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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-12 09:11:17
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作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 [閒聊] 魔戒粉絲不滿影集中的女矮人沒有鬍子
時間 Sat Feb 12 06:18:30 2022

Lord of the Rings fans demand female dwarves with beards
Lord of the Rings fans demand female dwarves with beards | GamesRadar+
Lord of the Rings fans aren't happy about the Prime Video TV show ...


New pictures from the upcoming Lord of the Rings TV show are here – but fans
aren't happy about one particular detail.

In J.R.R Tolkien's works, female dwarves are depicted with beards. In the
Prime Video TV show, though, Sophia Nomvete's dwarf Princess Disa has been
revealed to have suspiciously smooth cheeks.

"I can't believe they gave short hair only to male elves and no beard to
female dwarves You're so weak guys," was one response, while another was more
measured: "I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this character and
the other dwarves as well. I would have liked to see more of a beard though
(and the lack of body hair also bothers me? ). But other than that she looks

"If they give all male elves short hair and all female dwarves no beards....
embarrassing nonsense," commented one fan.

"I just want female dwarves with BEARDS Give me dwarrowdams with braided and
beaded beards!!!!! Please!!!!! The heart wants what it wants and it's BEARDED
DWARF WOMEN!!" said another person on Twitter.

"Where's her beard? Amazon you bastards, stop shaving Dwarves!
#bringbackthebeard #justicefordwarves" called another.

One response in particular was very strong: "GIVE THE FEMALE DWARVES BEARDS,

But, one Redditor spotted what might be some faint facial hair.

It wasn't enough to satisfy, though: "If you have to circle her beard it's
not beard enough"

And then there's someone only now discovering the raging debate: "just
learned that female dwarves in lord of the rings had beards"

We'll have to wait and see if a beard materializes on Disa in the series,
which is due to arrive this September 2. In the meantime, check out our guide
to the best shows on Amazon Prime to fill out your watchlist.







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wahaha99: 白虎吧(欸不是1F 02/12 06:19
RamenOwl: 黑矮人2F 02/12 06:19
g9591410: 黑人沒有鬍子(X3F 02/12 06:20
wizardfizban: 其實這真的鬧大搞不好會受到SJW觀注4F 02/12 06:21
wizardfizban: 因為原作設定記得是只有矮人自家人才分的出男女
Inelegant: 不講看不出來是矮人 矮是沒很矮 壯好像也沒多壯6F 02/12 06:21
wizardfizban: 外人分不出矮人的男女性差異7F 02/12 06:21
wizardfizban: 所以這位公主應該男裝加鬍子才對
koromo1991: 有SJW在 誰還需要尊重原作9F 02/12 06:27
AbukumaKai: 可能鬍子是父權象徵10F 02/12 06:29
PekoMiko: 怎沒順便燒一下矮人的身高歧視?先前白雪公主不是才燒過11F 02/12 06:29
Sessyoin: 這都是個啥啊12F 02/12 06:33
rock5421: 啊不是  矮人也有黑白分  黑矮人是啥13F 02/12 06:50
egg781: 黑鐵矮人阿,沒看過膩?14F 02/12 06:51
egg781: 黑石深淵裡很多
meredith001: 精靈獸人都有黑人矮人怎不能有16F 02/12 06:59
hiphopboy7: 又是尼哥 哇操17F 02/12 07:02
joe199277: 茉艾拉?18F 02/12 07:02
sarevork: 茉艾拉是銅鬚家 是白的 她老公黑鐵才是黑的19F 02/12 07:10
undeadmask: 終於找一個男演員說他是女的時代要到了嗎20F 02/12 07:15
chanceiam: 看不出來才叫平權21F 02/12 07:17
NanaoNaru: SJW:叫女人戴鬍子演戲太不尊重了22F 02/12 07:43
abysszzz: 那全部矮人都用男的去演就解決了23F 02/12 07:47
abysszzz: 女的矮人是當他在演的時候性別認同是女的
IHateNMR: 請參考異世界風俗娘25F 02/12 07:48
w3160828: 找個黑人演銅鬚就算了 還沒有鬍子 SJW成這樣?26F 02/12 07:52
grandzxcv: 托爾金是混蛋沙豬啦27F 02/12 07:59
spfy: 穩了 一定大賣28F 02/12 08:06
milkBK: 哩供三小 鬍子?29F 02/12 08:09
louispencer: 大家都進來吧30F 02/12 08:13
NanaoNaru: 叫男人去演女矮人可能真的會比較有效果31F 02/12 08:29
PunkGrass: 刮掉了不行嗎32F 02/12 08:34
watwmark: 獵魔士第二季倒是有出現一隻有鬍子的女矮人33F 02/12 08:39
a87192611: 看了這張照片和預告片,覺得還是不期不待好了...34F 02/12 08:40
wizardfizban: 鬍子是矮人身份象徵 怎可能刮掉35F 02/12 08:42
taohjca: 都找黑人演精靈了 沒鬍子的矮人意外嗎36F 02/12 08:53
ziff: 托爾金根本不了解魔戒37F 02/12 08:54
gibbs1286: 對啊,怎麼沒有鬍子38F 02/12 08:54
ed123123: 以為某族群在鬧,原來是設定就這樣,嗯嗯39F 02/12 09:07
xaxa0101: 托爾金懂什麼魔戒40F 02/12 09:07

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