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作者 ss8901234 (絕命六龜葡萄)
標題 [閒聊] 有甚麼適合打王的BGM
時間 Tue Mar 26 00:34:33 2019






怎麼那麼多人斗= =

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daidairu: 覺醒1F 03/26 00:35
lc001188: 戰無不勝2F 03/26 00:35
mod980: you say run3F 03/26 00:35
WARgame723: 呆家布4F 03/26 00:35
nut7470: Secret base5F 03/26 00:36
waitan: 天使降臨的op戰歌6F 03/26 00:36
letshock: 逆轉裁判7F 03/26 00:36
allanbrook: Devil Trigger8F 03/26 00:36
Mabinogi C3 G11S1 BGM - Boss_Uroboros - YouTube
HD Sound:  will upload more later,for now enjoy this

ganymede0204: 熱烈的決鬥者10F 03/26 00:37
kioh: you can see me11F 03/26 00:37
ralfeistein: 癌癌癌癌~~12F 03/26 00:38
chey: 電影配樂都挺適合吧?  神鬼奇航、星際大戰、復仇者聯盟13F 03/26 00:38
waitan: 88889996888814F 03/26 00:38
romsqq: 英雄之證16F 03/26 00:39
arcss: SQEX的遊戲,打王音樂都水準之上17F 03/26 00:41
sgiweg45: 最後是我抖瑪英魯神的BGM過的  JJJJJJJJJ18F 03/26 00:42
ryoma1: https://youtu.be/NFjE5A4UAJI 快用你那無敵的白金之星想19F 03/26 00:43
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders - YouTube JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders

ryoma1: 想辦法啊!20F 03/26 00:43
rockmanx52: https://youtu.be/p1Nmc84Noos 唯一神曲不解釋21F 03/26 00:43
Live-A-Live - Megalomania (Extended) - YouTube
Extended mix of the boss theme from Live-A-Live. God damn, why does every SNES RPG have amazing music? Download links coming soon

siro0207: https://youtu.be/L2HsVzdA8dk  火影的這首22F 03/26 00:43
Boruto Naruto the Movie OST - Spin and Burst - YouTube
This track from Boruto Naruto the Movie Soundtrack is called Spin and Burst, this song plays during Naruto & Sasuke vs Momoshiki Subscribe! Twitter:

roger2623900: -_-23F 03/26 00:45
wuls: Halogen - U got that24F 03/26 00:47
adgbw8728: 熱烈的決鬥者25F 03/26 00:52
solacat: 我以為是妖尾那首26F 03/26 00:55
CowBaoGan: UNICORN27F 03/26 00:56
DON3000: 我覺得都不要有 心中只要有劍28F 03/26 00:58
yam30336: x5,zero vs. x29F 03/26 00:59
siro0207: https://youtu.be/GMK7LK0EtJw  惡魔城月下30F 03/26 01:01
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Death Ballad - YouTube
The 'Death Ballad' music from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

KhazixIsLife: Sans主題曲31F 03/26 01:04
FFXIV OST Fate Boss Theme ( Hard To Miss ) - YouTube
So got a reupload here, had a few requests to extend the length of Hard to Miss because it was so short, so here it is. Will remove the old one in a little w...

Yanrei: FF14這首是近幾年我覺得可以排前幾名的戰鬥曲33F 03/26 01:06
Kamen Rider Wizard OST Track 2 - YouTube
02: It's Showtime The epic battle theme of Wizard! Photo is courtesy of Shishioh's SH Figuarts Wizard Flame Style Review:

siro0207: https://youtu.be/6lqghFDyQuI 閃之軌跡4 BOSS主題曲35F 03/26 01:07
Trails of Cold Steel IV/英雄伝説 閃の軌跡IV - All Battle/Boss Themes - YouTube Music list: 00:00 Battle Theme (Burning Throb) 01:52 Overturn the Disadvantage (Cold Steel III) 03:32 Mid-Boss Theme (Robust One) 05:33 Boss Theme 1 (Endure ...

hhh216045: 無敵是多麼寂寞36F 03/26 01:08
KerLae: 唯一推薦 環太平洋37F 03/26 01:16
axion6012: Megalovania38F 03/26 01:24
Maglev: 覺醒+139F 03/26 01:24
Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Lorian, Elder Prince & Lothric, Younger Prince - YouTube Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight:  Composer: Yuka Kitamura

DaYehNO1: 惡魔獵人5的devil trigger41F 03/26 01:32
yihzin: ff3 battle theme42F 03/26 01:52
GordonJordan: 高潔的教皇43F 03/26 01:59
chopper0811: 怎麼沒有我大妖尾44F 03/26 02:09
Giornno: 皇后大道東45F 03/26 02:12
arthurko3: 柱之男46F 03/26 02:45
gameking16: One punch man打波羅斯的BGM47F 03/26 03:14
gameking16: https://youtu.be/xsYdLeeHiu0
Theme of ONE PUNCH MAN ~Seigi Shikkou~ (Extended) - YouTube
BATTLE!! Extended  Album: One Punch Man: One Take Man Pista 2 Disfruta la música! CREDITS: Composed by: Makoto Miy...

aensland: 看到有人提到星戰 前傳3的安納金vs歐比王很有燦烈感49F 03/26 03:16
aensland: https://youtu.be/YHfAIoc2XbA
Star Wars Episode III-Revenge of the Sith Track 9 - Anakin vs. Obi-wan - YouTube Track 9 - Anakin vs. Obi-wan Star Wars Episode III-Revenge of the Sith Soundtrack [Original Motion Picture soundtrack] (c) 2005 LUCASFILM LTD. & TM. ALL RIGH...

juyac11: 馬勒的交響曲51F 03/26 04:16
laigeorge89: MH的53F 03/26 06:32
WoodPunch: UNICORN54F 03/26 07:34
b77889999: 可能性之獸55F 03/26 09:12
jonhson10: Unicorn56F 03/26 09:14
Senretsu No Ryu (Stage 4-2 Remix) - YouTube
A remix of stage 4-2 from Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Couldn't find it anywhere else so I decided to upload it here.

Irenicus: 黑魂3的黑龍戰BGM http://youtu.be/ag7ECEJ1dAo59F 03/26 10:00
Dark Souls 3 OST: Darkeater Midir (In-Game Extended) by Yuka Kitamura - YouTube NieR: Automata Piano Collections with Vocals:  NieR:Automata A Cappella Collections: ...

panzerschild: Devil trigger60F 03/26 10:13
smes95303: 因為我們是61F 03/26 11:08
scarfman: https://youtu.be/SNAM3I1k1c8 居然沒人提FF7的這首62F 03/26 12:07
scarfman: 《更に闘う者達》!?63F 03/26 12:08
scarfman: https://youtu.be/Oh8MyaZiiI4
FFVII Those Who Fight Further 更に闘う者達 - YouTube
FF7(ファイナルファンタジー7)ボス戦の曲です。後半のボスでは殆ど流れないのが残念。 一周目は原曲再現を目指し、二周目は若干アレンジしています。 Guitar: Drum:


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