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看板 C_Chat
作者 surimodo (好吃棉花糖)
標題 [問題] 推薦的nightcore
時間 Sun Jul  9 14:47:18 2017

小弟只聽過angel and shotgun

圖是狂三 但之後就找不到

獨自背負痛苦  是非常悲傷  也是錯的
我們能夠彼此分享痛苦 打開心扉
跟我建立羈絆吧   kiznaiver 》

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HidekiRyuga: best of my love1F 07/09 14:50
KagamiRaito: nightcore不是極神就是極爛 後者居多 (個人認為2F 07/09 14:51
KagamiRaito: 其實蠻多人排斥nightcore的
KagamiRaito: 我推個 西野加奈的Story
matsubuff: http://goo.gl/3e9np95F 07/09 14:59
e04su3no: https://youtu.be/AjoKvXuSpFc 這首我覺得不錯6F 07/09 15:04
「Nightcore」Aimer ~ StarRingChild - YouTube
Read description for picture-links, requests and suggestions! Buy the song:  Original song by: Aim...

meetyou76: 系列的原點dam dadi do7F 07/09 15:09
Batterygod: 推2樓 大家發現點閱爽賺就開始亂做 另外要我推的話 我8F 07/09 15:09
Batterygod: 推 moonlight shadow
necotume: https://youtu.be/3fym4ZR2ZMU 藤田麻衣子的系列都很棒10F 07/09 15:12
Nightcore - Hotaru 「 Fujita Maiko 」 - YouTube
❖ Subscribe For More Best Nightcore Music ❖ ☛ Follow Me • Facebook :  • Twitter :  • Google+ :

belmontc: 同意二樓 一堆糞混11F 07/09 15:14
Nightcore - B Team - YouTube
Music: B Team - Mariana's Trench [Requested by Saige Gagne] Lyrics in the video, enjoy :) Various links are below ~ Check out my channel's facebook page: htt...

GlowNight246: 看Boxbox的實況就會在收藏莫名多很多首nightcore13F 07/09 15:22
stereopony: 咒語的英文是這個? https://youtu.be/uc3WJT0pObs15F 07/09 15:39
Nightcore - Abracadabra - YouTube
Music: Abracadabra - Jessie J Check out my channel's facebook page:  Join the NightcoreReality community on Dubtrack...

stereopony: 然後可以找找nightcorereality 還蠻多的16F 07/09 15:40
stereopony: https://youtu.be/cXEZu-uIdeI
Nightcore - Sarcasm - YouTube
Music: Sarcasm - Get Scared Lyrics in the video, enjoy :) Various links are below ~ Check out my channel's facebook page:

stereopony: 然後這首原曲跟nightcore版我都蠻喜歡的18F 07/09 15:43
s8510785107: 一堆在油管封面放色情圖騙點閱的...19F 07/09 15:43
touhou8426: 極爛的機率太高 現在看到標題有nightcore的直接跳過20F 07/09 15:46
qoo2002s: 很多nightcore不都升key或加速而已21F 07/09 15:48
qoo2002s: 放色情圖是學EDM的頻道XD
Tookutemo - Nightcore - YouTube
This is the nightcore of Tookutemo - Kana Nishino feat. WISE Enjoy ! -Image link

Nightcore - Overfly - YouTube
This is my new channel from StepzLoli Nightcore =============================================== Song : Overfly Artist : Luna Haruna Anime : Sword Art Onl...

crossworld: Overfly 我覺得超好聽的 完全不會刺耳27F 07/09 15:53
secret0409: 很多nightcore 只是規避版權吧...28F 07/09 15:55
HMKRL: moonlight shadow +129F 07/09 17:55
lv256: 大部分都極爛+130F 07/09 19:40
[Nightcore] Love Is A Beautiful Pain - YouTube
My First Song Editing :) Try This Too :  Enjoyy :)

j147589: 我覺得比原版好 可以不要rap就更好了32F 07/09 19:50
tamadick6842: left behind 個人最愛33F 07/09 22:51
jeffsuZZ: http://youtu.be/TEsJW9KXuOc  If I Die Young 好聽34F 07/10 15:55
Nightcore - If I Die Young [HD] - YouTube
I decided to upload this amazing song since it was so pretty and I was caught up on requests~ Song: If I Die Young Artist: {Cover by Micheal Henry and Justin...

jeffsuZZ: http://youtu.be/W2H_E_BHdh8  Fuck Away The Pain35F 07/10 15:58
Fuck Away The Pain - Nightcore - YouTube
I love this song allot so i decided to make a lyrics video for it the original song is owned by Devide The Day so dont forget to subscribe and like. Go check...

jeffsuZZ: http://youtu.be/O9ZwN7s20ec  Runnin'36F 07/10 16:00
Nightcore - Runnin' - YouTube
Music: Runnin' - Adam Lambert Lyrics in the video, enjoy :) Try this cover on Spotify  Various links are...


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