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作者 標題 [閒聊] 燃到瞬間雞皮疙瘩的bgm
時間 Wed Oct 10 20:54:03 2018
家教戰鬥曲 90分
20秒後超燃 算是童年之一
https://youtu.be/RZn9v69iCiw 85分
https://youtu.be/GicEMw6nUik 95分
ONE PUNCH MAN Theme - JUSTICE ENFORCEMENT 正義執行【中毒Size】 - YouTube 【本影片純屬分享之用,無侵權及商業動機】*中毒 size=loop version

刀劍戰鬥曲 95分
火影戰鬥曲 98分
死神 90分
一拳超人 95分
One Punch Man Emotional Soundtrack 【JackonTC Cover】『ワンパンマン 』- Sad theme - YouTube This is a arrangement COVER of a soundtrack from the anime: One Punch Man 『ワンパンマン』. Arranged by: Jackon-TC Fan-art by: 無免ライダー | 自然卷 [pixiv]

基本上就是上面戰鬥曲的變奏慢板~感人 QQ
光速蒙面俠戰鬥曲(戰鬥?咦XD 95分
妖精尾巴戰鬥曲 100分
Fairy Tail Theme (Violin Cover) Taylor Davis - YouTube
NEW Live Shows in October: 🎵Download or Stream this Song: 🎼Get the Sheet Music Here: http:...
NEW Live Shows in October: 🎵Download or Stream this Song: 🎼Get the Sheet Music Here: http:...

不多說了 神之BGM
剛剛點了大家貼的連結瞬間想起or挖到很多神BGM QAQ
超多神曲大收穫R 晚點再來聽完大家po的
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1539176046.A.915.html
推 : 拔劍神曲。1F 10/10 20:55
XDD忘記這首 也是很史詩感 95→ : 拔劍神曲3F 10/10 20:55
→ : 還有東離劍遊記的哦哦哦哦。4F 10/10 20:55
好聽 旋律蠻走心的 90推 : 澤野隨便挑6F 10/10 20:55
→ : 灌籃高手,直到世界盡頭。7F 10/10 20:56
→ : 海賊王說實在話BGM很不錯。
→ : 海賊王說實在話BGM很不錯。
→ : 柯南(?)9F 10/10 20:56
Gundam Unicorn OST Vol. 2 | Track 4 | MAD NUG - YouTube
All rights are reserved to there rightful owners. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purp...
All rights are reserved to there rightful owners. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purp...

→ : 鋼彈創鬥者11F 10/10 20:57
→ : 澤野啊12F 10/10 20:57
推 : UNICORN13F 10/10 20:58
推 : 遊戲王的處刑曲啊。14F 10/10 20:58
→ : 因為我們是 妖精的尾巴阿15F 10/10 20:58
Kill la Kill Don't Lose Your Way - YouTube
I own nothing, just uploading it when I found that it was taken down, most do not like it with the rap, but I would have to sadly disagree
I own nothing, just uploading it when I found that it was taken down, most do not like it with the rap, but I would have to sadly disagree

【逆転裁判】シリーズ 追求BGM集 (10タイトル 逆転裁判6まで) - YouTube ~収録内容~ 01.追求 ~追いつめられて 『逆転裁判(蘇る逆転)』 02.追求 ~問いつめたくて 『逆転裁判2』 03.追求 ~とっつかまえて 『逆転裁判3』 04.追求 ~追いつめないと 『逆転裁判4』 05.追究 ~つきつめたくて 『逆転検事』 06.追究 ~つきとめたくて 『逆転検事2』 07.追求 ~魔...

『僕のヒーローアカデミア』第10話-第12話ダイジェスト(MUSIC:You Say Run by:林ゆうき) - YouTube TVアニメ『僕のヒーローアカデミア』 第10話-第12話“敵(ヴィラン)連合USJ襲撃編”ダイジェスト 6/26(日)夕方5時より第13話「各々の胸に」ON AIR! MBS/TBS系列全国28局ネットにて <スタッフ> 原作:堀越耕平(集英社「週刊少年ジャンプ」連載中)/監督:長崎健司/シリーズ構成・脚本:黒田...

→ : 鋼彈OO的也不錯燃19F 10/10 20:59
Final Fantasy Unlimited - Demon Gun Dissolve / Gun Shot (Extended) - YouTube Shortened the soundtrack version of Dissolve to bring it in line with the show version, also extended the Gun Shot track in certain spots as heard in the sho...

推 : DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY21F 10/10 21:00
推 : 你484瞧不起我們獨角獸R?22F 10/10 21:00
TVアニメ『けものフレンズ』主題歌「ようこそジャパリパークへ / どうぶつビスケッツ× PPP」 - YouTube TVアニメ『けものフレンズ』総勢8名のキャストが歌う主題歌「ようこそジャパリパークへ」。そのアニメの映像を使用したテレビサイズショートPVを公開! ようこそジャパリパークへ Vocal:どうぶつビスケッツ× PPP Music & Lyrics, Arrangement:大石昌良 Chorus:オーイシマサヨシ D...

→ : 但我聽到這個會心跳加速26F 10/10 21:01
旋律很抓人 90→ : 走心是三小27F 10/10 21:02
XDDD→ : 乒乓橋段 "人是會飛的"28F 10/10 21:02
→ : 空之境界29F 10/10 21:04
Ys I&II Chronicles OST - Final Battle - YouTube
Music: Final Battle Original composer: Yuzo Koshiro (Nihon Falcom) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo | Performance: jdk BAND • Electric Guitar: Masaru Teramae & Te...
Music: Final Battle Original composer: Yuzo Koshiro (Nihon Falcom) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo | Performance: jdk BAND • Electric Guitar: Masaru Teramae & Te...

推 : 我英的經典31F 10/10 21:06
上面有推 我英燃爆You say Run [The REAL Orchestral] My Hero Academia -Deku- - YouTube EDIT: HEADS UP! Cloud just re-made the original, here's a link! Let's see how long this can stay up before the ty...

推 : 果然有IC21 XD33F 10/10 21:07
[幽靈音樂] Hiroyuki Sawano / 澤野弘之 七大神曲系列 斷劍神曲 Perfect Time (附中英歌詞) [超配劇情的團長神曲] - YouTube 大家好~我是幽靈Yurei~ 以實況遊戲和製作音樂合集為主,同時也有寫小說、玩貓 歡迎大家貼上你認為的歌詞跟那𥚃的劇情很貼近哦 在置頂的留言就可以了 Twitch: Discord: 幽靈YureI#7544 覺得歌好聽的~~請訂閱或給我一個LIKE...

→ : Perfect Time35F 10/10 21:07
推 : Emiya系列 空境BGM36F 10/10 21:07
推 : Kill la kill37F 10/10 21:07
上面有推 超好聽QAQ 95→ : 魔法使いの夜 FIVE39F 10/10 21:09
聽了好感傷~~好聽 93Detective Conan OST1: Main Theme (Vocal Version) - YouTube
Original Soundtrack 1: Main Theme (Vocal Version)
Original Soundtrack 1: Main Theme (Vocal Version)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders - YouTube JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders

推 : 5ds clear mind42F 10/10 21:09
→ : 承太郎的處刑曲43F 10/10 21:09
推 : 擊龍槍戳下去之後的英雄之證,真的高潮44F 10/10 21:09
推 : 遊戲王45F 10/10 21:10
Hajime No Ippo - Opening 2 - Inner Light - YouTube
Hajime No Ippo - Opening 2 - Inner Light Performed By SHOCKING LEMON yasashisa o kawaisou na boku e Lost mind kanashimi kanjite Get life igai to gouman na no...
Hajime No Ippo - Opening 2 - Inner Light Performed By SHOCKING LEMON yasashisa o kawaisou na boku e Lost mind kanashimi kanjite Get life igai to gouman na no...

推 : 雖然不想承認 但鐵血的bgm真的很屌 高潮處雞皮疙瘩都48F 10/10 21:13
推 : 天元49F 10/10 21:13
很喜歡天元的插入曲 蠻燃的https://youtu.be/bdYJzYyeicI
好聽~~~小提琴(?)好棒 93
推 : 死神不是有一首用小提琴拉的嗎52F 10/10 21:13
01. World Break -Prologue- 【聖剣使いの禁呪詠唱 Original Soundtrack】 - YouTube Download link: Disclaimer. Just enjoy the music -w-

Frostpunk Soundtrack - THE CITY MUST SURVIVE - YouTube
Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Soundtrack Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack - VIKING SONG Shadow of the T...
Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Soundtrack Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack - VIKING SONG Shadow of the T...

推 : 槍彈辯駁論議開始的BGM56F 10/10 21:15
CH 9 Medusa's Final Battle (Music) -27- Kid Icarus Uprising - YouTube By Nintendo, All Rights Reserved

推 : 數碼寶貝進化曲啊幹58F 10/10 21:20
神曲QQQA推 : 棒球大聯盟 茂野對海堂那段59F 10/10 21:20
童年 最後的子彈球QAQ推 : 當然4馬雲我刺你姨媽60F 10/10 21:20
乾XDD剛剛默念才知道是c8763 但那不是bgm或插曲啦XD推 : 這季SAO的Adamas 第一次聽雞皮疙瘩直接冒出來61F 10/10 21:21
乾真的核爆震撼的囧 想去找來看看了== 93Kill La Kill Ryuko and Satsuki Kamui Transformation - YouTube Ryuko is such a baka with big sister satsuki-chan :3

G Gundam-Burning Finger Theme - YouTube
The music that plays when Domon uses his Erupting Burning Finger. I do not own G Gundam it is property of Sunrise.
The music that plays when Domon uses his Erupting Burning Finger. I do not own G Gundam it is property of Sunrise.

推 : 佛劍分說66F 10/10 21:29
推 : rage your dream67F 10/10 21:30
推 : Fate也好幾首很棒68F 10/10 21:32
【進撃の巨人】Shingeki no Kyojin HD (EPISODE 24) - Eren Titan Transformation vs Annie Scene エレンの戦いの女性の巨人 - YouTube 進撃の巨人 第24話 Shingeki no Kyojin Episode 24 *RAW* | Eren vs annie titan forms Eren titan vs Annie titan episode 24 Eren epic Titan Transformation | Mercy: Raid ...

Haikyuu!! Season 3 OST - The Battle of Concepts - YouTube
Haikyuu!! Season 3 OST Playlist: Aka. コンセプトの戦い Konseputo no Tatakai Anime: Haikyuu!!...
Haikyuu!! Season 3 OST Playlist: Aka. コンセプトの戦い Konseputo no Tatakai Anime: Haikyuu!!...

"Libera Me From Hell" with subs - YouTube
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...

推 : 刀語的Bahamas Palsu (Jazz’n mix)74F 10/10 21:36
→ : 七大罪的perfect time 也是澤野就是了75F 10/10 21:36
噓 : 走心是什麼意思76F 10/10 21:41
觸動人心~可能我用錯詞惹XDDSora no Kiseki the 3rd Evolution [BGM RIP] - Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land - YouTube Music: Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land Original composer: Ryo Takeshita (Falcom Sound Team jdk) Arrangement: ??? Source: Gamerip (kudos to Gu4n) Playlist: ht...

推 : 頭文字D78F 10/10 21:42
Cres. - 04 Obstructor (Succubus Quest 短編 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) - YouTube Cres. - 04 Obstructor (Succubus Quest 短編 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) SQDT 2008

→ : 這個應該不多人聽過吧80F 10/10 21:44
風格好像惡魔城 超好聽94Darkest - Thunderbolt Fantasy - YouTube
From Thunderbolt Fantasy Touriken Yuuki Original Soundtrack Track 17 Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano
From Thunderbolt Fantasy Touriken Yuuki Original Soundtrack Track 17 Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano

蠻好聽的 存起來~~~94
Uncontrollable - Xenoblade Chronicles X [OST] - YouTube
Game: Xenoblade Chronicles X Music: Uncontrollable
Game: Xenoblade Chronicles X Music: Uncontrollable

29) 11 Stars 5 Flowers - Keigo Hoashi & Emi Evans - YouTube
I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING NOR DO I EARN ANYTHING!! Copyright Information: -This channel is only for promotion purpose. -All music belongs to the original creator...
I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING NOR DO I EARN ANYTHING!! Copyright Information: -This channel is only for promotion purpose. -All music belongs to the original creator...

Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Ludwig, The Accursed & Holy Blade (The Old Hunters) - YouTube Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Cleric Beast - YouTube
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

推 : 遊戲王啊怎麼可以忘記遊戲王88F 10/10 21:56
https://youtu.be/TciMHHSlyyc 太燃啦Gundam Unicorn OST Vol. 2 | Track 15 | MOBILE SUIT W REG MIX - YouTube All rights are reserved to there rightful owners. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purp...

→ : 1:10後面跟神一樣90F 10/10 21:59
後面疊加得好棒 存~~~~95推 : 罪惡王冠也有不少91F 10/10 22:01
Chrono Cross Opening HD - YouTube
For a review of Chrono Cross, head here: I wanted to upload this mostly because this opening is amazing and I...
For a review of Chrono Cross, head here: I wanted to upload this mostly because this opening is amazing and I...

推 : 小圓ED94F 10/10 22:08
推 : 罐頭澤野95F 10/10 22:09
Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...

超喜歡這種旋律 94
Silver Scrapes - Danny McCarthy Extended Version (LONGER) - YouTube I Liked this song, but it only went for like 1:54, so i decided to make a longer version of it; Maybe im not the only on who thinks there should've been a lo...

上面有推 燃R~
推 : 我英第一季最終戰102F 10/10 22:35
超燃推 : 看到標題直接想到DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY103F 10/10 22:35
這好像有人聲版的 超好聽 94推 : 路人100 第一話的ED切入超強106F 10/10 22:37
Megalo Box Theme Song - MEGALOBOX by mabanua / メガロボクス Main OST - YouTube Megalo Box Theme Song - MEGALOBOX by mabanua / メガロボクス Main OST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ❂ Credits: ❋ Ma...

Ys Origin - Music: Scars of the Divine Wing - YouTube
Song: Scars of the Divine Wing Composers: Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Ryo Takeshita Album: Ys Origin Original Soundtrack
Song: Scars of the Divine Wing Composers: Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Ryo Takeshita Album: Ys Origin Original Soundtrack

The New 2018 F1 Theme by Brian Tyler - YouTube
How do you sum up the drama, passion and emotion of Formula 1 with one piece of music? We asked world-renowned composer Brian Tyler to try, with the help of ...
How do you sum up the drama, passion and emotion of Formula 1 with one piece of music? We asked world-renowned composer Brian Tyler to try, with the help of ...

→ : 雖然不是動畫的 但不錯110F 10/10 22:51
好熱血XDD 85【東方永夜抄】 エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人【ピアノアレンジ】 - YouTube 永夜抄より、エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人のアレンジを作りました。 ほとんど大学の図書館で作ってました。今回は愉快な感じだと思います。 上白沢慧音の曲......曲が穏やかなとこは青、激しいとこは緑......あっ(察し) twitter→

→ : 東方大好112F 10/10 22:57
東方只聽過人聲的歌 壞蘋果之類的→ : 東離113F 10/10 23:01
推 : 妖尾BGM 拔劍神曲 東離虐菜曲114F 10/10 23:01
推 : 澤野的歌很多都神曲115F 10/10 23:10
沒接觸 但剛剛推文有七大罪的第一次聽@@很神乾神劍這首也是極神 秒存啦 96
推 : 小さな恋のうた,每次聽都覺得超熱血117F 10/10 23:26
推 : UC118F 10/10 23:27
推 : 怎麼可以少了灌籃高手!119F 10/10 23:33
童年~~~~~這首也是我心中神曲 98
→ : SQASlMs121F 10/10 23:43
推 : 再推一次you say run122F 10/10 23:44
No Game No Life Opening Full - YouTube
I do not own any of the song or pictures, all rights goes to the respected owners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
I do not own any of the song or pictures, all rights goes to the respected owners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...

→ : [/youtube]125F 10/11 00:02
環太平洋神曲R 98【ポケモン】歴代ジムリーダー戦BGM - YouTube
赤緑→金銀(ジョウト、カントー)→RS→FRLG→DP→HGSS(ジョウト、カントー)→BW。 赤緑、金銀、FRLG、HGSSは四天王戦も兼ねてます
赤緑→金銀(ジョウト、カントー)→RS→FRLG→DP→HGSS(ジョウト、カントー)→BW。 赤緑、金銀、FRLG、HGSSは四天王戦も兼ねてます

靠北 約會大作戰有這麼燃哦XD 存啦 94
好聽耶 93
Undertale OST - Hopes And Dreams (Intro) & Save The World Extended - YouTube Determination! (Doesn't have the cleanest transition between Hopes And Dreams to Save The World. Sorry about that! ^_^;)

這首很帶感 93
推 : 我只想問原PO是不是爆射了133F 10/11 00:38
很久沒這麼爽了QQ推 : 我英的"you say run"也很燃134F 10/11 00:40
上面至少四推了 秒存~~~推 : 怎麼沒有第一神拳的135F 10/11 00:40
Takamura vs David - Weight of my Pride(AMV) - YouTube
This is a remake of the AMV Takamura vs David with the song "Weight of my Pride". Unfortunetely i could not remove the subs from the episodes of Hajime no ippo
This is a remake of the AMV Takamura vs David with the song "Weight of my Pride". Unfortunetely i could not remove the subs from the episodes of Hajime no ippo

推 : 數碼寶貝一季進化曲+1137F 10/11 00:50
https://youtu.be/WyeDq8lDI6w 98分神曲推 : PTP的歌就4屌138F 10/11 00:51
Yu Gi Oh 5D's Z ONE's Battle Theme - YouTube
From episode 151, Z-ONE summon The Ultimate Temporal Machine God - Sephiron Z-ONE: "Within the light of freedom where the Temporal Machine Gods were born, th...
From episode 151, Z-ONE summon The Ultimate Temporal Machine God - Sephiron Z-ONE: "Within the light of freedom where the Temporal Machine Gods were born, th...

Dragon Ball Super - Ultimate Battle/Ultra instinct | Instrumental Epic Rock COVER - YouTube ►Subscribe for a new cover every Saturday and yes I make and record these covers 100% ►Re-uploads are NOT allowed, nor are extended versions, One Hour versio...

Normand Corbeil - Heavy Rain Main Theme - YouTube
Автор: Normand Corbeil Название: Heavy Rain Main Theme Год выпуска: 2010 Жанр: OST P.S. Audio Visualizer by Mocarg
Автор: Normand Corbeil Название: Heavy Rain Main Theme Год выпуска: 2010 Жанр: OST P.S. Audio Visualizer by Mocarg

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST - Counterattack - YouTube
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a Nintendo Switch exclusive, developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo. The ost was composed by Chrono Trigger composer ...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a Nintendo Switch exclusive, developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo. The ost was composed by Chrono Trigger composer ...

Free Download, Original Soundtrack: MEGA: DRIVE: Derechos de autor (Música): Composer: Yoshiaki Fuj...
Free Download, Original Soundtrack: MEGA: DRIVE: Derechos de autor (Música): Composer: Yoshiaki Fuj...

→ : 1:06:20144F 10/11 01:30
→ : 不知道這個算不算
→ : 至少我當時聽到起雞皮疙瘩
這種最終boss感的歌超容易雞皮疙瘩== 94→ : 不知道這個算不算
→ : 至少我當時聽到起雞皮疙瘩
閃電霹靂車 - 史上最終對決 - YouTube
<font face="標楷體" color="#00ff00" size="5">很喜歡的一部卡通的最終系列,此系列卡通台灣皆有代理發行,喜歡請購買正版<img src="
<font face="標楷體" color="#00ff00" size="5">很喜歡的一部卡通的最終系列,此系列卡通台灣皆有代理發行,喜歡請購買正版<img src="

→ : M配上加速器音效真的超燃148F 10/11 01:30
超喜歡這段…配上畫面95推 : 居然沒人提鋼鍊149F 10/11 01:32
又是一個點開秒存的 超帶感 93Marvelous Battle OST's: The Intrepid - YouTube
From: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood By: Akira Senju
From: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood By: Akira Senju

→ : 果然還是牛尾憲輔對胃口153F 10/11 01:33
推 : 排球少年第二季 對青城最後一球154F 10/11 01:33
Haikyuu!! S3 Original Soundtrack『Album』 - YouTube
Haikyu!! Season 3 OST『Album』 TV ANIMATION Haikyu!! 3rd Season: Karasuno High VS. Shiratoizawa High School Original Soundtrack Composed by Yuki Hayashi & Asam...
Haikyu!! Season 3 OST『Album』 TV ANIMATION Haikyu!! 3rd Season: Karasuno High VS. Shiratoizawa High School Original Soundtrack Composed by Yuki Hayashi & Asam...

→ : 0:05156F 10/11 01:38
→ : 排球少年配樂
→ : 林友樹的配樂都很棒
剛剛花時間聽了一下 裡面其他首也很好聽== 95→ : 排球少年配樂
→ : 林友樹的配樂都很棒
Hey guys! I finish up the first game's OST, only to jump to the second later in the day. I made the "cover art" using the game's box art, because I found the...
Hey guys! I finish up the first game's OST, only to jump to the second later in the day. I made the "cover art" using the game's box art, because I found the...

TRANS-AM RAISER - Gundam 00 OST 4 - 23 (High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube TRANS-AM RAISER, track twenty-three of Gundam 00 original Soundtrack 4. Uploaded in high quality audio 1080p HD, enjoy. Composer: Kenji Kawai DISCLAIMER: 107...

FINAL MISSION~QUANTUM BURST - Gundam 00 Movie OST (High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube FINAL MISSION~QUANTUM BURST, from the Gundam 00 A Wakening of the Trailblazer original soundtrack. Uploaded in high quality audio 1080p HD, enjoy. Composer: ...

推 : 魔戒的也不錯165F 10/11 01:50
上面有人推了~~推 : 你把數碼寶貝的奶油蒼蠅放哪!!167F 10/11 02:00
→ : 謝謝各位分享169F 10/11 02:03
Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) OST: Disc 1 - Moonquake - Nabardeus / Ceadeus - YouTube OST Download: Other OSTs:

→ : 雖然類型不太一樣,魔物獵人的也很讚171F 10/11 02:28
[幽靈音樂] KABANERIOFTHEIRONFORTRESS Hiroyiki Sawano 澤野弘之 七大神曲系列 上吊神曲 [甲鐵城] - YouTube 大家好~我是幽靈Yurei~ 以實況遊戲和製作音樂合集為主,同時也有寫小說、玩貓 覺得歌好聽的~~請訂閱或給我一個LIKE 吧 也可以按按分享給同好

→ : 上吊神曲,2分25後開燃173F 10/11 02:40
乾人聲一出來秒存 超好聽 96FFXIV OST - Final Omega's Theme (O12S Alphascape V4.0) - YouTube Theme of the last boss of Alphascape, Final Omega, from Final Fantasy XIV. Track in-game is called "From the Heavens"! "FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010 - 2018 SQUARE...

Oops! Something went wrong. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
https://youtu.be/uYsU0inFT28 這首就有 95
Eva 01 Berserk (EPIC MOMENT) - YouTube
Audio Jap , sub esp. Recorte del capitulo 19 de Neon Genesis Evangelion, en el que el Eva 01 entra en modo berserk.
Audio Jap , sub esp. Recorte del capitulo 19 de Neon Genesis Evangelion, en el que el Eva 01 entra en modo berserk.

→ : 0:40181F 10/11 02:53
懷念的神曲 95※ 編輯: qqq60710 (, 10/11/2018 03:21:41
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Cars' Banishment - YouTube
Cars' banishment from Earth or Cars' death, whichever way you see it. This clip is from episode 26 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I do not own this material.
Cars' banishment from Earth or Cars' death, whichever way you see it. This clip is from episode 26 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I do not own this material.

→ : jo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jo183F 10/11 03:26
推 : 跟著老洽眾 收穫滿滿184F 10/11 03:35
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire - Battle! World Champion Music (HQ) - YouTube Theme from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Credit: Nintendo, Game Freak, Creature Inc., TPCi Original Composition : Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose Original Desig...

推 : 寶可夢世界賽的冠軍戰bgm,聲音一出就超燃啊><186F 10/11 03:42
Ace Combat 4 Ost - Megalith Agnus Dei [Digitally Remastered Remix by DarkIce] - YouTube Ace Combat 4 Ost - Megalith Agnus Dei + Rex Tremendae [Digitally Remastered & Remixed by me, DarkIce] Album: Ace Combat 4 Shattered Skies Original Soundtrack...

不撓の魂 映画ローレライ サウンドトラック サウンドトラック Channel - YouTube 不撓の魂 映画ローレライ サウンドトラック サウンドトラック Channel サウンドトラック Channel Subscribe & More Videos: Thank for watching, Please Like Share And SUBSCRIBE!!!...

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST 09 Virtuous Pope - YouTube Todos a gritar..SMERALD SPLASHHHH o EL CASTIGO DE LAS MIL AGUJAS!!

No Game No Life - The Kings Plan (Official Soundtrack) - YouTube It's here ! The official track of "The Kings Plan" :D You can download the track here : ! The real...

Your browser is deprecated. Please upgrade. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...
→ : v=dWUFRLeCyR4193F 10/11 04:45
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure- Awaken(Pillar Men Theme) - YouTube
I do not own this song or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, they belong to their respective owners. This is only used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright i...
I do not own this song or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, they belong to their respective owners. This is only used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright i...

推 : 這篇文章 必須收藏196F 10/11 08:27
【ゼノブレイド2】ユニークモンスター戦 BGM2 - YouTube
物語を進めたら新しくユニークモンスター戦のBGMが出てきたので、仮にBGM2としておきます ほかにもユニークモンスター戦のBGMはあるんでしょうか汗
物語を進めたら新しくユニークモンスター戦のBGMが出てきたので、仮にBGM2としておきます ほかにもユニークモンスター戦のBGMはあるんでしょうか汗

→ : 惡魔人200F 10/11 09:23
推 : G剛 king of heart201F 10/11 10:38
推 : UBW的bgm202F 10/11 10:42
推 : kill la kill的dont lose your way203F 10/11 11:39
Hikounin (Unofficial) Sentai Akibaranger: BGM - Itasa Ha Tsuyosa! (Main Theme) - YouTube background music from Akibaranger.

→ : 準備開扁206F 10/11 13:04
推 : UT的asgore、battle against with a ture hero、Megalovan207F 10/11 13:30
→ : ia,聽到雞皮疙瘩滿地
→ : ia,聽到雞皮疙瘩滿地
Sengoku Rance Opening - YouTube
One of the best games i have played, good story, music, characters and Rance, you must play this game i dont own this games, just shared so people could know...
One of the best games i have played, good story, music, characters and Rance, you must play this game i dont own this games, just shared so people could know...

→ : 我每一代都有ost光碟啊 不過還是比較喜歡蘭斯10 03 09的211F 10/11 16:48
→ : 音樂
→ : 音樂
Yowamushi Pedal OST (弱虫ペダル) - Gyakuten 【Inter-High Scenes】 - YouTube Yowamushi Pedal 弱虫ペダル - OST - 1 (23) 【Inter-High Scenes 】 Yowamushi Pedal - Turn about 飆速宅男 - 逆轉 弱虫ペダル - 逆転 / Gyakuten --------------------------------------...

[Music] Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia ► Twilight of the Gods ║Extended║ - YouTube Official Website (JP): Game: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Platform(s): Nintendo 3DS Music: Twilight...

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