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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-15 19:57:17
看板 C_Chat
作者 ro711k (小暉仔)
標題 [閒聊] 艾爾登法環裡面有放像色情語音的東西(雷
時間 Wed Dec 15 19:00:19 2021





Long ago, general Radahn challenged the swirlling constellation, and in a crus
hing victory arrested their cycles.
 Slay the God Marika, who cursed us all.
 Good lord host, I beg you, we must see the eternal city.
 I stole a fragment of the rune of death and used it to forge the god slaying
black knives to fear some rights.
 I have slain the body I was borin into and casted away.
 How can I help you at the end of earth?
 Now we find ourselves at a festival of combat, pitted against Radahn, once th
e strongest demigod.
 Take a look around, the round table hold is burned, razed to the ground.

Normally this ritual would involve killing one's own maiden and recanting the
wisdom of the two fingers.
 (這兩句疑似梅麗娜: )
 1. I will kill you, as sure as night follows day.
 2. Our accord ends here.
 Are they aware of the star that struck limgrave?
 The last queen of Caria, Rennala of the full moon.
 (按照此前爆料,應該是這位)【圖片】I'll be a maiden, and you, surely a lord.
 Melt it all away, this is lord of chaos.

 Hurry up and die! you wretched thief!
 Godric! You filthy slug!
 It would surely open, the three fingers wil welcome you.
 To the snowing mountain tops of the giants, far above the clouds.
 A Knight who will assit luminary morg, the lord of blood in the establishment
 of a new dynasty.
 一個將協助血王Luminary Morg建立一個新王朝的騎士。
 I, Journey to the east, where I intend to further education in the ways of wa
 The one who walks alongside flame.
 I am the great jar warrior, the fist Alexander! I was created to be a warrior
 我是大罐戰士,鐵拳亞歷山大! 我是出於戰士容器而被創造出來。
 See the wrath of golden order, the order's justice written in blood!
 Did you know, if you are grafted by the spider, you become a chrysalid.
 But, how did you find the round table?

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Koyomiiii: 不愧是冰與火www1F 12/15 19:01
RamenOwl: 戀愛模擬器有性愛場景很正常2F 12/15 19:01
horseorange: 要聽第一個的 旁邊有人記得先戴耳機3F 12/15 19:02
deflife: Let me innnnnn4F 12/15 19:02
ABoxOfChoco: 那個色色的語音聽起來像是女性NPC在喝甚麼東西的樣子5F 12/15 19:03
cleverjung: 可以色色6F 12/15 19:03
ZunYin: 射惹ㄦ7F 12/15 19:04
Nico0214: 其實血源的舊獵人工坊也有8F 12/15 19:04
roea68roea68: 可以色色9F 12/15 19:05
BBguy: 那個抿著嘴而發出的呻吟聲也太瑟了吧10F 12/15 19:07
silomin: 這種有意思的語音和對話從惡魔靈魂就有了阿 應該也算特色11F 12/15 19:07
IAMCSH: 看 ! 我爸也聽到了12F 12/15 19:09
willytp97121: 以前血源詛咒的血之聖女的台詞也都跟A片沒兩樣13F 12/15 19:11
bc0121: 帕奇,又有你!果然他才是魂系列的真主角14F 12/15 19:11
qweertyui891: 不可以色色15F 12/15 19:12
sillymon: 又是你,我就知道是你,你最色16F 12/15 19:12
s8018572: 又有帕奇==17F 12/15 19:16
qaz95677: ==18F 12/15 19:18
OlaOlaOlaOla: 八成又是什麼巫女吃柿子,我才不要不會上當咧19F 12/15 19:19
naideath: 帕奇! 又是你! 你最狗!20F 12/15 19:24
undeadmask: 還有比卿子割手指更色的嗎?21F 12/15 19:49

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