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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-08-02 23:26:04
看板 C_Chat
作者 Conan5566 (大哥沒有輸!)
標題 [閒聊] 今天下機的是另一個大奶議員會怎樣?
時間 Tue Aug  2 23:09:28 2022





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oldk13: nanomachine son1F 08/02 23:10
RoaringWolf: 會跨下看你2F 08/02 23:10
mayolane: Standing here, I realize3F 08/02 23:11
backzerg: 靠杯 我還真的看到標題第一個想到他4F 08/02 23:11
knight45683: 奈米機...欸 真的是他喔5F 08/02 23:12
jqp050502: nanomachine son6F 08/02 23:12
kramasdia: 蛋已經很貴了 先不要7F 08/02 23:12
h60414: 他能空手接飛彈8F 08/02 23:12
maple2378: Don’t fuck with this senator9F 08/02 23:13
s6031417: 中國敢惹他就等著被當雞蛋打了10F 08/02 23:13
oldk13: 這咖還需要什麼護送11F 08/02 23:13
SALEENS7LM: DIE!DIE!DIE!12F 08/02 23:14
ss8901234: 笑死13F 08/02 23:14
laugh8562: 這誰...14F 08/02 23:15
storewater: Die you piece of shit15F 08/02 23:15
LAODIE: 我想去接機16F 08/02 23:15
oldk13: 阿姆斯壯17F 08/02 23:16
jerryhd921: 如我所料18F 08/02 23:16
RAPPIRANGAI: 那農馬杏桑19F 08/02 23:16
wmp12linux: 雷電表示20F 08/02 23:16
backzerg: i have a dream21F 08/02 23:16
twmacaron: standing here i realized22F 08/02 23:17
RDcat: Can't fret over every egg23F 08/02 23:17
TeamFrotress: End war as a business!24F 08/02 23:17
storewater: Don’t fuck with this senator25F 08/02 23:18
Koyomiiii: 瓦力26F 08/02 23:18
protess: nanomachine son27F 08/02 23:18
melzard: Why won't you die!28F 08/02 23:18
jasonx105: 認真說,Armstrong可能會假裝墜機幫美國掰一個出兵理由29F 08/02 23:19
knight77: Making mother of all omlette here30F 08/02 23:19
jasonx105: Can't fret over every egg.31F 08/02 23:19

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