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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-15 08:16:52
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 Re: [分享] 今日KBO誇張誤判(被降二軍了)
時間 Fri Apr 15 00:01:15 2022

Jeeho Yoo
Also in #KBO tonight: an umpire got demoted to the minor leagues after butchering a fair/foul call. This phantom 'fair' ball led to an inning-ending DP. The head of the umpiring committee and the league commissioner just happened to be in attendance https://twitter.com/i/status/1514592836821286913 …
이게 어떻게 페어냐고 https://twitter.com/cycle__kim/status/1514591600340451334 …

Also in #KBO tonight: an umpire got demoted to the minor leagues after butcherin
g a fair/foul call. This phantom 'fair' ball led to an inning-ending DP. The hea
d of the umpiring committee and the league commissioner just happened to be in a



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erimow: 這也太誇張1F 04/15 00:02
hung31017: 這太扯了2F 04/15 00:03
carfu: 這.....3F 04/15 00:03
Cohlint: 太扯的判決啊4F 04/15 00:04
cobras638: 這...5F 04/15 00:04
sf88911: 判錯也罷 重點是大人物都在 QQ6F 04/15 00:06
kyo40108: 沒看懂判了啥7F 04/15 00:08
kyo40108: 是判了出棒過半嗎
paulkk: 人站在界外接球結果判界內9F 04/15 00:10
arrojo0412: 超明顯界外判界內10F 04/15 00:10
shernway: 看錯線11F 04/15 00:11
dtonesla: 誇張12F 04/15 00:11
yang421: 界內界外和守備員站那邊沒關係好嗎..是看球的垂直落點呀~13F 04/15 00:11
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/15/2022 00:13:11
alex2426chen: 今天把SSG 11連勝搞掉了14F 04/15 00:13
alex2426chen: 不過今年嚴抓裁判的誤判率  像今天這樣會降二軍+罰$
a8330028: 這球不是接殺嗎? 踩壘為啥還要傳? 是二壘有人?16F 04/15 00:15
paulkk: 也不能說搞掉吧 就算判界外也是接殺踩一壘雙殺不是嗎?17F 04/15 00:15
paulkk: 還是跑二壘那個safe? 不知道後續
timnice: 說降就降 我們的呢?19F 04/15 00:16
QQ101: 看推文就知道 其實棒球很深奧 = =20F 04/15 00:19
paulkk: 恩..虛心檢討 是看落地沒錯21F 04/15 00:21
QQ101: 本壘前一彈跳壘包前出界 一壘手看判決當然先踩壘傳逆雙殺22F 04/15 00:21
paulkk: 喔喔 有落地哦 沒看清楚23F 04/15 00:23
diabolica: 反觀24F 04/15 00:25
e44444: 真扯25F 04/15 00:27
windletterz: 三米線看錯QQ26F 04/15 00:28
SanJoc: 壘審第一時間看錯線了吧27F 04/15 00:29
windletterz: 三呎28F 04/15 00:30
hotrain13: 這真的扯到爆29F 04/15 00:37
Rind: 是不是看錯線QQ30F 04/15 00:56
coffee112: 笑死31F 04/15 01:10
LEEWY: 一定是看錯線,這真的好扯...32F 04/15 02:04
siyow: 是人就會有誤判的時候。這球很可能是把三呎線看成邊線33F 04/15 04:31
Tomie: 看錯線吧 笑死34F 04/15 05:25
SoloHomerun: 反觀............35F 04/15 06:50
wts2008: 他不會以為三呎線也算界內吧?36F 04/15 07:00
ianshadow: 很明顯啊,你看他蹲低認真看,視線就是對齊三尺線XD37F 04/15 07:21

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