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作者 標題 [問題] 洛克人經典bgm有哪些
時間 Thu Mar 23 03:14:24 2017
capcom本來bgm就做得很強 不過礙於以前的技術限制只能做8bit
Storm Eagle
Mega Man X - Storm Eagle (Rock/Metal Cover) - YouTube
I know some of you have requested a song from Mega Man X. Official Website: Facebook:
I know some of you have requested a song from Mega Man X. Official Website: Facebook:
Flame Mammoth
Megaman X - Flame Mammoth on guitar - YouTube
Took some time off from these covers for a couple of weeks, and it feels good to be back! This is a song that has been requested a few times and I'm glad to ...
Took some time off from these covers for a couple of weeks, and it feels good to be back! This is a song that has been requested a few times and I'm glad to ...
Spark Mandrill
Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill (Rock/Metal Cover) - YouTube
More music from Mega Man! In this video you can see me testing out my new guitar from the 80's, Kramer Focus 3000. Official Website:
More music from Mega Man! In this video you can see me testing out my new guitar from the 80's, Kramer Focus 3000. Official Website:
Volt Catfish
Megaman X3 - Volt Catfish on guitar - YouTube
Another great track from the Megaman X series! Requested by Furber216. Got pretty uninspired while I was doing this video because of all the bullshit that Go...
Another great track from the Megaman X series! Requested by Furber216. Got pretty uninspired while I was doing this video because of all the bullshit that Go...
Toxic Seahorse
Megaman X3 - Toxic Seahorse on guitar - YouTube
This theme rocks so much! And the lead melody is really fun to play on guitar! Seems like the Megaman X series' soundtrack is made to be played on the guitar...
This theme rocks so much! And the lead melody is really fun to play on guitar! Seems like the Megaman X series' soundtrack is made to be played on the guitar...
Gravity Beetle
Megaman X3 - Gravity Beetle on guitar - YouTube
I haven't played that much Megaman X3 when I was younger, but this theme is one of the things I remember and really like in that game! Background gameplay fo...
I haven't played that much Megaman X3 when I was younger, but this theme is one of the things I remember and really like in that game! Background gameplay fo...
Armored Armadillo
Megaman X - Armored Armadillo - YouTube
Armored Armadillo Theme from Megaman X. In my opinion, the hardest Megaman song out there (When playing both parts.) Mess up in a few places (only when I rec...
Armored Armadillo Theme from Megaman X. In my opinion, the hardest Megaman song out there (When playing both parts.) Mess up in a few places (only when I rec...
小清新的snakeman雙吉他 這也很讚
Mega Man 3 Guitar Cover - Snake Man - Super Guitar Bros - YouTube Super Guitar Bros' acoustic guitar cover of Snake Man from Mega Man 3 for the NES! Watch our full playlist - Acoustic Guitar Video Game Jams -
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→ : 打不倒的空氣人1F 03/23 03:17
推 : 沒人推2代王關BGM我切樓下gg2F 03/23 03:20
Shadow Man Stage (Mega Man 3) - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Music Extended - YouTube Super Smash Bros. for Wii U music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. Developer(s): Sora Ltd, Namco Bandai Games Publisher(s): Nintendo...
喔喔 supersmashbro裡面有好多重新編過的 nice~~~~
Megaman X5 | X vs Zero Cover - Epic Guitar - YouTube
Enjoy this awesome guitar battle from the theme of X vs Zero song of Megaman X5 ¡Suscribe for more of Epic Guitar! Special Thanks to La Radio Producciones (C...
Enjoy this awesome guitar battle from the theme of X vs Zero song of Megaman X5 ¡Suscribe for more of Epic Guitar! Special Thanks to La Radio Producciones (C...
喔喔 這首好讚!!
推 : 布魯斯登場口哨,還有他的主題曲5F 03/23 03:29
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 03:30:56推 : VGL的洛克人組曲6F 03/23 03:29
→ : 2帶我在你管有看到一系列改歌!!7F 03/23 03:29
Album: VIDEO GAMES LIVE: LEVEL 2 Title: Megaman Montage Interpreter: Manami Matsumae Video Games Live (VGL) is a concert series created and produced by indus...
Album: VIDEO GAMES LIVE: LEVEL 2 Title: Megaman Montage Interpreter: Manami Matsumae Video Games Live (VGL) is a concert series created and produced by indus...
哦哦 居然帶點交響風味 太強啦
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 03:36:29
推 : VGL就是一隻電玩交響樂團,除了岩男之外有演奏很多作品9F 03/23 03:41
→ : 有機會的話非常建議電玩愛好者去享受一次live,他們現場演
→ : 出個人感覺遠勝專輯(也跟現場氣氛有關)
→ : 有機會的話非常建議電玩愛好者去享受一次live,他們現場演
→ : 出個人感覺遠勝專輯(也跟現場氣氛有關)
Hyadain - Quick!!! (Subbed) - YouTube
It bugged me there wasn't a clean subbed version of this out there so here it is! All I did was subtitle it. Hyadain did the music/lyrics, and EarthlyMaidenL...
It bugged me there wasn't a clean subbed version of this out there so here it is! All I did was subtitle it. Hyadain did the music/lyrics, and EarthlyMaidenL...
Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Acapella - YouTube
An original acapella arrangement of the MegaMan 2 song from Dr. Wily's Castle. ●Become my Patron: ●Download my albums i...
An original acapella arrangement of the MegaMan 2 song from Dr. Wily's Castle. ●Become my Patron: ●Download my albums i...
喔喔 這首不錯 這傢伙的阿卡貝拉超強的喇
洛克人X4-OP - YouTube
PlayStation版本(1997) 分享之動畫片段僅供同好玩家參考其內容大意 如喜愛此作品,請支持正版 by 洛克人頻道(Rockman's youtube channel)
PlayStation版本(1997) 分享之動畫片段僅供同好玩家參考其內容大意 如喜愛此作品,請支持正版 by 洛克人頻道(Rockman's youtube channel)
仲間由紀惠嘛我知道XD X4應該是我少數有玩到的ROCKMAN作品
推 : Z1 zero theme18F 03/23 06:14
吼吼 ZERO主題曲重新編曲耶 這超讚!!
Megaman X5 - Zero Virus Stage 4 - YouTube
The theme of Zero Virus Stage 4 from Megaman X5. Picture and music were downloaded from The Megaman Network(www.themmnetwork.com), and are copyrights of Capcom.
The theme of Zero Virus Stage 4 from Megaman X5. Picture and music were downloaded from The Megaman Network(www.themmnetwork.com), and are copyrights of Capcom.
→ : 首影響20F 03/23 07:36
這首雖然很電子舞曲 但是我超喜歡的! 我都拿來當我的戰鬥BGMww
推 : 樓上是說東方哪首?21F 03/23 07:39
→ : 我超喜歡這首Sigma Stage的音樂
→ : 跟前面Zero Stage的壓抑不同,是富含節奏的死亡邀請
推 : 找到了,玲仙的主題曲:http://youtu.be/lY_KORpQPdI
→ : 我超喜歡這首Sigma Stage的音樂
→ : 跟前面Zero Stage的壓抑不同,是富含節奏的死亡邀請
推 : 找到了,玲仙的主題曲:http://youtu.be/lY_KORpQPdI
Reisen's Theme - Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon - YouTube A song from the game Imperishable Night, with a picture of the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba. Enjoy!
我一介木耳聽不出來相似的地方 XDD
推 : 我喜歡x2序關bgm25F 03/23 08:12
推 : X5噴火龍觀的BGM26F 03/23 08:28
Mega Man X4 - Intro Stage (X) - YouTube
The theme of the intro stage (while playing as X) from Mega Man X4. Picture and Music were downloaded from The Mega Man Network. URL: blue-bomber.jvmwriter.o...
The theme of the intro stage (while playing as X) from Mega Man X4. Picture and Music were downloaded from The Mega Man Network. URL: blue-bomber.jvmwriter.o...
→ : X4 序關的BGM28F 03/23 08:37
蔚藍BITCH~ 好懷念R
推 : Z2的Departure Z3的Cannon Ball也都是不錯的曲子29F 03/23 09:43
→ : Z2的Departure Z3的Cannon Ball也都是不錯的曲子
→ : 官方專輯Mythos裡也有幾個很讚的電音改編
→ : Z2的Departure Z3的Cannon Ball也都是不錯的曲子
→ : 官方專輯Mythos裡也有幾個很讚的電音改編
→ : 啊 抱歉重複送出了32F 03/23 09:45
洛克人-打不倒的空氣人 - YouTube
原名《エアーマンが倒せない》,是相當有名的一首非常熱血的同人原創歌曲。 作者因為玩 FC(美版稱NES) 的洛克人二代怎樣都打不死其中一個 Boss「空氣人(Airman)」而寫歌發洩。歌詞內容簡單來說就是詳細描述空氣人到底有多難打。 作曲者為「てつくずおきば4」的 seramikutitan(せら),演唱者為「...
原名《エアーマンが倒せない》,是相當有名的一首非常熱血的同人原創歌曲。 作者因為玩 FC(美版稱NES) 的洛克人二代怎樣都打不死其中一個 Boss「空氣人(Airman)」而寫歌發洩。歌詞內容簡單來說就是詳細描述空氣人到底有多難打。 作曲者為「てつくずおきば4」的 seramikutitan(せら),演唱者為「...
推 : 推推薦34F 03/23 10:08
推 : こいつはホントに協力する気があるのか?35F 03/23 10:23
→ : クリアまでは眠らない! 跟空氣人同系列? 但是只有空氣
→ : 人比較紅
→ : 思い出は億千万 也是洛克人的BGM
→ : クリアまでは眠らない! 跟空氣人同系列? 但是只有空氣
→ : 人比較紅
→ : 思い出は億千万 也是洛克人的BGM
有ㄟ這系列剛出的時候我都有聽過 XD
推 : 回憶一股腦湧上來39F 03/23 10:40
Blast Hornet - Megaman X3 (SNES) Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...
幹我超愛黃蜂關 可是沒甚麼人要來ARRANGE QQ
Doppler Stage 1 - Megaman X3 (SNES) Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 11:26:14
Megaman X3 - Opening Stage (Remix) - YouTube
Download track in every format: Follow me on Facebook: Follow me on Soundcloud: ...
Download track in every format: Follow me on Facebook: Follow me on Soundcloud: ...
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 11:33:29
推 : OC Remix滿多首都不錯 我覺得Nuclear Flash張力很強44F 03/23 11:40
Megaman Maverick Hunter X OST: Central Highway - YouTube
MMMHX OST: Opening stage Megaman (C) Capcom
MMMHX OST: Opening stage Megaman (C) Capcom
推 : 要經典當然是元祖的46F 03/23 12:52
Breis - Mega Man X2: X-Hunter Stage 1 & 2 (2016) - YouTube
NOT BY ME. This remix was made by Breis. Breis Playlist: Breis' website:
NOT BY ME. This remix was made by Breis. Breis Playlist: Breis' website:
→ : X2 X-Hunter Stage 1&2 Beris Remix 神曲不解釋XD48F 03/23 12:55
Mega Man X2 Guitar Playthrough - YouTube
Original composer: Yuki Iwai Check my EP TYRANNY WITH MANNERS: Mp3 Download: Revised version:
Original composer: Yuki Iwai Check my EP TYRANNY WITH MANNERS: Mp3 Download: Revised version:
→ : Max Vegetable50F 03/23 22:47
Megaman X4 ---- Iris's Theme - YouTube
DISCLAIMER : i do not own the music nor pictures nor character. It belongs to capcom and the fanart to the owner
DISCLAIMER : i do not own the music nor pictures nor character. It belongs to capcom and the fanart to the owner
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