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作者 標題 [閒聊] 有甚麼,好聽的遊戲or動畫 "打王"音樂
時間 Mon Oct 30 14:23:40 2017
打王音樂 通常聽起來曲調不會像一般戰鬥曲那樣平順
那 有沒有甚麼 好聽 的遊戲/動畫 打王音樂推薦?
1. FF8: Final Fantasy VIII Ultimecia Final Boss Theme
FINAL FANTASY VIII Final Boss Battle The Extreme - YouTube
FINAL FANTASY VIII Final Boss Battle The Extreme
FINAL FANTASY VIII Final Boss Battle The Extreme

2. 洛克人X6:西格瑪 theme2
3. 閃之軌跡1: The Decisive Collision
Sen no Kiseki OST - The Decisive Collision - YouTube
Music: The Decisive Collision Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga and/or Saki Momiyama) Album: The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kise...
Music: The Decisive Collision Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga and/or Saki Momiyama) Album: The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kise...

說明: 打騎神時的音樂,其實也沒啥心得XD
4. 數碼寶貝1: butter-fly
デジモンアドベンチャー 最終回Ver Butter-fly - YouTube
「世界中の“選ばれし子どもたち”へ」篇 デジモンアドベンチャー 15th Anniversary Project デジモンアドベンチャー復活祭 和田光司さんのお悔やみ申し上げます。
「世界中の“選ばれし子どもたち”へ」篇 デジモンアドベンチャー 15th Anniversary Project デジモンアドベンチャー復活祭 和田光司さんのお悔やみ申し上げます。

說明: 貫徹全動畫的音樂,前頭鋼琴慢板帶感覺,中間回歸熱血
5. 洛克人: X vs Zero
X vs Zero - Megaman X5 Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X5 music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stream was...
Megaman X5 music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stream was...

說明: 洛克人的歌都不知怎麼說明....熱血好聽記憶感十足
6. Undertale - Megalovania
Undertale - Megalovania - YouTube
The song Megalovania, from the indie RPG Undertale. Composed by Toby Fox. You don't have to ask me for permission to use this song. This is a recurring theme...
The song Megalovania, from the indie RPG Undertale. Composed by Toby Fox. You don't have to ask me for permission to use this song. This is a recurring theme...

說明: 前奏很特別的一首歌,也是同一種旋律貫穿整首
7. 追殺比爾: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Kill Bill edit) - YouTube
The Kill Bill version, without singing. I claim no ownership to this, I just edited it.
The Kill Bill version, without singing. I claim no ownership to this, I just edited it.

說明: 印尼(?)式的木製敲擊樂器開場,中間配上小喇叭的加入
8. 遊戲王: Duel Of Friendship By Yu-Gi-Oh
說明: 不知道算不算打王音樂... 動畫篇最後遊戲vs亞圖姆時
9. 武藏傳: Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Sword Fight
Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Sword Fight - YouTube
Now that's one of the best tune on the whole OST. Music belongs to Square-Enix
Now that's one of the best tune on the whole OST. Music belongs to Square-Enix

說明: 對付小次郎時的bgm變奏版,更熱血
10. 武藏傳: Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Tower of Death
Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Tower of Death - YouTube
Best boss theme in the game. Music belongs to Square-Enix
Best boss theme in the game. Music belongs to Square-Enix

說明: 打死亡之塔,雖然不是最終boss,但應該也是全boss最難的王
11. 楓之谷: Cygnus Garden
[MapleStory BGM] Cygnus Garden (KMST 1.2.359) - YouTube
New track from KMST 1.2.359, featuring the Cygnus boss battle. © Copyright StudioEIM, Wizet, Nexon 2010 For a complete list of BGMs, please visit my channel....
New track from KMST 1.2.359, featuring the Cygnus boss battle. © Copyright StudioEIM, Wizet, Nexon 2010 For a complete list of BGMs, please visit my channel....

說明: 整首弦樂+藍調(?),
12. 金庸群俠傳: 戰鬥音樂2
【音乐集】金庸群侠传 - 战斗音乐II - YouTube

說明: 很短的一首曲子,跟其他音樂比起來
13. 神劍闖江湖: Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki
Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 - 12-Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu - Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki - YouTube Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 - Track 12 - Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu - Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki ***NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED I DO NOT OWN THE CLIPS OR THE SONG...

說明: 用有種復古的旋律,但使用小提琴與鋼琴等等外來樂器演奏
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1509344623.A.C02.html
A Hat in Time OST - 55 Your Contract Has Expired - YouTube
A Hat in Time & the OST is now available!:
A Hat in Time & the OST is now available!:

推 : JoJo 柱之男 阿呀呀咦咦2F 10/30 14:25
Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Ludwig, The Accursed & Holy Blade (The Old Hunters) - YouTube Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

推 : nier5F 10/30 14:26
→ : 覺很有意思6F 10/30 14:26
ポケモン HR・HMアレンジ/レッド戦 - Battle With Red - YouTube
You can't beat Red. I mean come on, look at that Pikachu. It's about to mess with your face. Title:Battle With Red Ar...
You can't beat Red. I mean come on, look at that Pikachu. It's about to mess with your face. Title:Battle With Red Ar...

推 : unicorn8F 10/30 14:26
推 : 20xx的 10關王曲 很符合洛克人尾王曲9F 10/30 14:27
推 : 魔物獵人,全10F 10/30 14:27
推 : Persona 5 Rivers in the Desert11F 10/30 14:29
神魔之塔Tower Of Saviors -七封王BGM(完整版) - YouTube
神魔之塔Tower Of Saviors -七封王BGM(完整版) 新浪微博: Face book: Black Kn -
神魔之塔Tower Of Saviors -七封王BGM(完整版) 新浪微博: Face book: Black Kn -

Child of Light - Boss Battle - Music - YouTube
~ Playlist: ~ Publisher: Ubisoft ~ Title: Child of Light ~ Composer: Coeur de pirate...
~ Playlist: ~ Publisher: Ubisoft ~ Title: Child of Light ~ Composer: Coeur de pirate...

推 : pokemon vs RED BGM14F 10/30 14:33
推 : 伊藤賢治15F 10/30 14:34
推 : JOJO S4的Great Days ver.Bite the Dust16F 10/30 14:36
推 : 魔物獵人OST好幾片任你挑17F 10/30 14:38
推 : 黑魂1王城雙人組19F 10/30 14:41
Nobunagas Ambition Online - Final Decisive Battle【Final BOSS】 - YouTube great song from 信長の野望 Online ~飛龍の章~ soundtrack - 最終決戦

推 : 人龍幾個boss bgm 都很棒 推6染谷戰的 約束22F 10/30 14:43
【Granblue Fantasy】 Ultimate Bahamut BGM (Highest Quality) - YouTube (C) Cygames, Inc. Please subscribe if you enjoyed ;)

Passionate Duelist Extended - YouTube
This is from Yu-Gi-Oh! OST Duel 1. I extended it for your listening pleasure Download Link:
This is from Yu-Gi-Oh! OST Duel 1. I extended it for your listening pleasure Download Link:

推 : 黑暗靈魂26F 10/30 14:48
推 : coffee soda27F 10/30 14:48
推 : 復活邪神123啊 每首都經典28F 10/30 14:48
推 : nier29F 10/30 14:49
推 : 黑魂1雙王30F 10/30 14:50
推 : 黑魂1boss戰音樂都很棒31F 10/30 14:50
Salt and Sanctuary OST - The Nameless God Theme (No Gameplay Re-upload) - YouTube The Nameless God fight theme from Salt and Sanctuary (Re-upload) Are YOU salty? ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.co...

→ : 這有些推文太讚了!!! 整篇收藏起來33F 10/30 14:51
Fate/Grand Order OST: 蘇る神話 (A Legend Reborn) - YouTube
I REALLY love the music here, I had to record it. This isn't a music rip, but a recording!
I REALLY love the music here, I had to record it. This isn't a music rip, but a recording!

→ : boss battle bgm搜一下都不差吧35F 10/30 14:54
Atelier Sophie Vocal Tracks OST - 08. Liela Xea - YouTube
Vocal Tracks Playlist: Regular OST Playlist:
Vocal Tracks Playlist: Regular OST Playlist:

→ : 動物朋友38F 10/30 14:55
Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Abyss Watchers - YouTube
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight: Composer: Yuka Kitamura
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight: Composer: Yuka Kitamura

Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Soul of Cinder - YouTube
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight: Composer: Yuka Kitamura
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight: Composer: Yuka Kitamura

→ : 咖啡 蘇打 咖啡 怕死他41F 10/30 14:59
推 : 結城友奈42F 10/30 15:01
推 : 當然是Persona543F 10/30 15:03
Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Mythos : 14 Cannon Ball (Bonus Track) - YouTube If you like the soundtrack, buy it to support Capcom! Here is the link to the image, for all those who requested it:

Mind in a PROGRAM (vs. Star Dream) (First Phase) - Kirby: Planet Robobot Music Extended - YouTube Composer : Hirokazu Ando Playlist : Game : Kirby Planet Robobot Platform : Nintendo ...

→ : Z3根本神46F 10/30 15:04
推 : 黑魂打葛溫的bgm47F 10/30 15:04
【東方自然癒】瀬笈葉テーマ「doll」 - YouTube

Granblue Fantasy OST Lyria - New World Order (The World BGM) - YouTube Composer: Tsutomu Narita Vocal: STEVIE (from 44MAGNUM), CHiCO (from ACE) Album: GRANBLUE FANTASY ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS Lyria Lyrics: The World now has come, a...

推 : 瑪英很多都很讚53F 10/30 15:10
推 : 碧藍幻想:水管搜尋ost magna54F 10/30 15:12
推 : 天元的詠嘆調和無皇刃轉戰鼓那段不知道算不算55F 10/30 15:12
推 : FF系列 水管都COVER到爛了56F 10/30 15:12
→ : 推水屬57F 10/30 15:13
推 : 記錄/境界線上的地平線58F 10/30 15:13
Serpent Eating the Ground - Bravely Default OST [Final Boss Theme](High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube Serpent Eating the Ground, the final boss battle theme from the Bravely Default Flying Fairy original soundtrack. Uploaded in high quality audio 1080p HD, en...

推 : 看封面霎時我以為X9……60F 10/30 15:14
→ : 怎麼都沒人提到BDFF61F 10/30 15:14
推 : DS3的每一首 尤其是深淵監視者 跟黑龍62F 10/30 15:15
→ : 目前感覺 遊戲的音樂,多數製作都很強!! 不知為何63F 10/30 15:16
Persona 5 - Rivers In the Desert / 沙漠中的河流 (中文字幕) - YouTube Persona 5 Original Soundtrack Disc.3 22.Rivers In the Desert 歌手:Lyn 作詞:Benjamin Franklin 作曲:目黒将司 The copyright of this video is belong to ATLUS

推 : 楓谷都不錯65F 10/30 15:21
→ : 銀的意志67F 10/30 15:23
FFXIV OST - Ultima (HD reupload) - YouTube
Ultima weapon from my solo praetorium run, this time in HD and with better quality audio (I think). Hear the rest of the OST here:
Ultima weapon from my solo praetorium run, this time in HD and with better quality audio (I think). Hear the rest of the OST here:

FFXIV OST - Shiva's Theme - YouTube
I had troubles getting a kill that didnt last more than 5 min so i had to take several fights to get it right. Thanks to that i managed to capture both phase...
I had troubles getting a kill that didnt last more than 5 min so i had to take several fights to get it right. Thanks to that i managed to capture both phase...

FFXIV OST - Knights of the Round's Theme - YouTube
Heavensward's final boss, tecnically it's King Thordans theme but knights of the round has a better ring to it. Here are some covers of this theme: FFXIV HER...
Heavensward's final boss, tecnically it's King Thordans theme but knights of the round has a better ring to it. Here are some covers of this theme: FFXIV HER...

推 : 很多遊戲因為就是要你去戰所以配樂都很熱血啊,像MH71F 10/30 15:25
→ : 空戰奇兵那些都是,就是要以音樂挑起想戰的熱情
→ : 空戰奇兵那些都是,就是要以音樂挑起想戰的熱情
推 : FFXIV的每一隻BOSS曲都很棒73F 10/30 15:26
推 : Z3 Z vs Omega那一段 大推74F 10/30 15:29
FFXIV OST Alexander Boss Theme ( Locus ) - YouTube
Alexander Boss Theme from Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward. The video shows me as Dark Knight fighting against The Oppressor in the Fist of the Father floor of ...
Alexander Boss Theme from Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward. The video shows me as Dark Knight fighting against The Oppressor in the Fist of the Father floor of ...

推 : 大神 太陽は昇る78F 10/30 15:33
→ : FFXIV那根本網路遊戲了吧!!79F 10/30 15:36
推 : 伊蘇80F 10/30 15:37
FFXIV OST Bahamut Prime's Theme - YouTube
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

MHST OST-Monster Hunter Stories (monster hunter stories ost) - YouTube MHST OST-Monster Hunter Stories (monster hunter stories ost)

推 : 空之境界83F 10/30 15:44
推 : 槍彈辯駁V3 辯論BGM超燃84F 10/30 15:45
推 : FF14很多85F 10/30 15:45
→ : 打了整片的動作戰鬥結果音樂本身就是王(X)88F 10/30 15:50
推 : hollow knight 螳螂領主 超讚89F 10/30 15:51
推 : FF4 四天王戰, 瑪莉歐RPG 對武器Boss戰90F 10/30 15:52
推 : gbf打小巴的黑銀之翼滿有特色的 好不好聽就看個人91F 10/30 15:53
【FF14】 女神ソフィア 究極履行後 BGM 高音質 - YouTube
女神ソフィア後半 前半はセフィロトと同じ死闘アレンジでした! ファイナルファンタジー14 蒼天のイシュガルド FFXIV 3.4 OST Theme FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward - Sophia Final - BGM only -
女神ソフィア後半 前半はセフィロトと同じ死闘アレンジでした! ファイナルファンタジー14 蒼天のイシュガルド FFXIV 3.4 OST Theme FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward - Sophia Final - BGM only -

推 : FGO Grand Battle93F 10/30 15:57
368東方輝針城 6面ボス【原曲】輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess - YouTube 6面ボス 少名針妙丸(すくなしんみょうまる)テーマです 東方輝針城~Double Dealing Character. 東方project 第14弾 作曲:ZUN&上海アリス幻楽団 ループ数:2 私の「 」も大きくなあれ!! ----------------------------------------- ダイ...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt OST - Steel For Humans [HQ] [Extended] [Lyrics] - YouTube From: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Track: Steel For Humans (Geralt's Combat Theme III) Extended and in HQ + Lyrics. Not originally created by me, I do not claim ...

→ : 這首呢?96F 10/30 16:00
BALDR SKY 挿入歌 『パラダイムシフト』- 片霧烈火 - YouTube
歌詞↓ 沈みゆく霞の夢 つなぎ合わせ傷を塞ぐ 孤独な影 うつろう闇の調べ 今 重なりを拾い集め 伝説さえ嘆くように 戦慄までこの身に宿り始める瞬間に その姿は 流れる光を飛び越えて 絡み合うまで 未来をつなぎ止めてる 迷いながら 抗いながら 舞い上がるよ 夜明けを切り裂く力を 今 手に入れたい やがて消えゆく運命...
歌詞↓ 沈みゆく霞の夢 つなぎ合わせ傷を塞ぐ 孤独な影 うつろう闇の調べ 今 重なりを拾い集め 伝説さえ嘆くように 戦慄までこの身に宿り始める瞬間に その姿は 流れる光を飛び越えて 絡み合うまで 未来をつなぎ止めてる 迷いながら 抗いながら 舞い上がるよ 夜明けを切り裂く力を 今 手に入れたい やがて消えゆく運命...

Final Fantasy III - Boss Battle - YouTube
Final Fantasy III (DS) Boss Battle music. Property of Square Enix.
Final Fantasy III (DS) Boss Battle music. Property of Square Enix.

イース バレスタイン城メドレー - YouTube

推 : 聖靈之光 銀之樹逃亡的BGM102F 10/30 16:10
推 : 信長的野望onlone 打王的音樂103F 10/30 16:12
推 : let's join swords 序列爭戰打王104F 10/30 16:12
推 : dejavu105F 10/30 16:19
推 : 黑魂3 尤其是古達的106F 10/30 16:23
推 : kof97裏七伽社 96傑尼茲109F 10/30 16:28
推 : BDFF戰鬥曲都很好聽,我最喜歡「邪悪なる飛翔」;「地112F 10/30 17:03
→ : 平を喰らう蛇」則是作為最終boss曲非常地棒!把最終戰
→ : 的情節都寫進曲子裡了,尤其整作玩過一遍肯定會為裡面
→ : 各種旋律的使用感到雞皮疙瘩
→ : 平を喰らう蛇」則是作為最終boss曲非常地棒!把最終戰
→ : 的情節都寫進曲子裡了,尤其整作玩過一遍肯定會為裡面
→ : 各種旋律的使用感到雞皮疙瘩
推 : Path of Exile - Heart of corruption116F 10/30 17:07
推 : undertale 全部117F 10/30 17:09
Puzzle and Dragons - GROOVE COASTER Collaboration: Boss BGM - YouTube Groove Coaster boss theme for Puzzle and Dragons.

→ : 遊戲的比較多,隨便舉例,PS4的超次元戰記-四女神online119F 10/30 17:24
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyjevFITV0A&
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyjevFITV0A&
【PSO2】 ダークファルス・ルーサー フルバージョン(la L'inno per il "IDOLA" ) 【BGM】 - YouTube 『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』公式サイト> (C)SEGA 著作物の権利はSEGA及び各アーティストさんにあります。 0:00-4:37(転送前)4:38-9:55(通常モード)9:56-14:06(低速モード) 14:07-18:18(高速モード)18:19-18...

→ : PSO2 DF敗者 有分常速 加速 減速 處刑各段122F 10/30 17:30
Trainer Red Epic Remix - YouTube
06.03.14: *update* Not enough bass? Check my new high quality neurofunk edit of this remix 18.03.12: *update* Check my new album ...
06.03.14: *update* Not enough bass? Check my new high quality neurofunk edit of this remix 18.03.12: *update* Check my new album ...

推 : 蘇菲的戰鬥曲我比較推薊蓮花125F 10/30 17:34
NieR: Automata | A Beautiful Song | Opera Boss Lyrics - YouTube If you didn't already know, I attempted this video before, with the audio from the opera boss trailer from last year or so, the audio on that trailer was vas...

NIER OST - Shadowlord - YouTube
NIER OST Disk 2, Track 15: Shadowlord Produced by Keiichi Okabe (MONACA, Inc.). Composed by Keiichi Okabe, Kakeru Ishihama, Keigo Hoashi, Takafumi Nishimura....
NIER OST Disk 2, Track 15: Shadowlord Produced by Keiichi Okabe (MONACA, Inc.). Composed by Keiichi Okabe, Kakeru Ishihama, Keigo Hoashi, Takafumi Nishimura....

Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Cleric Beast - YouTube
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

→ : k133F 10/30 18:05
推 : Vindictus 很多很熱血134F 10/30 18:10
推 : 排球少年135F 10/30 18:21
→ : 實況野球2012 甲子園決勝戰137F 10/30 18:33
→ : MEUkQs139F 10/30 18:36
Ys Origin - Music: Termination - YouTube
Song: Termination Composers: Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Ryo Takeshita Album: Ys Origin Original Soundtrack
Song: Termination Composers: Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Ryo Takeshita Album: Ys Origin Original Soundtrack

→ : 骨灰級,月風魔傳142F 10/30 19:13
推 : 仙劍1143F 10/30 19:26
Ao no Exorcist Second movement- X (Ao no Exorcist OST 1). - YouTube Ao no Exorcist OST 1: X All praise for this song goes to its original creators Subscribe :)

推 : sfc和ps1時代很多啊 RS2.3 LIVE A LIVE 聖劍3145F 10/30 19:49
→ : TOP(時空幻境1)
→ : TOP(時空幻境1)
推 : 推個四狂神戰記系列BGM147F 10/30 20:37
Mabinogi G11 Boss Battle OST - YouTube
All Respective rights goto the creator. I do not own This. Credits to Hanstone for the music.
All Respective rights goto the creator. I do not own This. Credits to Hanstone for the music.

Mabinogi G10 BGM: Boss - Soulstream - YouTube
Watch in HQ~ The BGM just before you fight the g10 Final Boss...
Watch in HQ~ The BGM just before you fight the g10 Final Boss...

推 : FF6電吉他版154F 11/03 16:50
Metal Slug 5 OST: Final Attack (Dencyu's Arrange Version) -Final Boss- (EXTENDED) - YouTube Toshikazu Tanaka 2003, SNK Playmore

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作者 Lucky0105 的最新發文:
- 7F 2推 1噓
- 看了其他漫畫,再來看嘆息的亡靈 感覺這樣的主角比其他退隊流的主角弱多了 身旁隊友都很強 為什麼克萊反而沒像其他退隊流的劇情被退隊啊? Sent from JPTT on my iPhone …90F 44推 6噓
- 30F 10推
- 24F 12推
- 9F 4推 1噓