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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-17 21:50:53
看板 Baseball
作者 dragon803 (miComet真可愛)
標題 [情報] Kris Bryant去落磯
時間 Thu Mar 17 06:24:43 2022

Third baseman Kris Bryant and the Colorado Rockies are in agreement on a seven
-year, $182 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.

三壘手Kris Bryant跟科羅拉多洛磯簽下7年1.82億的合約

Jeff Passan
Third baseman Kris Bryant and the Colorado Rockies are in agreement on a seven-year, $182 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.

The Rockies shipped out a franchise third baseman in Nolan Arenado and now the
y bring in another in Kris Bryant on a massive deal: seven years, $182 million
. Bryant at Coors Field should be something to see. @JonHeyman had the deal fi

洛磯賣掉了他們隊史最棒的三壘手之一Nolan Arenado,現在用一個大合約引進了Kris Br
yant,Bryant 在庫爾斯球場的表現應該值得一看

Jeff Passan
The Rockies shipped out a franchise third baseman in Nolan Arenado and now they bring in another in Kris Bryant on a massive deal: seven years, $182 million. Bryant at Coors Field should be something to see. @JonHeyman had the deal first.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YCcEkjZ (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1647469486.A.B63.html
※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 03/17/2022 06:26:20
polanco: KB降臨丹佛1F 03/17 06:25
DearAm: 熊粉祝福2F 03/17 06:27
pzhao: 沒來我費...QQ3F 03/17 06:28
ganlinlowsu: 走了納豆 來了老大4F 03/17 06:30
web946719: 不是 洛磯丟納豆丟心酸的5F 03/17 06:31
zx800524: 落磯到底在幹嘛 現在到底要坦還是要衝6F 03/17 06:32
asakura4: 老大降臨丹佛7F 03/17 06:36
jerry00116: 最謎操作是你洛磯,沒有之一XD8F 03/17 06:37
sam9595: 確實是比納豆便宜吧XD 而且納豆還能換點小菜回來9F 03/17 06:38
Miyanishi25: 丹佛婦女夜驚惶10F 03/17 06:56
※ 編輯: dragon803 ( 臺灣), 03/17/2022 07:05:19
nedsonyy: 坦隊還砸錢…11F 03/17 07:09
oliverchamps: Laoda12F 03/17 07:24
dai26: 身價還能更好的,可惜了13F 03/17 07:42
tim1112: 走了打籃球的KB,來了打棒球的KB。14F 03/17 07:57
RG5678: 恭喜老大15F 03/17 07:59
nuclearbomb: 上山開刷啦!16F 03/17 08:00
a27783322: 啥意思…17F 03/17 08:01
takewind: 上山幫忙賣票18F 03/17 08:08
Aaronko: 丹佛婦女…19F 03/17 08:11
kootiger: 隔壁板的禁忌詞XD20F 03/17 08:13
sdiaa: Arenado自己想走的21F 03/17 08:15
WasJohnWall: Laoda!!!!!!!!22F 03/17 08:17
jeff1013: 在這講會被隔空水桶嗎23F 03/17 08:22
yaes111: 不知道是要坦還是要衝 搞混了24F 03/17 08:25
Notif520: 老大降臨丹佛!25F 03/17 08:31
kuaiphoto: 在這裡講應該不會被捅吧!26F 03/17 09:03
Xyler6561: 整串看下來笑死27F 03/17 09:08
Cueto: 丹佛KB28F 03/17 09:13
bighead71: 預約MVP29F 03/17 09:22
manny875468: 關鍵字都到齊了30F 03/17 09:33
echo3283: 洛磯這操作真的看不懂31F 03/17 09:33
jkduke: 年均2500+32F 03/17 09:34
neo19: 推文真靠北XD33F 03/17 10:00
Ronwill955: 落機34F 03/17 10:30
nashQ: 也太微妙惹哈哈35F 03/17 10:43
AllenHuang: 老大再臨丹佛36F 03/17 10:48
jason7111994: 完全看不懂 …37F 03/17 11:26
shuo1010: 丹佛XD38F 03/17 11:38
KS23: 關鍵字:丹佛 KB39F 03/17 12:20
www115ui8: 再加個職業就滿分惹40F 03/17 12:31
jokepeace: 笑死41F 03/17 13:04
f87992018: 丹佛 KB42F 03/17 13:27
henry0718: 丹佛婦女43F 03/17 17:33
a0921830077: 笑死 老大有納豆強嗎 ??44F 03/17 20:34

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63 
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