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作者 標題 [閒聊] Disney 歷年的經典歌曲
時間 Wed Jun 27 01:21:42 2018
1. 美女與野獸 (1991)
Celine Dion - Beauty and The Beast - YouTube
Celine Dion - Beauty and The Beast Lyrics : Tale As Old As Time True As It Can Be Barely Even Friends Than Somebody Bends Unexpectedly Just A Little Change S...
Celine Dion - Beauty and The Beast Lyrics : Tale As Old As Time True As It Can Be Barely Even Friends Than Somebody Bends Unexpectedly Just A Little Change S...
2. 阿拉丁 (1992)
Aladdin 阿拉丁 - A Whole New World 一個嶄新的世界 [ENG/CHT SUB] - YouTube " 觀看請按顯示字幕 " 迪士尼第31部經典動畫阿拉丁主題曲A Whole New World[中英字幕]
3. 獅子王 (1994)
HD Can You Feel The Love Tonight 獅子王 主題曲 中英字幕 - YouTube "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is a song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King,composed by Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice.It was described by D...
獅子王裡面也有我愛的 丁滿和澎澎 的 哈庫那馬他他
4. 高飛狗 (1995)
這是我最愛的電影吧 小時候看這個跳舞真的好帥
他之後也有出一個麥斯大學時期的動畫 當時迪斯可跳舞
Shake Your Groove Thing Goofy Movie - YouTube
SHAKE YOUR GROOVE THING!! Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall! Off the Wall:
SHAKE YOUR GROOVE THING!! Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall! Off the Wall:
5. 風中奇緣 (1995)
6. 玩具總動員 (1995)
Toy Story - You've got a friend in me - Randy Newman - Lyrics - YouTube Lyrics, info and other stuff here! Have a request, complaint or compliment? Leave a comment! Links: http...
7. 大力士 海格利斯 (1996)
8. 花木蘭 (1998)
非常膾炙人口的動畫 尤其是他的中文配音真的超完美
Be a man. 男子漢 也有蠻多人不知道這首的中文是成龍唱的
(英文版) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVcLIfSC4OE
Mulan | I'll Make A Man Out Of You | Disney Sing-Along - YouTube Be swift as a coursing river as you sing along to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan with this lyric video. SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new Disney vi...
(中文版) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2Fox6v-L8k
Mulan - I'll Make a Man Out of You Chinese Mandarin (Subs + Translation) HD - YouTube This is a very literal translation, to preserve its original meaning in chinese. Romanized to the closest sound, not Pinyin. Sang by Jackie Chan Format: Mand...
另外一首我也覺得唱得比英文好 (李玟-自己)
李玟-自己 (迪士尼花木蘭中文主題曲) - YouTube
自己 作詞:姚謙 作曲:Matthew Widler(Ot.Reflection) 仔細的 看著波光中清晰的倒影 是另一個自己 他屬於 我最真實的表情 不願意 生活中掩飾真心敷衍了 愛我的人的眼睛 我 心中的自己 每一秒 都願意 為愛放手去追尋 用心去珍惜 隱藏在 心中每一個真實的心情 現在釋放出去 我想要 呈現...
自己 作詞:姚謙 作曲:Matthew Widler(Ot.Reflection) 仔細的 看著波光中清晰的倒影 是另一個自己 他屬於 我最真實的表情 不願意 生活中掩飾真心敷衍了 愛我的人的眼睛 我 心中的自己 每一秒 都願意 為愛放手去追尋 用心去珍惜 隱藏在 心中每一個真實的心情 現在釋放出去 我想要 呈現...
9. 泰山 (1999)
Tarzan -Son Of Man (Phil Collins) - YouTube
A beautiful song from the movie "Tarzan" of Walt Disney company. I did not make this video, I just added bunch of video parts so the song (Original version) ...
A beautiful song from the movie "Tarzan" of Walt Disney company. I did not make this video, I just added bunch of video parts so the song (Original version) ...
10. 星銀島 (2002)
Treasure Planet - I'm Still Here (Blu-Ray Movie Version) - YouTube One of my favourite scenes in the movie. The song is 'I'm Still Here by The Goo-Goo Dolls' for all those wondering! Watch in full HD for best picture & sound...
像是 汽車總動員、冰雪奇緣以及最近剛出預告片的無敵破壞王
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推 : Under the sea~~1F 06/27 01:23
→ : 大家同心作戰 讓匈奴 絕望2F 06/27 01:26
推 : Be prepared~3F 06/27 01:26
推 : 我們盼望~佳人會歡迎我~(音樂乍停4F 06/27 01:27
推 : 要成為 男子漢 不認輸5F 06/27 01:30
推 : 要成為6F 06/27 01:30
推 : 袋鼠之亂以後 在西洽看到迪士尼會怕7F 06/27 01:31
推 : You will be in my heart ~~~8F 06/27 01:32
推 : 最愛睡美人的 once upon a dream9F 06/27 01:32
推 : 他們膽戰又心驚10F 06/27 01:33
→ : Be a man~~11F 06/27 01:33
→ : 私心認為男子漢中英文都很不錯
→ : 私心認為男子漢中英文都很不錯
推 : 很喜歡海洋奇緣的13F 06/27 01:34
推 : 小泰山你抬頭望 美好前程在遠方14F 06/27 01:35
推 : 水管播放次數15億15F 06/27 01:41
推 : 獅子王怎麼沒有片頭 阿~西班牙~媽媽逆吉娃娃~~~16F 06/27 01:42
推 : winnie the pooh, wherever you are17F 06/27 01:44
Disney's Mulan - Reflection (Original and Full Version) - YouTube This contain both the Original Version and the Full Verison of "Reflection" from Dinsey's Mulan.
→ : 中文的唱的也很好 可是我比較喜歡英文的19F 06/27 01:46
Beauty and the Beast "Belle" | Sing-A-Long | Disney - YouTube Bonjour! Be our guest and join the sing-along with these lyrics to "Belle," the opening song from Beauty and the Beast. SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new Di...
→ : 美女與野獸比較喜歡這首 貝拉個性一目了然的歌21F 06/27 01:47
推 : 喜歡海格力斯的go the distance22F 06/27 01:48
→ : 重新詮釋的版本也很棒24F 06/27 01:50
推 : 自己印象最深的是風中奇緣25F 06/27 01:50
→ : 也喜歡花木蘭的reflection26F 06/27 01:51
推 : 像奇奇和蒂蒂 救難福星27F 06/27 01:52
推 : 現在第一名是 冰雪/海洋奇緣28F 06/27 01:54
→ : 當你遇到麻煩趕快急呼叫 飛 天 德!29F 06/27 01:54
推 : 魔髮奇緣的I see the light 跟 When will my life begin30F 06/27 01:55
→ : 除了冰雪奇緣以外最愛的就是無敵破壞王的when can I see31F 06/27 01:57
→ : you again了 大英雄天團的immortal s也不錯
→ : you again了 大英雄天團的immortal s也不錯
→ : ㄤ打了系33F 06/27 02:00
推 : 使人沒辦法睡覺,貼那麼多好歌34F 06/27 02:03
推 : 還我星銀島二35F 06/27 02:22
推 : 獅子王一堆w 然後泰山也不錯36F 06/27 02:23
推 : Once Upon A Dream咧37F 06/27 02:35
推 : 推周華健泰山中文主題曲38F 06/27 02:36
somewhere out there - Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram(with lyrics) - YouTube a treasure. :) CORRECTED LYRICS: Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight Somewhere out there someone's ...
推 : 家裡還有泰山的原聲帶 讚40F 06/27 02:40
→ : 最近都在聽迪士尼的串燒 真的超多童年經典41F 06/27 02:40
推 : 小飛象啊42F 06/27 02:45
推 : 大家同心作戰 讓匈奴 絕♂酼45F 06/27 03:01
♫ Anastasia - 'Once Upon A December' Lyrics ♫ - YouTube
ORIGINAL VERSION! Yay another one! I have finally figured out how to do great lyric videos, so I think I will be doing that from now on. :] Here is 'Once Upo...
ORIGINAL VERSION! Yay another one! I have finally figured out how to do great lyric videos, so I think I will be doing that from now on. :] Here is 'Once Upo...
推 : When you wish upon a star - 木偶奇遇記48F 06/27 03:09
→ : You’ll be in my heart 推合唱版
→ : You’ll be in my heart 推合唱版
→ : 小馬王的歌都超好聽,i will always return也很推51F 06/27 03:11
→ : 為什麼我推的HERE I AM 會變成那麼尷尬的東西啦!!!
→ : 求幫刪QQQ
→ : 乾我好像複製成廣告連結了....抱歉
→ : https://youtu.be/2MSwZBF95Kc
→ : 為什麼我推的HERE I AM 會變成那麼尷尬的東西啦!!!
→ : 求幫刪QQQ
→ : 乾我好像複製成廣告連結了....抱歉
→ : https://youtu.be/2MSwZBF95Kc
→ : 這個才對....56F 06/27 03:14
推 : 小馬王不是迪士尼ㄅ57F 06/27 03:19
推 : 星銀島的結局配那音樂真的讚58F 06/27 03:20
→ : phil collins59F 06/27 03:20
→ : 對耶小馬王是夢工廠的,抱歉記錯了><60F 06/27 03:25
推 : 飛哥與小佛的歌61F 06/27 03:35
Moana - I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) (HD) - YouTube
This song is from Moana, an animated movie made by Disney. This film and the audio-visual content of the video is in property of Walt Disney Animation Studio...
This song is from Moana, an animated movie made by Disney. This film and the audio-visual content of the video is in property of Walt Disney Animation Studio...
→ : 去年的63F 06/27 03:42
推 : 泰山我以為會推另外一首64F 06/27 04:49
推 : 爛砲兵65F 06/27 04:50
推 : 風中奇緣那首真的神曲66F 06/27 06:35
→ : 男癡漢~~~~67F 06/27 07:16
推 : 喜歡海洋奇緣 Where you are68F 06/27 07:45
推 : 你打斷我的節奏69F 06/27 08:05
推 : 50樓XDDDD70F 06/27 08:08
推 : color of the winds+171F 06/27 08:12
推 : 泰山的you'll be in my heart 更讓我印象深刻
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCBOYTpT_Cs
推 : 泰山的you'll be in my heart 更讓我印象深刻
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCBOYTpT_Cs
Phil Collins - You'll Be In My Heart (Tarzan) Lyrics 永存我心 泰山 中文翻譯 - YouTube Why can't they understand the way we feel 為何人們無法了解我們走這條路的感受? They just don't trust 因為他們無法相信 What they can't explain 他們自己無法解釋的事物 I know we're different 我知道我倆與...
Tarzan - Two Worlds (HD) - YouTube
Two Worlds in HD from Tarzan Disney owns everything. sung by: Phil Collins *I love how it shows what the humans and the gorilla's are doing and how they're s...
Two Worlds in HD from Tarzan Disney owns everything. sung by: Phil Collins *I love how it shows what the humans and the gorilla's are doing and how they're s...
推 : I see the light76F 06/27 09:13
推 : 幹 居然沒人推under the sea77F 06/27 10:38
推 : 頭推不就是嗎 哈哈78F 06/27 14:16
推 : Be a nose79F 06/27 15:12
推 : 泰山和花木蘭經典80F 06/27 15:20
推 : A Whole New World 超經典81F 06/27 17:37
推 : 愛做動畫的音樂公司82F 06/28 10:18
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作者 bill840207 的最新發文:
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- 這次澳洲職棒六隊各派出兩位選手前往澳職磨練 第一梯次已經出去了 有中信兄弟王奕凱、統一7-ELEVEn獅林子崴、樂天桃猿林耀煌、 味全龍趙璟榮、富邦悍將蔡佳諺、台鋼雄鷹林家鋐 第二梯次原定將在12/ …27F 20推
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