※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-26 15:43:51
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [問題] 求超爆幹好笑的片段或漫或圖
時間 Tue Feb 26 10:28:04 2019
諸君! 請貢獻你們的笑點吧
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1STAGudV (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1551148088.A.9DF.html
※ 編輯: extemjin (, 02/26/2019 10:31:45
推 : 等等藍鮪魚在下面貼一堆基德圖1F 02/26 10:31
推 : 沙漠2F 02/26 10:31
推 : 藍鮪魚快出來啊3F 02/26 10:32
噓 : 伸手黨4F 02/26 10:32
推 : 我想要奶子...5F 02/26 10:33
推 : 樓下貼突破大氣層6F 02/26 10:33
推 : 不對啊這沒有大氣層啊!?8F 02/26 10:35
→ : 樓樓上那本是?10F 02/26 10:37
推 : 那本我好像看過..11F 02/26 10:39
推 : 我覺得米奇不妙屋還蠻好笑的XD12F 02/26 10:42
→ : 樓上求解釋13F 02/26 10:43
推 : 那你問屁喔 我該直接跳這句嗎14F 02/26 10:46
推 : 米奇不妙屋www15F 02/26 10:46
*Chika Noises* - YouTube
From Kaguya-sama: Love is war Episode 5. The voice actress of Chika is amazing she can sing, rap, and make various sounds. Volleyball Chika. More noises: htt...
From Kaguya-sama: Love is war Episode 5. The voice actress of Chika is amazing she can sing, rap, and make various sounds. Volleyball Chika. More noises: htt...
推 : 同求解釋米奇不妙屋 我知道迪士尼的米奇24F 02/26 11:01
推 : 想想米奇的原型是那種動物26F 02/26 11:04
推 : 銀魂 長老 請看動畫27F 02/26 11:07
推 : 因為迪士尼有一部米奇妙妙屋…有小孩的都懂吧28F 02/26 11:12
推 : 米奇不妙屋XDD35F 02/26 11:31
推 : 想知道最後兩張圖是什麼37F 02/26 11:38
News reader cannot stop laughing at model falling over! - YouTube If you think this is funny, have a look at this video (don't worry its not spam, its a genuine video. Im not a tit...
Reporter can't stop laughing at Grumpy Cat - YouTube
What happens when Karl Stefanovic takes on Grumpy Cat? Wake up with TODAY Weekdays from 5.30AM / Weekends from 7.00am on Channel Nine. Get more TODAY at: htt...
What happens when Karl Stefanovic takes on Grumpy Cat? Wake up with TODAY Weekdays from 5.30AM / Weekends from 7.00am on Channel Nine. Get more TODAY at: htt...
推 : 最後兩張 極主夫道42F 02/26 11:41
What Old People Do For Fun - YouTube
You Have To Be An IDIOT To Beleve She Is Really Driving Very Funny
You Have To Be An IDIOT To Beleve She Is Really Driving Very Funny
推 : 樓上XDD48F 02/26 11:54
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 385