※ 本文為 GeniusKiKi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-02 00:56:15
看板 Android
作者 標題 [軟體] Google Play 0.25 鎂最終日清單
時間 Mon Oct 1 04:33:44 2012
via. http://bit.ly/RsWSZx
1. Horn http://goo.gl/7QwgB
Horn™ - Android Apps on Google Play
Visually Stunning 3rd person Adventure Exclusive To Mobile! HORN is a 3rd person action adventure game - a completely unique experience where anyone can fully explore ...
Smart Tools - Android Apps on Google Play
Measure length, angle, distance, height, direction and sound with your phone. Smart Tools is a complete package of 5 app sets. It includes 5 Pro sets for a total of 15...
Scramble With Friends - Google Play Android 應用程式
Scramble With Friends™ - The fast, fun word-finding game everyone's playing! The wait is over! Play the deluxe version of Scramble With Friends™ ! ★ EARN TOKENS TWICE ...
Gravity Guy - Android Apps on Google Play
★ HD graphics
★ Multiplayer mode to 4 players
★Two game modes Story and Practice In a world where gravity laws were broken, a brave guy, was held captive for defying ...
★ Multiplayer mode to 4 players
★Two game modes Story and Practice In a world where gravity laws were broken, a brave guy, was held captive for defying ...
SketchBook Pro - Android Apps on Google Play
For everyone who loves to draw - Autodesk SketchBook. Autodesk® SketchBook® Pro for Android is a professional-grade paint and drawing application, optimized specifical...
The Dark Knight Rises - Android Apps on Google Play
Become Batman and save Gotham City from the biggest threat it's ever faced. The epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy arrives on Android in t...
Nova Launcher Prime - Android Apps on Google Play
Highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement for Android 4.0+
Nova Launcher Prime unlocks the following features in Nova Launcher:
Drawer Groups:...
Nova Launcher Prime unlocks the following features in Nova Launcher:
Drawer Groups:...
Kids Numbers and Math - Android Apps on Google Play
A fun way for kids to learn numbers and build basic math skills. Wouldn't it be just wonderful if there was a simple game for preschoolers that made learning numbers a...
Air Control - Android Apps on Google Play
You are the air traffic controller helping the planes safely to ground. SALE THIS WEEK - HALF PRICE.
In this simple yet surprisingly addictive drawing game you take o...
In this simple yet surprisingly addictive drawing game you take o...
SPY mouse - Android Apps on Google Play
Danger. Intrigue. Stealth. Cheese… Agent Squeak *is* SPY mouse! Danger. Intrigue. Stealth. Cheese… SPY mouse! Embark on a journey of epic proportions from the makers o...
Haunted House HD - Android Apps on Google Play
Enter and explore a spooky haunted house - in true 3-D. From the creators of Ocean HD, My Beach, Christmas HD, Season Zen, and Celtic Garden comes a spooky 3D live wal...
Great Big War Game - Android Apps on Google Play
"Just buy it, plain and simple."
IGN.com - 95% "Amazing" (Editor's choice) Taking military "advice" from the ridiculous generalissimo, can you battle your way through ...
IGN.com - 95% "Amazing" (Editor's choice) Taking military "advice" from the ridiculous generalissimo, can you battle your way through ...
Guns'n'Glory WW2 Premium - Android Apps on Google Play
Enter the battle and lead your troops to glory! Explosive defense action in World War II!
* Play without ads and start with 100 Glory Coins! *
Grab your bazookas and...
* Play without ads and start with 100 Glory Coins! *
Grab your bazookas and...
Air Control HD - Android Apps on Google Play
You are the air traffic controller helping the planes safely to ground. SALE THIS WEEK - HALF PRICE.
HD version of one of the all time most popular Android games! Spe...
HD version of one of the all time most popular Android games! Spe...
以上共 14 款
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: bestpika 來自: (10/01 04:37)
推 :我記得好像有五天!?1F 10/01 04:38
推 :這是第五次了啊@@
推 :這是第五次了啊@@
→ :我記得是 27 開始的?3F 10/01 04:50
→ :應該是 好快 Q_Q4F 10/01 07:19
→ :不過今天的真殺
→ :不過今天的真殺
推 :還有一天吧6F 10/01 07:19
→ :有nova耶 酷7F 10/01 07:39
推 :算錯了,真的最後一天了 !有apex 讚8F 10/01 07:44
推 : 謝謝9F 10/01 07:50
推 :囧 看錯了是nova10F 10/01 08:00
→ :大顆奶升起必買啊!!!11F 10/01 08:28
推 :黑暗騎士我買原價@@ 幹!12F 10/01 08:50
→ :黑暗騎士評價好像還好…重點是需求很高啊QQ13F 10/01 09:51
推 :dark knight沒有蜘蛛人好玩,強力推薦horn, smart tool14F 10/01 09:56
→ :gravity guy, the great big game, haunted house好玩但
→ :沒看解答玩不下去XD
→ :gravity guy, the great big game, haunted house好玩但
→ :沒看解答玩不下去XD
→ :大大大戰爭和士兵守塔都滿好玩的!17F 10/01 10:00
→ :hunted house我看說明影片不是動態桌布嗎?
→ :hunted house我看說明影片不是動態桌布嗎?
推 :horn非terga不能玩19F 10/01 10:19
推 :不好意思haunted house我搞錯了orz20F 10/01 10:30
推 :請問該怎麼用bluestacks 購買for 平板使用的程式?21F 10/01 10:43
推 :NovaLauncherPrime用bluestacks找不到..有人跟我一樣嗎?22F 10/01 11:48
→ :bluestacks沒辦法買Nova Launcher Prime 和 horn23F 10/01 11:54
→ :因為BS是2.3系統吧 看不到 至於horn限制Tegra24F 10/01 12:07
推 :原來如此…看來我無緣了25F 10/01 12:12
推 :Horn和黑暗騎士都是容量怪獸啊 一個1.71G一個1.80G26F 10/01 12:49
推 :Nova Launcher不錯 裡面徹底繁中化了 一個殘體字都沒有
推 :Nova Launcher不錯 裡面徹底繁中化了 一個殘體字都沒有
→ :1.71跟1.8能不能放外部記憶體啊?不然一般的手機馬上爆掉28F 10/01 13:03
推 :推Smart Tools與Nova Launcher29F 10/01 13:57
推 :買不到sketchbook pro- -要怎麼買?30F 10/01 14:31
推 :去買台平板就能買31F 10/01 17:37
推 :黑暗騎士是不是下載不了啊,試好多次了QQ32F 10/01 18:08
推 :GN 將 build.prop 改成 N7 表示可買 Sketchbook Pro 和 Horn33F 10/01 18:31
→ :反正商品綁帳號... 以後換其他裝置時就用得到了
推 :btw 真希望明天來一次全面大開放... 先前錯過了好多沒買 Q_Q
→ :反正商品綁帳號... 以後換其他裝置時就用得到了
推 :btw 真希望明天來一次全面大開放... 先前錯過了好多沒買 Q_Q
推 :樓上J大可否將「GN 將 build.prop 改成 N7」詳細說明一下36F 10/01 19:00
推 :ro.product.model=Nexus 737F 10/01 19:05
→ :話說GN怎會不能買horn 我是KFmodel改GN就可以買horn
→ :話說GN怎會不能買horn 我是KFmodel改GN就可以買horn
推 :我也不知道耶,改成 N7 後才跑出來的,而且 Horn 不是 Tegra39F 10/01 19:09
→ :限定?
→ :我的作法是改:「ro.product.model=Nexus 7」
→ :「ro.product.manufacturer=asus」,然後我一開始買不到
→ :Sket. Pro,後來是改「ro.sf.lcd_density=160」同時清除Play
→ :商店的資料,重新啟動後才顯示包括Air Control HD在內的APP
→ :提醒:請「務必」備份 build.prop 檔案
→ :限定?
→ :我的作法是改:「ro.product.model=Nexus 7」
→ :「ro.product.manufacturer=asus」,然後我一開始買不到
→ :Sket. Pro,後來是改「ro.sf.lcd_density=160」同時清除Play
→ :商店的資料,重新啟動後才顯示包括Air Control HD在內的APP
→ :提醒:請「務必」備份 build.prop 檔案
推 :請問一下要怎麼買目前裝置不支援的?XD46F 10/01 20:53
推 :樓上爬一下推文47F 10/01 21:14
推 :sket.pro比mobile版好用很多耶~不過手機好像不能裝pro48F 10/01 21:50
→ :有什麼辦法能讓note也裝成是pro嗎
→ :有什麼辦法能讓note也裝成是pro嗎
推 :請問以上GN的改法是每個手機都適用嗎?50F 10/01 22:19
※ 看板: Android 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 276