鈴聲還是這個!13F 03/10 01:20
推 : 這作者到底嗑了什麼才會想出這些東西14F 03/10 01:29
I am Jason Steele, creator of Charlie the Unicorn, Llamas with Hats, and other internet videos. Ask me anything! : IAmA
Hello everyone! My name is Jason Steele and I create animations on my YouTube channel "FilmCow". Some of my more well known projects include... ...
Hello everyone! My name is Jason Steele and I create animations on my YouTube channel "FilmCow". Some of my more well known projects include... ...
推 : 不管他嗑了什麼,也給我來一點15F 03/10 01:30
推 : put the banana in your ear16F 03/10 01:37
推 : Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17F 03/10 01:41
推 : 這個作者作品腦洞都超大...一定有嗑藥18F 03/10 01:51
推 : FU~GUUUUUUU~~~19F 03/10 01:53
推 : Char~~~~~~lie~~~~~20F 03/10 02:06
→ : 真假 居然已經8年了 突然覺得自己好老
→ : 真假 居然已經8年了 突然覺得自己好老
推 : 募資部分超量超多XD22F 03/10 02:08
推 : 懷念!23F 03/10 02:31
推 : Banana king24F 03/10 02:34
推 : 腦洞超大作者25F 03/10 03:23
推 : 不能不參26F 03/10 05:06
推 : 可能性的獸 啊~啊~啊~啊~~~啊啊啊啊~啊啊~~啊~~~~27F 03/10 06:08
→ : 30分鐘的查理好可怕28F 03/10 07:04
推 : 是要募資買草嗎XD29F 03/10 07:40
→ : gi joe也不知道多久了30F 03/10 08:25
推 : 以前ptt飛馬還改過成查理版本31F 03/10 08:43
推 : fugu~~~~~毽32F 03/10 09:20
推 : 每次看都以為自己嗑了迷幻藥33F 03/10 09:23
推 : hey茶例微嘎34F 03/10 09:47
推 : heeeey chaaaaaarrrlliiiiieeee35F 03/10 10:54
推 : put the banana in your ears~36F 03/10 11:55
推 : 沒想到已經這麼久了37F 03/10 12:47
※ 編輯: yukarjama (, 03/10/2016 13:50:23--
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 737
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