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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [分享] 曾峻岳徐若熙 入選FG國際新秀排行榜
時間 Wed Nov 29 11:11:00 2023
入榜的台灣選手中 除了之前入選過的曾峻岳再度入選
現在了龍隊王牌徐若熙也獲入圍 成為第二名受到FG球探認可的台灣新秀
Jyun-Yue Tseng (20名)
Young reliever Jyun-Yue Tseng led the 2022 and 2023 CPBL in strikeout rate
among hurlers who threw at least 50 innings, and was the youngest member of
Taiwan's 2023 World Baseball Classic team. He has a power fastball that peaks
at 99 mph and sits 93-96 with flat angle created by his lack of height. At
5-foot-8, Tseng is short but he isn't small, and his lower body is incredibly
strong and flexible, helping quell concerns about any kind of durability
issues. Conversely, Tseng enjoys the benefits of having a lower release
height because he's so short, which helps the bat-missing shape of his
fastball. The finish of his slurve is rather inconsistent, but it's possible
a big league dev program will quickly improve that part of his game. He looks
like a solid middle reliever by virtue of his fastball, and he has a chance
to be a more impactful, higher-leverage contributor if an MLB team can
improve his breaking ball. Somewhat surprisingly, he filed for international
free agency after the 2023 season. Because he isn't old enough to be exempt
from MLB's international bonus restrictions (he has neither the foreign pro
experience nor the requisite age to be a true free agent), it's probable an
NPB team will trump what MLB clubs could offer Jyun-Yue this offseason. MLB
teams with late-market 2023 international bonus pool space should at least
kick the tires on this guy just in case he can be coaxed here instead.
最快99mph 下半身很壯
光靠直球就能當可靠的中繼投手 如果變化球加強還有可能擔任更重要的職務
Jo Hsi Hsu (40名)
A Tommy John surgery kept Hsu from pitching in 2022. When he returned very
late in 2023, only in time to pitch roughly 15 innings before the end of the
season, his stuff was back. Hsu sat 94-96 during three-inning bursts and
mixed in three different secondaries. Command and secondary development were
paramount for him before the injury, as he showed big velo during his age 20
rookie season in Taiwan. It looked like he might have leveled up his mid-80s
slider and splitter, as well as a slower curveball, at the end of 2023. He's
very wiry and has a pretty violent delivery, so I'm projecting him to the
bullpen in the U.S., but if Hsu can show four good pitches and hold some
semblance of this velocity across an entire healthy season, he'd merit
re-evaluation in this way.
94-96還有三種變化球 因為機制和傷病史所以目前被認為是牛棚料
但如果能健康投滿整季 那就值得重新評價
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: abc12812 2023-11-29 11:11:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bPgl7yy (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1701227463.A.F3C.html
推 : 99mph?1F 11/29 11:13
推 : 若C 讚讚2F 11/29 11:13
推 : 沒古林?3F 11/29 11:15
推 : 北海道火腿台灣隊4F 11/29 11:15
推 : 若C有97mph5F 11/29 11:15
推 : 80仔還扣啊…6F 11/29 11:17
推 : RoC Hsu7F 11/29 11:22
→ : 曾下一個是KBO 80仔耶8F 11/29 11:25
推 : 若C最快不是98嗎?9F 11/29 11:25
推 : 作者沒看冠軍賽嗎10F 11/29 11:26
→ : 他們連影片都沒看幾部吧11F 11/29 11:27
推 : FG的國際新秀榜不是一直都很微妙嗎12F 11/29 11:30
推 : FG新秀排行榜看看就好13F 11/29 11:31
推 : 沒古林微妙14F 11/29 11:33
推 : 若熙讚啦15F 11/29 11:34
推 : 曾快徐3mph?16F 11/29 11:36
推 : 歐力士一指橫山聖哉排1717F 11/29 11:37
推 : 果然被看見了18F 11/29 11:38
→ : 看葉總何時要釋放這頭野獸,完整球季就是考驗19F 11/29 11:39
推 : 最快99 夢裡什麼都有20F 11/29 11:47
推 : 古林短局數應該比曾強21F 11/29 11:47
→ : 各方面
→ : 各方面
→ : 曾峻岳比高橋宏斗和平良海馬還前面?23F 11/29 11:48
→ : 他是指均速 不是急速吧24F 11/29 11:50
推 : 一直強調曾很矮XD25F 11/29 11:52
推 : 橫山聖哉評價怎麼這麼高 都還沒進職棒呢26F 11/29 11:52
推 : 參考參考就好啦 要不然真的認真排 日職要洗版了27F 11/29 11:54
推 : 下半身很壯28F 11/29 11:55
推 : 高喬光成什麼都沒有… 乖乖留一年吧29F 11/29 11:55
→ : 紅豆 80仔 社長 文東珠 盧施煥評價都不高XD30F 11/29 11:55
推 : 曾過譽了吧31F 11/29 11:56
推 : 這看看就好32F 11/29 12:00
推 : 這名單是不是還沒被打爆的時候就有了阿33F 11/29 12:01
推 : 他資訊應該不夠新喔34F 11/29 12:13
推 : 再等一年吧 現在不知道哪一隊敢簽35F 11/29 12:14
→ : 曾被打爆在前面 屠殺古林 文東洙的沒上榜36F 11/29 12:14
推 : 曾:準備承擔重要職務,為了種花隊不惜粉身碎骨!37F 11/29 12:22
推 : 球探評價本來就不會跟鄉民一樣一兩場爆掉就當壞掉38F 11/29 12:25
推 : 怎麼沒古林39F 11/29 12:26
推 : 沒什麼參考價值40F 11/29 12:28
→ : 球探又不是看一兩場國際賽在評分的41F 11/29 12:29
推 : 還是因為古林不是新秀了42F 11/29 12:31
推 : 可是評價比高橋宏斗跟平良好你敢信?43F 11/29 12:48
→ : 兩個都在一軍有實績 高橋宏斗還比較年輕身材比較好耶
→ : 兩個都在一軍有實績 高橋宏斗還比較年輕身材比較好耶
→ : 80仔沒傷前壓制力還比Fedde好,結果比他低一截……45F 11/29 12:50
推 : 曾真的厲害,有國際媒體關注,希望真的能去日本46F 11/29 12:53
→ : 參考而已 現在國際新秀比他們好的更多47F 11/29 13:27
→ : 這種還真的是看一兩場在評分的...48F 11/29 14:56
推 : 球探報告(?) 商品報告(V)49F 11/29 15:57
推 : 所以人家是球探你是鄉民啊50F 11/29 16:12
推 : 大家應該沒忘記古巴中心打線被曾三連斬吧?51F 11/29 20:20
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26
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