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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-08-02 22:24:05
看板 C_Chat
作者 than09138 (悔改中)
標題 [閒聊] 有哪首op Ed是聽到現在還是很經典?
時間 Tue Aug  2 20:46:56 2022


有些op Ed不管時間過了多久

每次聽到都還是會覺得好聽 經典。甚至百聽不膩



2.Dan Dan 心魅(龍珠GT)

3.deca dence op

每次聽yet隨機播歌 有剛好聽到這幾首




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kiki41052: 棋魂的歌 鋼鍊的歌 鋼彈SEED的歌1F 08/02 20:47
dklash: just wild beat communication2F 08/02 20:49
MidoriLOVE: K-ON OP ED都經典3F 08/02 20:50
abcs4587888: first kiss4F 08/02 20:52
abcs4587888: i say yes
abcs4587888: you're the one
abcs4587888: i'll be there for you
aaaaooo: 光之旋律8F 08/02 20:53
d125383957: Northern lights9F 08/02 20:55
wateryc: 舊版獵人、海賊前期的op、火影、鋼鍊、家教的LMC唱的、10F 08/02 21:01
wateryc: 數碼寶貝的進化BGM,寶可夢無印op,無頭騎士異聞錄,太
wateryc: 多了冏
MapleLA: So everything that makes me all13F 08/02 21:01
wateryc: 阿還有結界師的get away from here 跟一首很惆悵的插曲14F 08/02 21:02
ssarc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vIiN6WTSOI 砂上之夢15F 08/02 21:03
wateryc: 初代遊戲王的也很讚16F 08/02 21:04
ssarc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb7-omhsaW8  17F 08/02 21:05
ssarc: LASTEXILE ED ~over the sky~
key123987: 寒蟬第ㄧ季ED19F 08/02 21:08
ssarc: Slayers NEXT Opening (Give a reason)20F 08/02 21:08
ssarc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vIux5EO7ck
loboly: 夜明前 TMR!!!!23F 08/02 21:10
newest: 殘酷天使24F 08/02 21:10
loboly: GTO OP225F 08/02 21:11
Wardyal: 艦娘26F 08/02 21:11
ps3get0001: GTO的oped都不錯27F 08/02 21:15
ps3get0001: https://youtu.be/dlodmmh4XIE
ps3get0001: ed2
thbw666: 灌籃高手30F 08/02 21:26
chijiaojiao: 學校有鬼ed  sexy sexy31F 08/02 21:30
chijiaojiao: 日常op
KALAKA: 家庭教師的listen to the stereo33F 08/02 21:32
KALAKA: https://youtu.be/OLXakRCP2Jw
kurakisho: 閃電霹靂車35F 08/02 21:33
KALAKA: 還有天元突破和kill la kill的op ed36F 08/02 21:34
sandiegopadr: butterfly37F 08/02 21:35
akane1234: 亂馬/幸運女神/金田一38F 08/02 21:44
d92103d32: 少年少女 名前のない怪物 Imagination40F 08/02 21:50
mk1689: 元氣小子41F 08/02 21:51
akimine1124: 犬夜叉,死神42F 08/02 21:55
DolceVitter: 通靈王43F 08/02 21:56
tomsonchiou: 奶油飛44F 08/02 22:03
marquelin: 殘酷天使45F 08/02 22:04
shinchung: VORACITY46F 08/02 22:07
oasis1222: K-on47F 08/02 22:10
YKazuma: https://youtu.be/oDdf5BlQoOc48F 08/02 22:10
YKazuma: 0083兩首op都覺得很讚

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