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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-02-23 14:43:13
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 大聯盟:正在修正球衣、球褲
時間 Fri Feb 23 09:21:54 2024

MLB players add see-through pants to concerns with new uniforms - ESPN
Add the potential of see-through pants to the growing list of complaints regarding new MLB uniforms set to be used this season. ...


An MLB spokesperson said in a statement that adjustments are being made to the j
ersey size, waist, in-seam, thigh fit and the bottom of pants, based on player r
equests to reps from Fanatics, Nike and MLB, who have been visiting training cam
ps and conducting uniform fitting and feedback sessions with players.

Regarding supplies of the uniforms, the spokesperson said the league is in "clos
e contact with our Clubs and uniform partners to ensure Clubs have what they nee
d for Opening Day."




After visiting over a half-dozen spring camps in Arizona, Clark is getting a cle
arer picture of the complaints.

"A lot of the rhetoric is confirmation that the pants are see-through," Clark sa
id. "It's been an ongoing conversation where each day has yielded something new
that doesn't seem to make as much sense as you would like it."

大聯盟球員工會執行理事Tony Clark



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-02-23 09:21:54
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1br_CqGT (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1708651316.A.41D.html
polanco: 以後沒得看了嗎 好失望1F 02/23 09:22
Axwell: 好可惜(?2F 02/23 09:22
bsKershaw828: 別多管閒事3F 02/23 09:22
BroDians: 我勸你4F 02/23 09:23
frank123ya: 某主席:經過更多測試 這個很受好評5F 02/23 09:24
johnwu: 別多管閒事喔6F 02/23 09:24
mschien8295: 原來愛看透褲的這麼多XDD7F 02/23 09:25
VVizZ: 透褲讚8F 02/23 09:26
hansvonboltz: 某族群票源流失中9F 02/23 09:27
cumsubin: !? 我還想知道誰七月會穿國旗內褲10F 02/23 09:28
Hohenzollern: 透視褲增加女性球迷不好嗎11F 02/23 09:30
PlayStation3: 「今年大聯盟春訓進場觀眾暴增,你有頭緒嗎?」12F 02/23 09:31
instill8: http://i.imgur.com/5PfArOP.jpg 參考啦啦隊13F 02/23 09:31
CactusFlower: 我生氣了 修什麼修14F 02/23 09:32
phix: 笑死 半透明是要幹嘛15F 02/23 09:33
cumsubin: 球難握死都不改 這種改很快 你是什麼 暴雪嗎?16F 02/23 09:33
s860382: 哎….(?!17F 02/23 09:34
AAaaron: 要退快退,不要多管閒事18F 02/23 09:35
octopus4406: 怎麼可以!!還我殺必死!!19F 02/23 09:36
ia220629: 我勸你不要多管..當我沒說20F 02/23 09:40
lazuritechen: 我勸你 啊不是21F 02/23 09:51
l23456789O: 改了那我還進場看什麼22F 02/23 09:51
isaa: 修正,變得更透明,收視率暴漲23F 02/23 10:00
Yjizz: 決定改遇水更透(X)24F 02/23 10:00
AhCheng: 有罵有差?25F 02/23 10:06
kimicino: 殺手鐧要藏起來26F 02/23 10:22
Tim1018: 這樣怎麼欣賞啦27F 02/23 10:41
minihyde: 真是遺憾28F 02/23 10:51
Kunimoto: 還有背號29F 02/23 10:54
terry955048: 哈士奇指人.jpg30F 02/23 10:55
YuXun2021: 繼續透31F 02/23 11:09
muching: 球衣性感一點不錯啊,球員會更注意自己身材不要走樣32F 02/23 11:15
sunnyyoung: 有夠扯33F 02/23 11:19
JerrySloan: 讓你看到一大塊護檔34F 02/23 11:23
qpb852qpb742: 女性觀眾:我勸你不要多管閒事35F 02/23 11:23
tndh: 女性觀眾:建議球褲制服改成leggings36F 02/23 11:26
kelvintube: 原本做好的 不知道會如何處理38F 02/23 11:33
chawer: 改成短褲,跟女快累一樣39F 02/23 11:49
kevinftjiang: 大家愛看,球褲修正透明度++40F 02/23 11:51
ruudge: 改更透+禁止護檔41F 02/23 13:06

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 45 
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