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作者 標題 [閒聊] 求充滿力量的歌
時間 Wed Sep 19 19:54:54 2018
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推 : たった1つの想い 有點悲傷就是了,但很正面1F 09/19 19:56
→ : JAM PROJECT全上2F 09/19 19:56
推 : Jojo 第三部op13F 09/19 19:57
→ : 一樓 聽太多失效了6F 09/19 19:57
推 : Roselia的歌聽聽看8F 09/19 19:57
推 : 我覺得這種東西見仁見智 バブル不錯9F 09/19 19:58
→ : two steps from hell 全上10F 09/19 19:58
『バブル』MV【Official】 - YouTube
「バブル」も収録される5/27発売のニューアルバム『湘南乃風 ~COME AGAIN~』より「晴ル矢」先行配信中! iTunes Store ⇒ レコチョク ⇒
「バブル」も収録される5/27発売のニューアルバム『湘南乃風 ~COME AGAIN~』より「晴ル矢」先行配信中! iTunes Store ⇒ レコチョク ⇒

推 : JAM PROJECT全上12F 09/19 19:58
GirlDeMo(Angel Beats) - Highest Life (Lyrics In Description) - YouTube . . . Just a song from the Thousand Enemies album. Japanese Lyrics : Boroboro no mama de moufu ni taore Doushite konna ni muki ni natteru n darou Futo yogitt...

推 : 如果會聽環太平洋純音樂,那Two Steps From Hell應該可14F 09/19 19:59
MuvLuv Alternative OP Subbed - YouTube
This is the MuvLuv Alternative OP. Translation by Ixrec of Amaterasu Translations and timed by jama of Mazui. Song Name: Asu e no Houkou Artist: JAM Project ...
This is the MuvLuv Alternative OP. Translation by Ixrec of Amaterasu Translations and timed by jama of Mazui. Song Name: Asu e no Houkou Artist: JAM Project ...

Gangsta. OP / Opening Full 「renegade」1080p. - YouTube
Download: Best anime poll: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Check o...
Download: Best anime poll: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Check o...

Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky - YouTube
Composed by Thomas Bergersen. Follow Thomas on Facebook: Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook: Buy Battlecry: Amazon: ...
Composed by Thomas Bergersen. Follow Thomas on Facebook: Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook: Buy Battlecry: Amazon: ...

→ : Two Step From Hell一堆19F 09/19 20:00
推 : 我的英雄學園bgm you say run21F 09/19 20:03
推 : go go power rangers22F 09/19 20:03
推 : brain power24F 09/19 20:04
One Punch Man FULL ENGLISH OPENING (The Hero - Jam Project) Cover by Jonathan Young - YouTube A Jonathan Young original English cover song of THE HERO!, (Jam Project) full version of the One Punch Man OP Opening Theme Song ►ITUNES

The Bad Touch (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli) - YouTube
Original by Bloodhound Gang You can buy my albums or singles here: DIRECT FROM ME (LOSSLESS) ► ITUNES ► AMAZON ...
Original by Bloodhound Gang You can buy my albums or singles here: DIRECT FROM ME (LOSSLESS) ► ITUNES ► AMAZON ...

→ : 想了想,頭文字D隨便BGM都可以啦,越跑越快XD28F 09/19 20:05
推 : 找找以前機器人動畫的OP啊 HEATS 感じてknight之類的29F 09/19 20:06
推 : 不死之謎30F 09/19 20:07
Crypt of the NecroDancer OST - A Dragon's Breath (3-3 Hot Remix) - YouTube Crypt of the NecroDancer is out now for PC, Mac, and Linux. Visit for more info. Music composed by Danny Baranowsky. Arranged and per...

推 : rap god 搭配阿姆快嘴那段節拍做 讚!32F 09/19 20:08
推 : 英雄之詩33F 09/19 20:11
推 : 勇氣100%34F 09/19 20:12
推 : Aimer的One35F 09/19 20:13
→ : row row fight the power36F 09/19 20:13
推 : Through The Fire And Flames37F 09/19 20:18
推 : poppin'party-前へススメ38F 09/19 20:18
推 : 公主公主啊39F 09/19 20:19
推 : ANGELA的歌都蠻燃的 個人推薦ANGEL跟KINGS這兩首40F 09/19 20:19
推 : 如果你有人魚女友的話就沒問題了41F 09/19 20:20
Rivers in the Desert ( With Lyrics ) - Persona 5 - YouTube
Edit: Ay we reached 10m views. Persona friends really want Japanese Pitbull to fall : ) Twitter: HELLO, IT TOOK ME ALL DAY...
Edit: Ay we reached 10m views. Persona friends really want Japanese Pitbull to fall : ) Twitter: HELLO, IT TOOK ME ALL DAY...

推 : brave heart43F 09/19 20:23
推 : sono chi no sadame jo jo44F 09/19 20:27
Girls Dead Monster - Crow Song - YouTube
Artist: Girls Dead Monster Title: Crow Song Anime: Angel Beats I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING!
Artist: Girls Dead Monster Title: Crow Song Anime: Angel Beats I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING!

【響け!ユーフォニアム】三日月の舞 全国大会銅賞Ver. - YouTube 【劇場版 響け!ユーフォニアム〜届けたいメロディ〜】の、フルバージョンの曲となります。 『イヤホンなどを付けてお聴きください』 京都府大会・関西大会に比べて、若干テンポを 早くしているそうです。 これは全国大会での麗奈ソロver.です。 (全国大会での香織先輩ソロver.もございます。) 気になる方はこちら↓ ◆...

→ : 海虎的插曲 Macho Man50F 09/19 20:41
推 : 你有用spotify嗎?51F 09/19 20:42
A Remastered version of my JAM PROJECT GONG Enjoy Jam Project GONG One of my Jam Project Videos That I completely Forgotten to reupload :P NOW ENJOY THE FULL...
A Remastered version of my JAM PROJECT GONG Enjoy Jam Project GONG One of my Jam Project Videos That I completely Forgotten to reupload :P NOW ENJOY THE FULL...

→ : 數碼寶貝1 2 3季的進化曲 英雄54F 09/19 20:55
推 : 勇者王final op55F 09/19 20:58
推 : 一拳超人 op56F 09/19 21:04
推 : 一拳超人 OP57F 09/19 21:04
"Libera Me From Hell" with subs - YouTube
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...

推 : yayaya59F 09/19 21:08
Initial D - Deja Vu - YouTube
Anime - Initial D Song - Deja Vu Artist - Super Eurobeat - Dave Rodgers All rights and credits go to their respective owners.
Anime - Initial D Song - Deja Vu Artist - Super Eurobeat - Dave Rodgers All rights and credits go to their respective owners.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure- Awaken(Pillar Men Theme) - YouTube
I do not own this song or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, they belong to their respective owners. This is only used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright i...
I do not own this song or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, they belong to their respective owners. This is only used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright i...

推 : funny bunny62F 09/19 21:23
推 : 天元突破グレンラガン OP64F 09/19 21:29
推 : 有一首開頭是這樣的:“喔奶子,吸得你啊啊啊...”65F 09/19 21:30
T.M.Revolution - Raimei - YouTube
Music video by T.M.Revolution performing Raimei. (C) 2016 Epic Records Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. #TMRevolution #Raime...
Music video by T.M.Revolution performing Raimei. (C) 2016 Epic Records Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. #TMRevolution #Raime...

推 : 沒人推Stand Proud?67F 09/19 21:51
Berserk - Sign (Full Version) - YouTube
Berserk: Millennium Falcon Arc ~Chapter of the Holy Demon War~ PS2 Sign
Berserk: Millennium Falcon Arc ~Chapter of the Holy Demon War~ PS2 Sign

Knights of Sidonia: The Movie Trailer - Video Dailymotion
The year is 3394. The solar system has been long destroyed by a strange alien race called Gauna. Now humans are barely maintaining population in their ...
angela - Kishi Koushinkyoku from Knights of Sidonia (Official Video) - YouTube [720p] - Video Dailymotion
Knights of Sidonia season two OP theme. ...
推 : Red hot chilli pepper71F 09/19 22:14
推 : 奈奈的歌72F 09/19 22:26
推 : ONE PUNCH73F 09/19 22:30
推 : Grand Blue ED74F 09/19 23:15
推 : 天元突破77F 09/19 23:49
MAN WITH A MISSION 『Raise your flag』 - YouTube
人類よ、狼煙を上げる時がきた。 New Single『Raise your flag』2015/10/14 Release!! M1: Raise your flag M2: STELLA M3: Far M4: Seven Deadly Sins [remix] remixed by KSUKE ダウンロードは...
人類よ、狼煙を上げる時がきた。 New Single『Raise your flag』2015/10/14 Release!! M1: Raise your flag M2: STELLA M3: Far M4: Seven Deadly Sins [remix] remixed by KSUKE ダウンロードは...

推 : aimer的unchild專輯79F 09/20 00:32
推 : 潮虎的OP 基本上搖滾歌應該都可以吧80F 09/20 00:45
推 : God knows81F 09/20 01:53
推 : 男子漢 行動快速像那江河湍急82F 09/20 02:13
推 : 怎麼可以沒有殘酷天使83F 09/20 03:01
推 : 沙沙給油,增加10%出力84F 09/20 08:45
推 : 一拳op+185F 09/20 09:32
推 : 一拳超人的過場BGM86F 09/20 13:20
→ : 純音樂
→ : 純音樂
→ : 鬼神童子OP88F 09/20 13:57
推 : Kesha Praying 和新版惡魔人的Theme music都很有力89F 09/21 02:34
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 293
作者 asd70208 的最新發文:
- 配備5700X3D+4070s 解析度2K 開服時玩沒多久就閃退、異常 懶的debug就先封印等解決方法 昨天關掉記憶體XMP可以正常遊玩 玩了幾個小時,不開幀生成有些地圖卡成白癡,尤其是森林跟湧油 …79F 37推 3噓
- 預算2.5W,買一張顯示卡 現在買的話趁還沒缺貨會挑RTX4070s 再等等的話會挑5070or5060ti 16g 電供已經升級好了850w atx3.1 如果再等等的話3月有可能買的到便宜的50 …287F 112推 2噓
- 沒有血輪眼,不過可以明顯感受到30.60.144Hz有不同,240Hz感覺顯卡也跑不太到(2K) 有人是用240~260Hz的螢幕嗎?真的有感? 還是買普通的160~180Hz就好? Sent fr …93F 50推
- 57F 32推
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1樓 時間: 2018-09-19 22:57:37 (台灣)
09-19 22:57 TW
Kill la Kill/キルラキル [Satsuki Kiryuin Theme | Kiryuu G@ KiLL] - YouTube All copyrights to the respective owner. Kill la Kill is set at Honnōji Academy (本能字学園 Honnōji Gakuen?), a fictional high school in Tokyo Bay set in post-apoc...