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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-06-03 09:37:19
看板 Baseball
作者 haxer (政大加油哥)
標題 [分享] 頑強執著又激情的費城人新秀李灝宇
時間 Fri Jun  3 02:20:00 2022

這是一篇NBC Sports的新聞,本季李灝宇表現十分亮眼,所以我特地翻譯這篇文章跟各位


It’s early in the season, but a series between two Florida State League rival
s is getting chippy. Multiple hitters on both teams have been plunked by oppos
ing pitchers and tempers are hot. Another Clearwater Threshers hitter takes a
fastball in the back. His teammates are giving it to the pitcher from the dugo
ut, calling him everything but a Child of God. Right there with them is Hao Yu
 Lee, shouting unprintable words in a language he has yet to master, just as l
oud, if not louder, than his teammates.


Halfway around the world from his homeland of Taiwan, Lee is not just fitting
in, he’s standing out.


The fiery 19-year-old shortstop who has also logged several games at both seco
nd base and third base this season signed with the Phillies a little less than
 a year ago with a bonus of more than $500,000. He hasn’t stopped working sin
ce. In fact, the Clearwater coaching staff has to remind Lee to take it easy.


“If we let him, he’ll hit for 12 hours,” Threshers manager Marty Malloy sai
d. “But it’s a lot easier to get a player to ease off the gas pedal than to
throttle up, and he’s got the gas pedal mashed all the way down.

長尾鯊隊的總教練Marty Malloy說:「如果我們讓他暢打,他可能會自己做12小時的打擊

“As a coach, sometimes you have to be their biggest cheerleader, but at times
 you have to be the guy to pull in the reins a bit,” Clearwater hitting coach
 Jake Elmore said. “You sometimes have to remind him it’s a [145-game] seaso

長尾鯊隊的打擊教練Jake Elmore則說:「身為教練我們有時候要當他們的最強大後盾支

The book on Lee was that his hit tool was strong and through two months of the
 season, he has been as advertised. He leads the Florida State League in RBIs
(37 in 41 games) and ranks in the top five in OPS (.869), batting average (.28
8), and hits (45).

屬佛羅里達聯盟的打點王 (41場比賽37分打點),攻擊指數 (OPS)、打擊率以及安打也都

He definitely looks ahead of the curve at the plate, and his approach to the g
ame also seems to be one of a more seasoned player.


“Mickey Moniak was rehabbing with us last week, and the only guy I saw pickin
g his brain was Lee,” Elmore said. “He would say ‘How do you lay off that p
itch? What were you thinking?’ “He does stuff 19-year-olds don’t do. Mental
ly, he’s beyond his years, and that’s been the most impressive part.”

Elmore說:「Mickey Moniak (編按:費城人先發中外野手)上禮拜在我們這邊打復健賽,

Lee said he was brought up in the game by traditional, old-school coaches who
told him, “Do you best, or don’t do it at all.” As a freshman in high schoo
l he had a chance to compete against a U.S. team in the U18 Baseball World Cup
. “I saw teams from all over the world and thought, ‘Maybe I could be like t
hem, maybe I can be better,’” Lee said through his translator. “Since I’ve
 gotten here, my goal has always been to get to the major leagues, and that’s
 what drives me.”


Due to the 12-hour time difference between New Taipei and Clearwater, Lee said
 he only speaks to his friends and family one or twice a month, but they text
often. He didn’t get to watch much American baseball growing up, but his favo
rite player is Yankees slugger Giancarlo Stanton.

手Giancarlo Stanton。

When asked what he misses most about home? “Food,” he said. “Pork braised r
ice and beef noodle.”


Scouts and draftniks love to use player comparisons to project talent in young
 prospects. While Malloy stayed away from giving a name, Elmore likened Lee to
 an A.L. MVP winner.


“His demeanor and his play remind me of Dustin Pedroia,” he said. “He’s ha
rd-nosed, he’ll fight for his team, fight for himself, and he won’t take any
thing from the other team.”

Elmore說:「他的行為舉止和打球方式讓我想起Dustin Pedroia。他頑強執著,為球隊打

好的開季。之前看過球探報告的模板有寫雙城的名人堂球星Kirby Puckett,最近則提到
費城人目前的當家二壘手Jean Segura,兩人身材也都不高大,和李灝宇接近,這次教練


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YcFzKEf (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1654194004.A.3A9.html
sam92084: 不制止他他會暢打12小時XDDD1F 06/03 02:22
asas6122: 推翻譯 話說Puckett應該是雙城的吧2F 06/03 02:23
※ 編輯: haxer ( 臺灣), 06/03/2022 02:30:07
citpo: 推3F 06/03 02:25
Hyman: 感覺很適應美國生活,鬥志旺盛很好4F 06/03 02:41
anyway36: 感謝翻譯5F 06/03 02:41
hipmyhop: 推鬥志6F 06/03 02:43
shortoneal: 吹爆耶7F 06/03 02:45
andy880036s: 推haxer大8F 06/03 02:46
Arodz: 推推9F 06/03 02:46
bestteam: 確實打很好啊 明年應該在百大前5010F 06/03 02:46
Hyman: 他高中腰傷蠻嚴重的  休了半年   保重身體啊11F 06/03 02:47
Illenium: 推!加油12F 06/03 02:52
a48956312: 好像吾郎會做的事,瘋狂練打、問Mickey 問題13F 06/03 02:52
a48956312: 看訪問也敢講他的菜英文,更融入隊友,一起垃圾話,指
a48956312: 日可待
mike13112: 加油!16F 06/03 02:54
weekend88123: 加油17F 06/03 02:57
malikpanda: 推18F 06/03 03:02
Adam6613: 他跟變肥比較少盜壘的Segura真的有像 加油19F 06/03 03:07
aborwang: 推20F 06/03 03:08
WasJohnWall:  百大有機會21F 06/03 03:19
hsgreent: 加油!22F 06/03 04:00
s1004211: 加油23F 06/03 04:05
dewking: 手套能長成peddy那樣嗎?24F 06/03 04:05
TRosenthal: Moniak...好熟悉的名字25F 06/03 04:06
TRosenthal: 他真的能兌現狀元伸手嗎
AHEAD099: Mickey Moniak FG的FV剩40 官網overall 45 完全不像狀元27F 06/03 04:28
hiphop47: 加油28F 06/03 05:31
TS68: 推 加油!29F 06/03 05:34
vigor3: 感覺很融入美國生活,繼續加油!30F 06/03 05:51
cheng31507: 加油31F 06/03 05:59
s6525480: 真的假的 像派迪32F 06/03 05:59
laba5566: 加油啊33F 06/03 06:06
a1c2x3: 加油34F 06/03 06:08
joewang85: 推35F 06/03 06:48
ben1013: 推36F 06/03 07:49
ard27330287: 加油!37F 06/03 07:52
polanco: 推38F 06/03 08:18
huohuai: 加油!39F 06/03 08:20
AAaaron: 感謝翻譯,好期待他40F 06/03 08:30
nlmavs08: 感謝分享41F 06/03 09:08

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