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看板 C_Chat
作者 s386644187 (痕風幻滅)
標題 [問題] 求推薦很燃的戰鬥用BGM
時間 Sat May 14 21:04:45 2016


Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...


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Best of Umineko BGM - worldend dominator - YouTube
I am not associated with 07th_expansion. Download at the request of lildrkaznboi:

VIP: 海貓BGM很多都很燃2F 05/14 21:06
Mai Hime Mezame - YouTube
Si an visto este amv en otro usuario, realmente lo cree yo, xD

zxcv820421: https://youtu.be/XZsrRIIuM_8 布袋戲的很多都不錯用4F 05/14 21:07
玄天劍印(劍非道武曲) - YouTube
黃建秦老師二○一五年以「劍非道武曲」為題創作,磅礡的鼓聲開頭,搭配著大鈸撼動人心,樂聲忽來一陣收納,在所有音樂匯聚時,銅管、小喇叭、弦樂塑造著道劍的絕世身影,可見劍非道以一劍貫天,玄天劍印的震世道威下,所有罪惡瞬間消弭。 此影片為霹靂國際多媒體版權所有,僅供試聽。 請支持正版 相關資料出處:

lanjack: 當然這首不j4 http://girigiri.love/6F 05/14 21:08
GOBS: 樓上散播毒品阿7F 05/14 21:08
sabertomoaki: 拔劍曲8F 05/14 21:08
sillymon: https://youtu.be/kFj-zNYb9n4  SO3的9F 05/14 21:08
HQ Star Ocean 3 OST - Cutting Edge Of Notion - YouTube
HQ Sound Cutting Edge Of Notion - Battle Theme Motoi Sakuraba - Star Ocean 3 Till The End Of Time

kisc32950: https://youtu.be/BnaC0RgEPCw 要然的BGM怎麼可以沒有10F 05/14 21:09
kisc32950: 獨角獸~11F 05/14 21:09
Guilty Crown - βίος / Bios (Rearranged Medley) - YouTube
I was sorely disappointed with the original version considering how much I liked the song when it made it debut in one of the episodes. So I decided to make ...

GOBS: 把澤野宏之負責的先列出來再說 XD14F 05/14 21:10
John Cena's 2014 Theme Song - The Time is Now (You Can't See Me) - YouTube Follow John Cena on twitter:  Like John Cena on facebook:  John Cena's 2014 theme song - John ...

moritsune: http://tinyurl.com/htlh6qf  Uncontrollable16F 05/14 21:10
Uncontrollable - Xenoblade Chronicles X [OST] - YouTube
Game: Xenoblade Chronicles X Music: Uncontrollable

Kuroko no Basket Unreleased OST - Unexpected (Full Version!) - YouTube IT IS HERE! After such a long wait and over one and a half years of production, it is ready for release. SHARE SHARE SHARE and don't forget to subscribe. Tha...

darkbrigher: wow剛進熔岩之心那首 非常經典19F 05/14 21:12
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - MGS Peace Walker Medley - Peace Walker Theme - YouTube If you enjoyed the video then click the 'LIKE' button. SUBSCRIBE! -  Connect with me on Twitt...

arrenwu: 舞 Hime https://youtu.be/IJBnFDT6aZk22F 05/14 21:13
Mai Hime Mezame - YouTube
Si an visto este amv en otro usuario, realmente lo cree yo, xD

CHU094080: https://youtu.be/c5Ka0WFqftA 猿投山神曲23F 05/14 21:14
HiSimon: 去翻一下澤野宏之的音樂就知道了24F 05/14 21:14
arrenwu: NieR https://youtu.be/u5xZbJDZZo4 (這遊戲音樂太好聽)25F 05/14 21:14
NieR Soundtrack - Song of the Ancients Fate - YouTube
NieR Gestalt & NieR Gestalt Soundtrack by Square-Enix

Sougetu: https://youtu.be/TGWk1AWlkSo IAWW的都不錯,但最愛這首26F 05/14 21:14
サムデイ - YouTube
【すばらしきこのせかい】 サムデイ  (英語版)  (歌詞)

oneJack: https://youtu.be/1ErwgLxBNL0 Emiya 神曲BJ427F 05/14 21:14
Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...

arrenwu: 其實燃有很多種不同類型的燃28F 05/14 21:15
Xenoblade Chronicles X OST - no2=THEMEX - Extended - YouTube
Disc: 1 Track: 2 Composer: Hiroyuki Sawano Arranger: Hiroyuki Sawano I do not own the original Xenoblade Chronicles X OST. Like what you hear? Subscribe or h...

Child of Light OST Boss [Full Choir Versions] Original soundtrack - YouTube ######################################## Attention! This Part Is Unofficial RELEASE in CD ######################################## If you like Child of light...

sabertomoaki: https://youtu.be/2GsqDMyl4KM 以前會聽這首玩CS(逃32F 05/14 21:16
KTV 秀蘭瑪雅+ 施文彬 請你保重 - YouTube
KTV 秀蘭瑪雅+ 施文彬 請你保重

arrenwu: Noein(by七瀨光) https://youtu.be/au8Jo371oWM33F 05/14 21:17
Noein soundtrack 1 "shangri-la" - YouTube
Probably the best track in the anime Noein.

Ace Combat Zero Soundtrack - Zero [HQ] [PS2] - YouTube
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War - YouTube
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...

oneJack: https://youtu.be/IngdqLS16DQ Ex~~~~calibur!!!!!37F 05/14 21:18
Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #18 Excalibur UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #18 Excalibur UBW Extended - 約束された勝利の剣 [Sword of Promised Victory] Music by Hideyuki Fukasa...

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon - Dogfight Music (Extended) - YouTube I took the Dogfight music from Assault Horizon and looped it a few times since I thought the version on the OST that came with the game was a bit short. I ha...

oneJack: 前奏下去直接鳥肌39F 05/14 21:18
arrenwu: CodeGeass(中川幸太郎) https://youtu.be/4ffRYLFmGA440F 05/14 21:18
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion OST - 20. Elegant Force - YouTube Disclaimer: I do not own any clips or music of this video. All clips and music belong to their respectful owner(s). This video is for enjoyment purposes only...

Ace Combat 6 OST - The Liberation Of Gracemeria - YouTube
The Liberation Of Gracemeria from Ace Combat 6: Soundtrack Enjoy

oneJack: CS要聽這首吧 https://youtu.be/Yst5LVGD1ew42F 05/14 21:19
CS1.6主題曲 - YouTube
Nightwish - She Is My Sin (CS1.6主題曲) Take heed, dear heart Once apart, she can touch nor me nor you Dressed as one A wolf will betray a lamb Lead astray the ...


johnli: 魔法使之夜 FIVE44F 05/14 21:19
Dragon Ball Z BGM - M1914 "I Will Be The Victor!!" - YouTube
Movie 11 Soundtrack - Total Lenght: 1:14 sec

arrenwu: 魔塔大陸(志方晶子) https://youtu.be/jRQ-thwF1iY46F 05/14 21:20
志方あきこ - METHOD_REPLEKIA/. 中文字幕(Chinese Translation) - YouTube Disclaimer: All rights to Gust Co., Ltd., therefore, I do not own this audio. If you enjoy this song, Please support them by buying this album! Amazon: http:...

Yanrei: http://tinyurl.com/gwyx6ln  空之境界戰鬥組曲47F 05/14 21:20
Yuki Kajiura-Kara no Kyoukai- Fight themes - YouTube
*Turn on annotations to see the name of the songs* this is a combination of Kara no Kyoukai, Garden of Sinners 1-7 from their ost. I put them together in a u...

英雄伝説5 海の檻歌 - 守るべきもののために - YouTube
英雄伝説5 海の檻歌 - 守るべきもののために The Legend of Heroes 5 : A Cagesong of the Ocean

roy047: 海之檻歌這首最喜歡XD49F 05/14 21:23
Mabinogi C3 G11S1 BGM - Boss_Uroboros - YouTube
HD Sound:  will upload more later,for now enjoy this

WindSpread: mabinogi銜尾蛇戰鬥曲51F 05/14 21:25
"Libera Me From Hell" with subs - YouTube
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...

e49523: https://youtu.be/6Xidu5lQrms Rebirth the Edge53F 05/14 21:28
Sengoku Rance OST - Rebirth the Edge - YouTube
Enjoy! Sengoku Rance OST (Alicesoft Sound Album Vol.10) Tracks: 01.Title 02.Sengoku Rance 03.Turn Top 04.Sengoku World 05.Burtal man's daily life 06.In the p...

OK8066889: 洗文章?54F 05/14 21:28
Michael Calfan - Resurrection - YouTube
iTunes:  Pioneer The Album 13:  Instrumental House:  booking@blancoynegro.com 34.93.2254400 34.68...

Saki OP Glossy MMM full - YouTube
Saki opening Music: Glossy MMM Artist: Miyuki Hashimoto I do not own any of the material presented in this video all rights belong to the respective owners

e2167471: https://youtu.be/yIXIiAnLTKo  TYPE MOON的魔法使之夜57F 05/14 21:30
e2167471: https://youtu.be/yRxYBYoDZX4  同上58F 05/14 21:31
adern9: 借串問 請問版標是什麼梗59F 05/14 21:31
e2167471: 靠 有人先推了XD60F 05/14 21:31
thum0809: https://youtu.be/ONnLrnziaUE  排球少年61F 05/14 21:32
Leexiangling: 版標應該是熊巫女吧(?62F 05/14 21:32
akila08539: 關鍵字---->澤野弘之63F 05/14 21:35
billy027486: https://youtu.be/31YasuNNpT0 花京院專屬曲64F 05/14 21:35
talesa82035: https://youtu.be/whX6TVUDF-E PM曲65F 05/14 21:36
Pokemon D/P Music - Champion Cynthia - YouTube
Pokemon D/P Music - Champion Cynthia

Xanadu Next - Evildoer - Battle Theme [1080p] (Lossless audio) - YouTube Xanadu Next BGM & OST Battle Theme song Lossless audio ザナドゥ ・ ネクスト オリジナルサウンドトラック 迷城國度 迷城国度 [facebook] Top Video Game Music (遊戲音樂瘋) 【

adern9: @Leexiangling 謝謝你~68F 05/14 21:40
Their Own Brand of Justice (Etrian Odyssey III) - GaMetal - YouTube GaMetal takes on the Final Boss theme from Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City! Let's do an EO song! This is the final boss song in EO3. It has that classic...

ImCasual: 這個傢伙轉作metal電玩配樂cover,很多都是戰鬥樂70F 05/14 21:40
Megaman Zero 4: Falling Down - YouTube
Epic showdown with epic background music.. fucking love it or I'll kill you and strangle your entire family with your intestines.

kisc32950: https://youtu.be/PZfEv3euc2M 火影這個也不錯~72F 05/14 21:50
Naruto Soundtrack - Naruto Main Theme - YouTube
a soundtrack from the anime naruto

scdoom: adern9   版標 熊巫女 的廣告過場73F 05/14 21:50
CoD:MW2 - OST - 02: Extraction Point - YouTube
This is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's OST album, created by the Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, Grammy Award and Tony-winning composer Hans Zimmer alon...

DarkHolbach: Hans Zimmer的75F 05/14 21:51
vm06: 東方系列,不管是原曲還是同人都不錯76F 05/14 21:53
Persona 3 ost - The Battle for Everyone's Souls [Extended] - YouTube Persona 3 ost - The Battle for Everyone's Souls [Extended]

Uesama: P3最終決戰曲,天鵝絨房間的Remix版的感覺78F 05/14 22:00
Kanecart: 【Fate EXTRA舚CC】ギルガメッシュのテーマ cosmic air79F 05/14 22:01
Kanecart:  https://youtu.be/DD-_sHrkEHU
Kanecart: Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain81F 05/14 22:05
Kanecart: https://youtu.be/pmo1VW_wA_o
Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain - YouTube
did;nt want to make a video to get abuse for it being shite

ririkasos: Falcom Sound Team jdk 的作品找找看 有些也不錯83F 05/14 22:07
jeeyi345: …盜版CS84F 05/14 22:09
helba: P4G和PQ的戰鬥曲85F 05/14 22:17
Persona 4 Golden - Time to Make History REAL Lyrics - YouTube -EDIT- Are you serious?! Over 200k views and here i thought nobody liked this song :'3 Since i couldnt find ANY video on youtube that had the real lyrics to ...

Persona Q: Light the Fire up in the Night -P4 Ver.- Extended - YouTube Extended Version of the P4 Version of the Persona Q battle theme.

Mortal Kombat Theme Song Original - YouTube
Mortal Kombat: The Album is an album by The Immortals (Maurice Engelen aka Praga Khan and Oliver Adams best known for their work on the Techno/Industrial ban...

jack953866: 澤野弘之的所有BGM、黑暗靈魂3: 標題和BOSS戰的BGM90F 05/14 22:36
healangel: Overlord的曲子 [NPC Battle]91F 05/14 22:53
healangel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHpeFBH9EPA
Overlord OST CD2 16 「NPC Battle」 - YouTube
Overlord Special Sound Track CD Vol.2 オーバーロード スペシャルサウンドトラックCD Vol.2 Music: Shuji Katayama Chorus: Remi, Miki Masuda, Makai Kinoshita [木下マカイ], Sho [翔] (Lacroi...

xga00mex: 神寶xyz的戰鬥曲93F 05/15 01:47
Hasanieer: 這類問題來幾次都會推ff13的https://youtu.be/39Cg92jb94F 05/15 09:20
Hasanieer: c88   https://youtu.be/A9MR3r_DWrA95F 05/15 09:20
Final Fantasy 13-2 OST - Disc Two - 03 - Last Hunter - YouTube FULL PLAYLIST HERE  The complete and original 4-Disc soundtrack for Final Fantasy XIII-2, the hit role...

paco9379540: light社的神咒神威神樂的真主角專用曲「剎那殿L間大96F 05/15 09:56
paco9379540: 無間大紅蓮地獄
b99202071: 微笑光美 大激戰98F 05/15 12:11
gph010142: 一拳bgm99F 05/15 13:14

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