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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 Re: [問題] 蘿蔔為什麼要換柯蕭
時間 Thu Apr 14 04:31:42 2022
SportsNet LA
@SportsNetLA"I knew going in that my pitch count wasn’t going to be 100. It’s a hard thing to do, to come out of a game when you’re doing that. We’re here to win. This was the right choice." @ClaytonKersh22 (7 IP, 0 ER, 0 H, 0 BB, 13 Ks) on his perfect outing.
@SportsNetLA"I knew going in that my pitch count wasn’t going to be 100. It’s a hard thing to do, to come out of a game when you’re doing that. We’re here to win. This was the right choice." @ClaytonKersh22 (7 IP, 0 ER, 0 H, 0 BB, 13 Ks) on his perfect outing.
Bill Plunkett
@billplunkettocr#Dodgers Clayton Kershaw says it was “the right decision” to pull him after 80 pitches. “Blame it on the lockout. Blame it on my not picking up a ball for three months (during the offseason)”
@billplunkettocr#Dodgers Clayton Kershaw says it was “the right decision” to pull him after 80 pitches. “Blame it on the lockout. Blame it on my not picking up a ball for three months (during the offseason)”
Bill Plunkett
@billplunkettocr#Dodgers Austin Barnes said Kershaw hugged him after 7th, said “Sorry” they couldn’t finish it together
@billplunkettocr#Dodgers Austin Barnes said Kershaw hugged him after 7th, said “Sorry” they couldn’t finish it together
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YLpCpeF (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1649881907.A.A0F.html
※ 編輯: Darvish5566 ( 臺灣), 04/14/2022 04:34:03
推 : QQ1F 04/14 04:38
推 : 延長春訓,球數還沒拉高怕受傷吧2F 04/14 04:41
推 : 他去年季末又受傷關機了3F 04/14 04:56
差點忘了 直接缺席季後賽推 : 就歷史留名機會和生涯選 選哪個都沒錯...但還是可惜...4F 04/14 05:05
推 : 有的話很好,但不論有無都無損Kershaw的歷史地位5F 04/14 05:07
※ 編輯: Darvish5566 ( 臺灣), 04/14/2022 05:11:36推 : 柯蕭就算沒這場PG也歷史留名 預約名人堂了 生涯實績擺在7F 04/14 05:25
→ : 那
→ : 那
推 : 感覺現在柯蕭的心態真的只要球隊能贏球就好的心態在投球9F 04/14 05:27
→ : ,其他的功成名就對他而言真的都錦上添花而已
→ : ,其他的功成名就對他而言真的都錦上添花而已
→ : 顆蕭已經是一條腿踏進名人堂的大投手了 有沒pg其實對他的11F 04/14 05:46
→ : 成就沒太大影響
→ : 成就沒太大影響
推 : 其實不能怪Roberts16F 04/14 07:26
推 : 好屌,三個月沒丟球,短春訓完直接開殺17F 04/14 07:28
推 : 克蕭現在要的是投到40歲吧18F 04/14 07:29
推 : 200勝比較重要20F 04/14 07:36
推 : 他最近就常常進IL,想保養正常21F 04/14 07:37
推 : x6大那張科蕭一臉開心的樣子xD22F 04/14 07:38
推 : 七局pg下總比 9局投到快死被打安打心情好多了24F 04/14 08:09
推 : 再推個 我大柯蕭生涯沒在差一場PG也是穩進古柏鎮的25F 04/14 08:11
推 : 健康出賽>>>>>>記錄 為了拼記錄而受傷不值得26F 04/14 08:14
推 : 8、9局被破的機率很大啊,保養比較重要,已經准名人堂不用27F 04/14 08:20
→ : 靠pg 留名了
→ : 靠pg 留名了
推 : x6大的圖感覺書僮根本沒差吧 才第一場狀況就這麼好29F 04/14 08:25
→ : 爽的勒
→ : 爽的勒
→ : 書僮 is back...31F 04/14 08:54
推 : 拚或不拚都合理,反觀前一篇一堆不知道在罵什麼的罵這32F 04/14 08:57
→ : 麼兇
→ : 麼兇
推 : 不用拚PG啦 他又不缺這個紀錄來拚名人堂34F 04/14 09:12
推 : x6那張書僮中頭獎是不是XDDD35F 04/14 09:12
推 : 以他在球隊的地位不需要勉強投啦36F 04/14 09:56
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 35