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作者 標題 [分享] 大谷的decision也許不會拖太久
時間 Tue Nov 7 10:14:18 2023
Nov. 6: Could Ohtani's decision come early in free agency?
Free agency opens today, and that means one thing above all else: The Shohei Oht
ani sweepstakes begins. His decision on where to play next season is the obvious
top story of the offseason. However, there is a chance that decision could come
relatively soon.
As Jeff Fletcher of The Orange County Register points out, when Ohtani first mad
e himself available to Major League clubs in 2017, he started meeting with teams
on a Monday and made his choice to play for the Angels by Friday.
Jeff Fletcher指出大谷當年挑戰大聯盟時,他在禮拜一開始跟球隊開會,禮拜五就決定去
It seems unlikely that Ohtani will sign in the very near future; MLB Network ins
ider Jon Paul Morosi said Monday that he doesn't expect a deal to come together
during this week's General Managers Meetings. And we may not hear much from his
representation for a while.
不過這次應該不會這麼快,Jon Paul Morosi說他不預期大谷的合約會在本週末GM會議期間
"The word I keep hearing is that [Ohtani] wants to keep things pretty low key as
the offseason goes along," Morosi said. "And honestly, Aaron Judge took a very
similar approach to last offseason."
Morosi說他一直有聽到大谷在休賽季盡量想保持低調的消息,就跟去年Aaron Judge採用的
For comparison's sake, the reports of Judge's nine-year, $360 million agreement
with the Yankees first broke on Dec. 7. The contract was finalized on Dec. 20.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-11-07 10:14:18
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bIPryVu (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1699323260.A.7F8.html
→ : 去拿法官只有兩隊比較認真追==今年大谷至少10隊吧,要篩1F 11/07 10:15
→ : 選不會那麼快
→ : 年
→ : 選不會那麼快
→ : 年
推 : 這已經跟農場文差不多了4F 11/07 10:16
推 : 果然是流量保證
推 : 果然是流量保證
→ : 一刀流的大谷還會有10隊在追嗎6F 11/07 10:21
→ : 你確定沒有嗎==7F 11/07 10:21
→ : 又不是未來只剩一刀
→ : 又不是未來只剩一刀
推 : OK 有講跟沒講差不多XD9F 11/07 10:21
推 : 標題很international喔10F 11/07 10:23
推 : 大谷的刀一把還在刀匠村鑄刀調整 另一把還能揮吧11F 11/07 10:23
推 : The12F 11/07 10:24
推 : 把天賦帶到13F 11/07 10:27
推 : 他不管只用哪一刀 也都值得追吧14F 11/07 10:27
推 : 這好像傳很久了15F 11/07 10:28
→ : 所以這幾天要狂刷推特的意思XD
→ : 所以這幾天要狂刷推特的意思XD
推 : The decision17F 11/07 10:31
推 : not 1 not 2 3 418F 11/07 10:32
推 : 條子穩了啦19F 11/07 10:33
推 : 聽君一席話 如聽一席話20F 11/07 10:33
推 : 會上直播說把天賦帶去哪裡嗎21F 11/07 10:33
推 : 我條趁著冠軍氣勢 再簽個大谷來拚連霸吧22F 11/07 10:34
推 : 我也是這麼think23F 11/07 10:37
→ : 條子在稅率上也是優勢24F 11/07 10:38
→ : 條子的五億跟其他隊的五億不一樣,實拿金額不同
→ : 條子的五億跟其他隊的五億不一樣,實拿金額不同
→ : NOT 1 NOT 226F 11/07 10:41
推 : The decision27F 11/07 10:44
→ : 這篇article講的很有可能28F 11/07 10:44
→ : 10隊是連宇宙邦都算進去嗎29F 11/07 10:50
推 : 但有講跟沒講一樣,這種超級大約,本就不可能馬上決定30F 11/07 10:50
推 : 大谷有屬意的隊伍了吧31F 11/07 10:50
→ : 那種不可能的就別來亂了,真的很難笑32F 11/07 10:50
推 : 底西菌33F 11/07 11:03
推 : 我晚點傳line問大谷34F 11/07 11:04
推 : 標題應該是LBJ的梗,樓上的看不懂?35F 11/07 11:04
推 : 聽君一席話36F 11/07 11:24
→ : 應該沒有一隊不想要大谷的 但問題是沒那鈔票 懂嗎37F 11/07 11:37
→ : 這種超級約 就算是MLB也沒幾支豪門拿得出手 也是在賭
→ : 這種超級約 就算是MLB也沒幾支豪門拿得出手 也是在賭
推 : The Decision39F 11/07 11:38
推 : Not 1 not 2 not 3 我決定去邁阿密馬林魚40F 11/07 11:48
推 : 好像講了什麼 又好像沒講什麼41F 11/07 12:01
→ : Maybe 已經做好決定只是時機未到42F 11/07 12:02
→ : 下一篇 大谷也許拖很久43F 11/07 12:08
推 : 最晚什麼時候要決定啊?44F 11/07 12:12
推 : 抱歉 我老公想低調45F 11/07 12:22
推 : 大谷:我要把天賦帶到___46F 11/07 12:24
推 : this is for uuuuu47F 11/07 12:40
推 : THE48F 11/07 12:59
推 : 一刀至少就10隊好嗎?二刀估計大概只剩運動家無力49F 11/07 13:14
→ : 可追而已吧
→ : 可追而已吧
推 : 最晚就明年球季開始前要決定去哪隊51F 11/07 13:45
推 : 更正:是春訓開始前
推 : 更正:是春訓開始前
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