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看板 C_Chat
作者 surimodo (好吃棉花糖)
標題 [閒聊] 魔獸台詞
時間 Tue Apr  2 19:38:46 2019




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DON3000: anyone need 網咖1F 04/02 19:40
YoruHentai: 依稀嚕答答 玩德萊尼 NPC很常說奇怪的話2F 04/02 19:40
iovoecu: 時間就是金錢朋友==3F 04/02 19:40
p08171110: 接受一千年的……4F 04/02 19:40
dasuininder: 聖光會…啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊5F 04/02 19:41
dasuininder: 我會點燃你紅潤的臉頰
amsmsk: 經典永不7F 04/02 19:44
munchlax: work work ready to work8F 04/02 19:44
tw15: 歡迎來到Orgrimmar,你是來為部落效力的嗎9F 04/02 19:44
Bewho: 跟我來我知道路…這是什麼惡毒巫術!10F 04/02 19:45
comettsanyue: 迦摩爾會保護大家11F 04/02 19:45
tw15: 曾幾何時的大酋長已經變成滿地爬的廢物12F 04/02 19:45
z72117211: 有什麼我能幫你的嗎?13F 04/02 19:45
amsmsk: 太早惹 你太早叫醒我了14F 04/02 19:45
comettsanyue: 加啦幹15F 04/02 19:45
wate5566: By fire be purged!16F 04/02 19:47
NekoPunch: Your magic is Mine!17F 04/02 19:47
paul26277: I am deathwings,the destroyer,the end of all things18F 04/02 19:47
jeff235711: I smell magic in the air19F 04/02 19:48
ColdLeafOwl: Justice will be done!20F 04/02 19:48
gcobc12632: 哩嘎五妹七網咖21F 04/02 19:49
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Everything PitLord can say in Warcraft III The Frozen Throne A warrior hero, exceptional at weakening enemies and melee combat. These massive Demons take sad...

paul26277: 如此恣意妄為 如此驕縱輕狂 我將懲罰你們25F 04/02 19:53
FelReaver: https://youtu.be/1_n1An8buCQ 開場薩拉醬尖叫注意26F 04/02 19:53
Yogg Saron Audio - YouTube
This is the audio for the main boss in Ulduar(not the last) the Old God Yogg Saron. The beginning is the audio from Sara; Yogg Saron's mortal form whom both ...

thuki: 你媽叫妳去吃飯27F 04/02 19:56
Mydadisgay: 秀 賀爾滿 伊麥口28F 04/02 19:56
abcde79961a: I am blind not deaf29F 04/02 19:56
Mydadisgay: 我記得是半獸人,但忘記是誰的30F 04/02 19:56
lv256: 我是誰 不關你的事31F 04/02 19:58
a2364983: 先知的暴風大地和火焰聽我呼喚32F 04/02 19:58
shuten: 你還沒準備好33F 04/02 19:59
nomorethings: kek34F 04/02 19:59
lv256: @myda storm earth and fire heed my call35F 04/02 19:59
soar1983: 幫你辦喪事需要多少36F 04/02 20:00
lv256: do you want to 網咖37F 04/02 20:01
jasonchangki: 黎牛若音,與全金斯38F 04/02 20:03
Vincent4: 獸人永不為奴!39F 04/02 20:05
Vincent4: 喔抱歉,這好像是FZ征服王的台詞
gn50711: I am hear and obey41F 04/02 20:10
devilezio: 葛雷邁恩的朋友,就是我的朋友42F 04/02 20:14
kerycheng: 秀赫爾滿 那句我記得是獸人薩滿43F 04/02 20:25
kerycheng: 還是食人魔有點忘了
fragmentwing: no king rules forever45F 04/02 20:28
iwcc: warriers of the night, assemble!46F 04/02 20:28
TravisShaw: 聖光軍團講的話都聽不懂47F 04/02 20:29
EvilCerberus: 這裡歡迎你的金子。48F 04/02 20:32
claus2911: 這是什麼巫術?49F 04/02 20:33
CowBaoGan: I'm blind not deaf50F 04/02 20:35
taiwansibia: Ready for action51F 04/02 20:39
asdkindkind7: 哇乾尬黏踢踢欸53F 04/02 20:56
ieyfung: 你還是沒有準備好啊54F 04/02 20:59
sdd5426: you're my king?l didn't vote for you55F 04/02 21:00
xul4y3cl6123: lol tar56F 04/02 21:08
r901700216: 沒有永遠的王57F 04/02 21:09
holybless: 把你做成魔精!58F 04/02 21:27
skyblue0079: 下一杯 勃起59F 04/02 21:36
md051422: 願風指引你的道路60F 04/02 21:42
ken327639: My life for ner ‘zual (奶子),聽說巫妖王是巨乳妹61F 04/02 21:45
ken327639: 子!
bl00din: break yourselves upon my body63F 04/02 21:54
lazulum: 之翼,你要不要向大家解釋一下64F 04/02 22:01
home29251347: blood and thunder65F 04/02 22:05
renakisakura: 為了希瓦娜絲的勝利66F 04/02 22:09
ysc1213: 喔天,已經沒有復活吧我的勇士了67F 04/02 22:12
Litan: 希瓦納斯音迴演唱會,門票只要8800,希望她會來...68F 04/02 22:13
AppleApe: Watch and learn69F 04/02 22:22
jack19888658: 我們曾經壓迫眾生70F 04/02 22:45
kning: the future is our71F 04/02 22:52
bhmtkkk1234: 關門 放狗! 以前即時通的嗆聲娃娃72F 04/03 00:05
umdfk: 但是代價是什麼呢73F 04/03 00:59
nutted: storm earth and fire heed my call74F 04/03 02:21
anan1411: en taro tassadar75F 04/03 02:37
fay2000: 時間就是金錢朋友76F 04/03 14:58

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