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作者 標題 [新聞] 一套強奸女性的遊戲再次挑戰steam的政策
時間 Tue Mar 5 12:07:03 2019
Steam game about raping women will test Valve’s hands-off approach
Steam game about raping women will test Valve’s hands-off approach - Polygon
Rape Day is a game that allows players to be a sociopath that can "verbally harass, kill, and rape women." In 2018, Valve said it would allow anything ...
Midway through last year, Valve made headlines after announcing that it would
allow anything on its storefront that was not illegal or “straight up
trolling.” Such a vague edict might explain why, as of this writing, there’
s a visual novel that promises to let you play as a sociopath that can
violate women during a zombie apocalypse. It’s literally called Rape Day.
The game, which is not out yet, is marked as an “adult only” title — which
means that you can’t see it unless you’re logged in to Steam, and have
opted to see games of that nature in your feed. The game’s description,
which lists “evil choices” as a feature, says that it will let players “
verbally harass, kill, and rape women as you choose to progress the story.”
Rape Day boasts that it has over 7,000 words, though judging from writing on
the screenshots, it appears to be an amateur creation. Players will be able
to read through chunks of the story, and occasionally click on outcomes to
the scenarios, which are illustrated with 3D renders of characters.
Valve did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but on the game’
s website, the developer seems aware that its creation is controversial.
“You can’t reasonable [sic] consider banning rape in fiction without
banning murder and torture,” the developer says.
“Most people can separate fiction from reality pretty well, and those that
can’t shouldn’t be playing video games,” the developer continues.
Technically, Rape Day does not appear to violate Steam’s current content
rules, but the developer appears unsure if the game will make it to the final
release without getting banned off the platform. Already, the game has been
modified to avoid potential content issues — in one news update, the creator
says they got rid of a “baby killing scene” in case it gets marked as child
exploitation. Rape Day’s website also lists out a couple of plans of action
for what may happen to the game, and the developer, should anything get taken
“I have not broken any rules, so I don’t see how my game could get banned
unless Steam changes their policies,” the developer wrote. “My game was
properly marked as adult and with a thorough description of all of the
potentially offensive content before the coming soon page went live on Steam.
In the last year, Steam has been criticized for its hands-off approach to
game curation. While it was seen as a boon that the platform allows for games
with sexual content, the fact you have to log in, opt in, and look for the
games in question means that games with LGBT themes are treated the same as
games like Rape Day by the platform.
強姦日 Rape day
含有修改用戶電腦的內容 (就木馬或病毒)
──蒼崎橙子 「空之境界」──
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※ wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam 03/05 12:07
推 : Steam該學GTA戰法了1F 03/05 12:07
推 : steam一定砍2F 03/05 12:07
→ : 尾行系列嗎3F 03/05 12:07
※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 03/05/2019 12:09:23→ : 都末日了,隨便幹什麼都沒關係吧4F 03/05 12:08
推 : 有夠醜5F 03/05 12:09
推 : 原本還有兒童!?6F 03/05 12:09
推 : 最後只準強姦女殭屍7F 03/05 12:10
→ : 改日式畫風就會被秒惹8F 03/05 12:10
推 : 出一套像tower of trampet這種女生到處踩爆男生蛋蛋的遊9F 03/05 12:10
→ : 戲看會不會被關切
→ : 戲看會不會被關切
推 : 這是刻意做出來挑釁女權跟SJW的嗎.....11F 03/05 12:11
推 : 還真是一款簡單粗暴的遊戲XDD12F 03/05 12:11
推 : "沒道理不禁止殺人和虐待卻禁強姦吧"XD13F 03/05 12:11
→ : 簡單粗暴,可以14F 03/05 12:11
推 : 等等,原本還有兒童嗎!15F 03/05 12:11
推 : 幹的好遊戲商xD,繼續審啊死低16F 03/05 12:11
→ : 先弄個妖精打架看看17F 03/05 12:11
推 : 兒童色情死去18F 03/05 12:12
推 : 先不管其他,這美術會不會太醜了啊,可以不要上架讓我荷19F 03/05 12:12
→ : 包噴掉好嗎,我的錢包要更優質一點的,噴得有意義一點啊
→ : 包噴掉好嗎,我的錢包要更優質一點的,噴得有意義一點啊
→ : 所以我說那個還願21F 03/05 12:12
推 : 不是日式畫風 pass22F 03/05 12:12
→ : 結果是只能幹喪屍23F 03/05 12:12
→ : 殺人可以可理解,但虐待或打人OK但強暴不行就很奇妙,都是24F 03/05 12:13
推 : 那應該不分男女都能強幹才對(?25F 03/05 12:13
→ : 會留下陰影不是?26F 03/05 12:13
推 : 之前有個花式暗殺川普的遊戲也沒事R27F 03/05 12:13
推 : 登場人物看起來應該都30路了28F 03/05 12:13
→ : 正常拉 STEAM很多這種主題聳動 內容垃圾騙你花錢的垃圾29F 03/05 12:13
→ : 傻傻的 應該要反過來用女主角到處強姦男人啊30F 03/05 12:13
推 : 幼女!!31F 03/05 12:13
→ : 准大屠殺但是不准作愛32F 03/05 12:13
推 : 美術要是好看一點,他們就會找藉口說是兒童色情了33F 03/05 12:13
推 : 混亂邪惡 這個可以34F 03/05 12:14
推 : 我不行35F 03/05 12:14
→ : 大屠殺也被下架過啊 只是抗議力度太低而已36F 03/05 12:15
推 : 看起來像垃圾遊戲的通常都能過關37F 03/05 12:16
推 : 不如去玩末世孤雄38F 03/05 12:16
推 : 看起來就很爛39F 03/05 12:16
→ : 好像有類似的遊戲啊40F 03/05 12:17
推 : 醜才不會是兒童色情啊41F 03/05 12:18
推 : 用不起來42F 03/05 12:18
→ : 可以強姦跨性別嗎43F 03/05 12:18
推 : 看了一下畫面,幹這個我不行...44F 03/05 12:21
→ : 我覺得會被砍掉..45F 03/05 12:21
→ : 偽善SJW期望的理想國度 那裏沒有任何的人類色情46F 03/05 12:22
→ : 只有更多的喪屍做愛
→ : 只有更多的喪屍做愛
→ : 臉醜,垂奶,too old,莫名其妙的3D ADV48F 03/05 12:22
推 : 簡轉繁?49F 03/05 12:24
推 : 偽善拉基團體最好都不要幹砲 詛咒幹砲一次得性病一次50F 03/05 12:28
推 : 醜到歪頭 一堆歐美GAME都是這種人物 審美觀有差51F 03/05 12:28
推 : 幹 有點想玩看看到底是什麼奇葩遊戲52F 03/05 12:28
→ : 有強姦男性的遊戲嗎?(好奇想問53F 03/05 12:31
→ : 看到縮圖就軟了,這三小54F 03/05 12:35
推 : 這個看起來比日系galgame穩多了啊 擔心啥?55F 03/05 12:36
→ : 仔細想想沒準就是專門做出來反諷SJW的兒童色情標準56F 03/05 12:37
推 : 畫面醜到無言==57F 03/05 12:38
→ : 不奇葩啊,就3D ADV類型遊戲啊。不要以為他是AI人工少女58F 03/05 12:39
→ : 那樣的啊
→ : 那樣的啊
推 : 殭屍我只服佐賀60F 03/05 12:46
→ : 這男的我可以61F 03/05 12:48
推 : 這遊戲美術不就在強姦各位男性的眼球了?62F 03/05 12:50
推 : 沒價錢嗎?63F 03/05 12:50
→ : 這遊戲還沒上64F 03/05 12:50
推 : 沒註冊看不到65F 03/05 12:53
推 : 殺人殺翻天 肚破腸流 血肉橫飛都沒什麼 但是性的東西爆66F 03/05 12:56
→ : 幹嚴格
→ : 幹嚴格
推 : 人好醜= =68F 03/05 13:00
推 : 樓上這就是歐美的低能思想啊,自己的神父高官不知道強69F 03/05 13:02
→ : 姦了多少幼女,在那邊假清高,超噁心
→ : 姦了多少幼女,在那邊假清高,超噁心
推 : 求臭作復刻啊...71F 03/05 13:06
推 : 這明顯是想靠炒話題騙錢的東西 看那畫面就...72F 03/05 13:10
噓 : 風尖浪口 是3小73F 03/05 13:11
推 : 不是日式畫風 Safe74F 03/05 13:17
→ : 不只是幼女 男童也一大堆...
→ : 不只是幼女 男童也一大堆...
推 : 給I社做我買10套76F 03/05 13:22
推 : 這畫風口味太重77F 03/05 13:26
推 : 推簽名檔78F 03/05 13:29
推 : 遊戲而已,SJW也要屁股痛79F 03/05 13:33
推 : 笑死 steam上到處是這種粗製濫造的色情遊戲 這不就是利用80F 03/05 13:37
→ : 話題騙那些反sjw魔人的錢而已www
→ : 話題騙那些反sjw魔人的錢而已www
推 : 呵呵82F 03/05 13:43
→ : 簡單粗暴的遊戲www83F 03/05 14:01
推 : 好醜==84F 03/05 14:06
推 : 沒事沒事,讓我們繼續關心看起來年輕的成年人85F 03/05 14:15
推 : 同人遊戲隨便找都比這好用==86F 03/05 14:17
噓 : 超醜...87F 03/05 14:20
推 : 買88F 03/05 14:44
→ : 准許男性在遊戲裡慘死不准女性在遊戲被強姦 讚89F 03/05 14:47
推 : 噁心,下流,先讓我下載完,之後遊戲商就可以移除了,這麼90F 03/05 14:56
→ : 暴力的遊戲由我一個人承擔就好
→ : 暴力的遊戲由我一個人承擔就好
→ : 強暴比死還痛苦。92F 03/05 15:04
噓 : 那等強制性交比殺人罪責還重時再說 嘴炮仔93F 03/05 15:09
推 : 醜到軟...可以下架了qq94F 03/05 15:12
推 : 腦漿可以亂飛 精液不能亂噴 SJW不就好棒棒95F 03/05 15:39
推 : 畫好看一點的話我就買96F 03/05 15:44
→ : 強姦本來就犯法吧?97F 03/05 15:49
→ : 這種遊戲真的是做來給人玩的...?98F 03/05 15:52
推 : 印象中殺人也犯法99F 03/05 16:22
噓 : 強暴比死還痛苦根本就是屁話,你有死過是嗎100F 03/05 18:49
→ : 遊戲裡面主角殺人好像都是正當防衛 強姦有正當的嗎101F 03/05 19:27
→ : 像UBI遊戲裡面每個目標都會花很多敘述來說他好壞壞
→ : 像UBI遊戲裡面每個目標都會花很多敘述來說他好壞壞
→ : 樓上沒參觀全境的暗區?沒當過聖殿騎士?沒有當海盜搶過英國103F 03/05 20:26
→ : 跟西班牙船?
→ : 跟西班牙船?
→ : 聽起來bassmaster應該死過幾次,所以才有資格講這話105F 03/05 21:45
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