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作者 標題 [閒聊] 遊戲中的神曲
時間 Tue Jul 25 12:21:43 2017
Undertale - Megalovania - YouTube
The song Megalovania, from the indie RPG Undertale. Composed by Toby Fox. You don't have to ask me for permission to use this song. This is a recurring theme...
The song Megalovania, from the indie RPG Undertale. Composed by Toby Fox. You don't have to ask me for permission to use this song. This is a recurring theme...

東方アレンジ Syrufit - you're the fire (Vocal.綾倉盟) 法界の火 - YouTube Syrufit/Love Hearts ? Arrange. 隣人(CYTOKINE)

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推 : 空戰奇兵系列都有很不錯的音樂1F 07/25 12:22
→ : 每年日本都有投票,你可以聽聽上位常連那幾首2F 07/25 12:22
這還有投票喔?!推 : 空軌 銀の意志 金の翼 跟星之所在3F 07/25 12:23
Ace Combat 4 Shattered Skies: Megalith -Agnus Dei- (stereo) - YouTube Click for high-quality stereo audio! Megalith -Agnus Dei- is the theme for the final mission in Ace Combat ...

Best VGM 628 - Ace Combat 6 - The Liberation of Gracemeria - YouTube A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games I played so I might miss some great ones from games I never played. Xbox 3...

Ace Combat Zero - Zero - YouTube
Possibly one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard in a video game. This is the theme of the final mission of ACZ.
Possibly one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard in a video game. This is the theme of the final mission of ACZ.

【英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC Evolution】46 銀の意志【BGM】 - YouTube 英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC Evolution BGM/Sora no Kiseki FC Evolution Silver Will 銀の意志/英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC Evolution オリジナルサウンドトラック Copyright© Nihon Falcom Corporation

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War - YouTube
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...

Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered - High Quality [HQ] - YouTube HIGH QUALITY HERE! "Pursuit - Cornered" from Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney NDS game. Best soundtrack ever!

推 : You will know our name10F 07/25 12:27
※ 編輯: KJlove (, 07/25/2017 12:32:35推 : 紫苑鎮BHM11F 07/25 12:29
→ : BDFF的OST也可以聽聽14F 07/25 12:31
『OST/BGM』魔導少年 (フェアリーテイル / 妖精的尾巴 / Fairy Tail) - Main Theme (メインテーマ) - YouTube 公會音樂~同時也是一首相當熱血的戰鬥用音樂~ (加了一點特效, 重新上傳)

Little Busters! Original Soundtrack CD2 06: "Lamplight" - YouTube Song: Lamplight (also "Tomoshibi," "ともしび," "Guiding Light") Composition: Jun Maeda Arrangement: Manack Album: Little Busters! Original Soundtrack CD2 Track: ...

推 : Wings of courage18F 07/25 12:38
トップページ - みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100まとめwiki - アットウィキ
みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100まとめwikiへようこそ 2ちゃんねるのゲーム音楽板で開催されているみんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100のまとめwikiです。 過去の投票結果などを掲載しています。... ...
推 : styx helix20F 07/25 12:40
→ : 謝樓上 我的愛曲第二名好爽www21F 07/25 12:40
→ : 軌跡系列 9成以上都頂尖等級的22F 07/25 12:46
推 : falcom玩遊戲(X) 聽音樂(O)23F 07/25 12:52
[Music] The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki ► Get Over The Barrier! -Roaring Version- ║Extended║ - YouTube Game: The Legend of Heroes Zero no Kiseki Platform(s): PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita Music: Get Over The Barrier! -Roaring Version- Album: The Legen...

Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II - Blue Destination (Extended) - YouTube For requests, please pm me or comment below!

推 : Crypt of the Necrodancer27F 07/25 13:09
推 : ANNO 2070: Soundtrack - What a glorious view28F 07/25 13:15
推 : 暗黑一全部29F 07/25 13:49
推 : 一堆吧,我現在就收集了十幾張無損OST 都是JRPG33F 07/25 14:16
大神伝 〜小さき太陽〜 音と光の玉手箱 - YouTube
01 大神伝 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 00:00 02 薬師村 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 03:37 03 神州平原 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 07:21 04 大神伝 〜ギターアレンジ〜 10:37 05 薬師村 〜ギターアレンジ〜 14:12 06 神州平原 〜ギターアレンジ〜 17:27
01 大神伝 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 00:00 02 薬師村 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 03:37 03 神州平原 〜限定版オリジナルアレンジ〜 07:21 04 大神伝 〜ギターアレンジ〜 10:37 05 薬師村 〜ギターアレンジ〜 14:12 06 神州平原 〜ギターアレンジ〜 17:27

→ : 想到了啦 魔塔大陸 我都不知道他們是當RPG還是音樂遊戲40F 07/25 14:22
→ : 在做
→ : 在做

推 : Firelink shrine43F 07/25 14:34
218. 地平を喰らう蛇 - YouTube
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack All Music Written, Composed & Arranged by Revo Playlist:
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack All Music Written, Composed & Arranged by Revo Playlist:

Ori and the Blind Forest OST - 32 - Light of Nibel (feat. Aeralie Brighton) - YouTube Ori and the Blind Forest Soundtrack Developer: Moon Studios Publisher: Microsoft Studios Composer: Gareth Coker feat. Aeralie Brighton, Rachel Mellis and Tom...

Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia - Final Map Theme (SPOILERS) - YouTube ON THE SUBJECT OF THE SPOILER TAG: Thought that I'd make it clear about why I marked these uploads as spoilers. It's because when originally uploaded, the so...

Lost Woods - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - YouTube
Music: Lost Woods Composer: Koji Kondo Playlist: Platform: Nintendo 64
Music: Lost Woods Composer: Koji Kondo Playlist: Platform: Nintendo 64

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